I don't want to be an undercover (38)

Xie Jixian said that he was going on a date, so he started to look for his date first.

Lu Qingwan wants to go to Xie Jixian's room to have a look. Seeing the poster on the wall, he determines who the goddess is and then calls Jiao Kang. Lu Qingwan knows that Jiao Kang will send someone to watch him in the dark. Maybe Jiao Kang knows where Xie Jixian is.

Although Jiao Kang didn't understand, he did.

Jiao Kang called his colleagues, who said what he saw after receiving the call.

It turned out that the colleague who was watching in the dark was waiting outside the restaurant, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't show it, so he went in to have a look and found that there was no one.

Jiao Kang had already called before he could call his superior.

Lu Qingwan went to the restaurant after he knew the restaurant where Xie Jixian ate.

Jiao Kang didn't go in to watch the video because he didn't let Xie Shengxian know that he was following him, including his family. But Lu Qingwan is different. She is Xie Shengxian's person now.

It must be a very simple small restaurant. It seems to have a lot of customers.

Lu Qingwan would have forgotten his identity if he hadn't contacted Jiao Kang.

After arriving at the restaurant, Lu Qingwan asked his boss to call out the video.

The boss combed his big back, wore polite glasses, and had a beard under his nose. Lu Qingwan felt a little familiar, but the time was urgent, so he put it behind his head.

In the video, Xie Jixian and Lu Qingwan see the girl eating at the table in his room. After a while, the girl goes to the toilet and comes back.

But after he came back, he obviously had something wrong with his expression. It seemed that he was a little restless. Xie Jixian obviously felt it too.

The girl said something, and then Jie Ji obviously slapped the table and stood up, and then angrily went to the toilet.

Because there seems to be no sound in this house, Lu Qingwan has no idea what the girl said to Xie Jixian.

Xie Jixian never came out after entering the toilet. The girl looked at her mobile phone later and left.

Lu Qingwan hurried to the toilet and wanted to study the toilet.

But when I got to the door of the toilet, there was embarrassment. It's OK for the women's toilet to say, but it's embarrassing for the men's toilet.

Lu Qingwan didn't know what Xie Jixian was doing in the toilet. Seeing his expression at that time, he definitely didn't come to the toilet.

Therefore, it is still unknown whether Xie Jixian entered the men's toilet or the women's toilet.

"Boss, can I come in and have a look?" Lu Qingwan put forward his request with a smile.

The boss looked up and down at the landing Qingwan, as if wondering if Lu Qingwan had any special hobby.

"What are you doing? Peeping? " A man came out of the toilet, only to meet Lu Qingwan who was blocking the door of the toilet.

The boss repeatedly said sorry, but Lu Qingwan didn't like it, and then continued to ask the boss with his eyes.

The boss was embarrassed and said: "this is not very good..." "what's wrong? My brother is missing here. I have to find out how to say it." Looking at Lu Qingwan's appearance, it is obvious that he has to go in.

"Boss, if you let my brother encounter any danger because you blocked me... You must know Xie Shengxian, right? If my brother has a problem, then... "

In Lu Qingwan's half threatening and half deceiving state, Lu Qingwan can finally enter the men's room.

The boss first went in to have a look, yelled twice and knew that there was no one inside. Then he put a yellow sign at the door, which was temporarily suspended. Then he asked Lu Qingwan to go in.

After Lu Qingwan went in, he carefully observed the surrounding environment. However, to Lu Qingwan's surprise, she was given a stick at the back. It was no one else who gave her the stick. It was the kind-hearted boss.

Lu Qingwan thought: why should I be plotted in the men's toilet? Who knows whether the floor is clean or not.

Therefore, it is a sentence, not dizzy.

Lu Qingwan was a little dark in front of his eyes. He was holding the wall with one hand. He obviously didn't want to be in a coma.

Seeing that Lu Qingwan was so tenacious, the shop owner was surprised: "do you think it's any use holding on for three or two seconds? In fact, it's useless. You don't have to hit me again. "

The shop owner's vicious look is totally different from my kind face.As expected, the boss raised the stick in his hand. When the stick was knocked down, Lu Qingwan reflexively put out his hand to block it. The stick hit Lu Qingwan's arm. Lu Qingwan showed his teeth in pain, but he was also sober.

The boss picked an eyebrow. Unexpectedly, Lu Qingwan was so resistant. But fighting doesn't mean Lu Qing can escape. The boss and Lu Qingwan fight a few moves, the success of a virtual shake move, a hand knife will be Lu Qingwan dizzy.

After knocking Lu Qingwan unconscious, the boss made a phone call. Five minutes later, there were three more men in the toilet.

"This is Xie Shengxian's girlfriend. Take her away from here immediately. If she can find it, Xie Shengxian must be able to find it." The boss ordered.

A few people deftly throw Lu Qingwan out of the window, and someone outside answers him.

Lu Qingwan now knows why a restaurant with such a large passenger flow has only one floor, but it's too late.

After the boss watched several people leave with Lu Qingwan, he was relieved and went back to burn all the videos.

When Lu Qing came here in the evening, the boss was just about to withdraw. As a result, he was blocked up by Lu Qing. He didn't even have time to clean up the video.

I thought Xie Shengxian had found some clues, but I didn't expect that Lu Qingwan came alone.

If it wasn't for sure that Lu Qingwan came alone, the boss would not dare to do it rashly.

I'm just surprised that the result of the investigation does not mean that Xie Shengxian attaches great importance to Lu Qingwan? How dare you let her come alone? What's the plan?

When Lu Qingwan wakes up by feeling the back of his head, he finds himself in a warehouse with dark light.

Lu Qingwan made a move, but fortunately he didn't bind himself.

Lu Qingwan squinted and looked around. There were walls all around, and there was nothing at all. When Lu Qingwan came out, he was carrying a small bag. Everything was in the bag. Now the bag has been taken away. Now Lu Qingwan's clothes are all over him.

Lu Qingwan sighed. Fortunately, he still had clothes on him.

System A1 mocked her: "look at your pursuit. What's the use of clothes? Can I go out? "

"Of course, it's useful. I won't go without clothes, even if the door is wide open." Lu Qingwan said it rightfully.

System A1: if the human figure turns a white eye again, it means that he doesn't believe it.