Zombies don't bite me (2)

After sorting out the mess, Lu Qingwan touched the sweat on his forehead and calculated the information given by system A1.

It's the fifth day of the zombie outbreak, which has not reached the level of zombies in the whole city. However, because of human's timidity, they basically don't go out, but those who don't have food in their homes can't stand it.

The real situation of "all the people are zombies" is after 10 days. In these 10 days, some people will break out their powers, and some people will become zombies.

At least in these 10 days, it is relatively safe for the future, and water and electricity are still used as usual.

Lu had no TV at home, so he took out his mobile phone and began to surf the Internet.

Now basically every platform is doing zombies. Some people have posted what they should do when they encounter zombies. Some people have analyzed whether it is safer to stay at home or go out to the base.

It is said that a base has been set up in Kyoto, which is garrisoned by the army.

In other big cities, their own defense bases have been established. Because Lu Qingwan is in a second tier small city, the defense facilities have not been completely established, and the place where the defense is established is in the police station.

There should be a lot of people going to the police station by now.

"Do you think I should go to the police station to hide?" Lu Qingwan is seriously thinking about how to survive.

"No System A1 answers cleanly.

"Why?" Lu Qingwan didn't expect that system A1 refused so cleanly.

"Because your goal is not to keep you alive, but to keep the mission alive."

"But it's only when I live that I can protect my mission." Lu Qingwan said that the life of the mission target is life, and so is her life!

"But the target of the mission is not in this city, and it's useless for you to go to the base in this city."

Lu Qingwan: "Oh, if you don't say that you have a mission, I forget.

Lu Qingwan felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of protecting the target. He looked at his white hands and his new arms and legs. How can he protect others with this posture?

After finishing packing, Lu Qingwan went to take a nice bath. After taking a bath, she again tried to persuade her to adapt to the world.

It's evening after Lu Qingwan's twists and turns. But at this time, Lu Qingwan didn't lift the curtain for the second time. System A1 is too lazy to talk about her.

Just as Lu Qingwan was preparing to cook a dinner for himself, the door suddenly knocked. Lu Qingwan trembled in his hand, and his bowl almost fell.

Lu Qingwan swallowed his saliva nervously, but he didn't make a sound. He just talked to system A1 in his heart: "Xiaoyi, please die. Did the zombie come to the door?"

If there is any entity in system A1, you have to jump up and beat Lu Qingwan hard for a while. What kind of thing can you find? Zombies knock on the door? Do you expect monsters to knock when they eat you? If there is such a polite monster, there is no need for human beings who always stand at the top of morality.

Lu Qingwan felt stupid after asking.

"Who knocked at the door?" Lu Qingwan asked system A1“ In my opinion, it's for you, not for me. "

Lu Qingwan: "I can't answer that.

Lu Qingwan looked outside from the cat's eye. It was a child. Lu Qingwan knew the child and lived opposite.

But the opposite door was open, and the father was watching downstairs with vigilance, holding a watermelon knife in his hand. It seemed that he was afraid that a zombie would suddenly rush up.

The child's mother stood on the side of the door, fingers tightly clasping the security door, a ready to close at any time. There is also a young man in his early twenties, with Korean flax hair color, who is even more scared than the mother of the child, and hides in the life of the mother of the child. This young man should be the uncle of the child. Lu Qingwan also met him, because he always comes to the opposite family to eat and drink.

The child's eyes were red. He was looking at the cat's eye with big eyes. He was still holding a piece of white paper with a few words scribbled on it: please give me something to eat.

We all know that a woman is the most unsuspecting and softhearted to a child.

I think this family has run out of food.

Lu Qingwan thinks about it. After all, she can't eat so much alone. In addition, as system A1 says, she wants to find the mission target, but she doesn't admit it, but she knows that some things can't be taken away.Lu Qingwan carefully moved the sofa and opened the wooden door inside, but did not open the security door. He said to the little girl through the security door: "there are not many things in my house, I still have some millet. You wait for a while."

Originally the little girl showed a sweet smile and nodded her head.

The daughter's father also looked at this side, showing a grateful smile.

Lu Qingwan closed the door again, and then came to the kitchen. First he listened to the news carefully, and then he opened the door.

The little girl tightly covers her mouth, eyes flickering, looking at Lu Qingwan, and then whispered: "thank you, sister, we will return you later."

Lu Qingwan chuckled. Now zombies are rampant, and food will become more and more important in the future. Besides, it's not sure that we can see them in the future. How can we return them?

But seeing the little girl's sincere face, Lu Qingwan was also in a better mood: "OK, then you should grow up healthily."

The little girl nodded, the little girl's father also grateful to see, just said thank you, also want to say what, below has come a hissing roar, and a loud than a.

The little girl suddenly turned pale and ran to her father. The little girl's father hugged her and ran back to the house, but did not close the security door. "We will go to the police station tomorrow. You can take care of us."

The child's father sincerely said that the child's mother also nodded, the little girl is looking at Lu Qingwan with a look of hope, but the little girl's uncle smoked a face.

Lu Qingwan had considered this problem for a long time, so he shook his head firmly.

In the end, the people on the opposite side gave a time. They would go out at 9:00. If Lu Qingwan changed his mind, he could go out

Get up and go.

In the end, no zombies came up, because now is the early stage of the zombie outbreak. Zombies are primary. Although they are a little stronger than ordinary people, normal people can still be killed. In addition, zombies have no intelligence, so human beings still have a chance to win. It's just that too many people, like Lu Qingwan, don't want to face it, either because they are lucky enough to think that this kind of thing will be cleaned up soon, or because they are afraid.