I don't want to be an undercover

But no, nothing.

I wonder if Xie Jixian will open the door carefully the next second, and then rush out and shout "surprise". I also think that my mobile phone will receive their text messages or phone calls in the next second, and they will tell me that we meet interesting and delicious things outside, even if we are in trouble, it is good to be detained, as long as there is a little bit of news.

I sat all night, waiting for news all night. When the sky was bright, I called the bodyguards who were looking for people, but they didn't find any news.

As time went by, my anxiety became more and more serious. Every day I was frantically searching for the most useless police officers, and the group of private detectives, even the gods in the sky and the demons in the ground. As long as I could get a little bit of news, no matter who it was, No matter what channel it is

I got the news in the evening of the fourth day, and I got it from the police.

At that time, I didn't even think about why the police found him later than I did. Later, I realized that they had been monitoring Xie Jixian for a long time, and later was their undercover.

I'll never forget that when I saw her at night, she was scarred and covered with blood and mud.

This is what I have never seen her look like, which makes me afraid and distressed. I want to hold her, but I can't do it, because I don't know from which angle I can perfectly avoid her scars, so that she can be held in my arms without secondary injury.

She was so hurt that she was still in the mood to tell me that she wanted to punish them.

I promised her.

Later, we went to the hospital. Xie Jixian was in a coma for two days, and later he was in a coma for three days.

At that time, the doctor told me that her hand was probably useless because her mobile phone was picked off.

I was afraid that she would be sad, so I let the doctor keep it from her, and she didn't seem to ask any more.

Later, Xie Jixian wanted to get strong evidence to read Liang Xian's book in front of the old man. Unexpectedly, he found a shocking secret

That's another layer of identity. She's undercover.

When I knew it, I was a little surprised, even unbelievable, but it was only a matter of a few seconds. After experiencing her life and death, I was open to it. It's no big deal. As long as she's still with me, I don't care about anything else.

Later, in order to protect her, I put a lot of people around him. The original purpose of these people was to protect her, but I didn't expect to see them contact with another person at night.

That person's skill is very good, can sneak into my villa.

I had a quarrel with wanwan, which was more serious than that time. I just wanted to know who the man was and whether Qingwan had leaked the secret to the police.

But he thought I was doubting her. Our quarrel broke up unhappily, and I didn't know what I thought at that time. I even thought of putting her under house arrest.

Because this time of house arrest, so that a group of people who think they are good for me have an opportunity to take advantage of it, this time I once again experienced the pain of almost losing Qingwan.

This time, with the new injury and the old injury, she was injured more seriously, and it was because of me. During her coma, I didn't know what I should do, what I could do, or even what I wanted to do. In addition to accompanying her, the second is to torture Wang Yong.

I don't think you're going to kill him. I want to keep him and let him feel the pain he experienced at night. I also want to keep him waiting for him to wake up at night and deal with him personally.

This time, the waiting time is longer than the last time. If it wasn't for the operation of the instrument on Wan Wan, I even thought that Wan Wan would not wake up. I even thought that I would accompany her to leave.

After these two injuries, I understand a truth, I can't lose late, even if the news is leaked by late? As long as she is happy, what can I care about? As long as she is safe, I can give up everything, even my life.

In the ward, I proposed to her. The proposal was as hot as the original confession. She agreed, just as she had promised to associate before.

When she nodded, I even felt the bitterness of the tip of my nose and the warmth of my eyes. Almost tears would fall out, but I was so stiff

I swallowed the raw one.

Wanwan told me to let Wang Yong go, which was totally inconsistent with her previous character, but I agreed.But I gave Wang Yong to Xie Jixian, who was in charge of the underworld.

In the following time, I put down all my business, just wholeheartedly accompany me at night, and even want to wait 24 hours a day, never leave, for fear that she will disappear in front of me in the blink of an eye, which makes me scared again.

In the past, I thought I was insecure. Now it seems that I am the one who is insecure.

Wanwan has been in poor health since she was injured this time. I invited the best doctor, the best care, sent her to the best hospital, used the best instruments and drugs, but the effect was very little.

Even every time I have to let her comfort me, saying that wealth has life and death in heaven.

Later, I formally proposed to her and got engaged.

When I was engaged, I saw that she and Wei Tan Hui had a good talk. I didn't know what they were talking about. I didn't want to know and I wasn't interested in knowing. I only knew that this was our engagement ceremony. She should be by my side. I didn't forget that avant-garde Tan Hui was flirting with my wife too late.

I went to take Wan Wan in my arms and declared my sovereignty. I saw the complexity on Wei tanhui's face. At that time, I just thought that I had robbed the woman he liked. Now I think it's really complicated, because Wei tanhui was the person I met in private before, the fuse that led me to put Wan Wan under house arrest, that is, the person who really leaked secrets.

Later, we got married again. After we got married, we went to many places for honeymoon. Of course, we didn't forget to help us find the best doctor.

After taking care of her, she got better, but she still didn't live over 60 years old. On the day of her death, the sky was overcast and snowed. She was in my arms and said, "Sheng Xian, I'm so cold. Is the air conditioner broken? Go and have a look."

I looked at it from a distance, showing the highest temperature, but I walked over obediently and took a look.

When I turned back to tell her that the air conditioner was not broken, she had closed her eyes forever.

I leaned to her ear and said, "the air conditioner is broken. We'll find someone to repair it tomorrow. You sleep first, and I'll help you with the quilt. It's too much

It's not cold. "