On the counter attack of school dregs (3)

Lu Qingwan gets up to let Xia minghuai in.

Lu Qingwan remembers the information given by the system, saying that Xia minghuai became a rebellious teenager because he was forced by school violence. Xia minghuai's parents divorced. He used to be a good student. When he entered this high school, he was in the top ten. She was the most beautiful one in the top ten. She got a lot of attention at the opening ceremony, including a senior high school sophomore.

This student sister is also a famous figure in the school, and the people who follow her are not good, especially the "little overlord" on campus. However, the elder sister was in favor of the younger student, so the "little bully" began a series of actions against Xia minghuai.

Xia minghuai told the teacher, but the teacher just warned the "little bully", but could not really be expelled. Although the "little bully" had numerous demerits and punishments, because his uncle was the vice principal, he had no fear at all. Every time Xia minghuai tells the teacher, what he gets in exchange is the intensified campus violence.

And because of this "little overlord", Xia minghuai was isolated by the public. So in the "little bully" again and again in the beating, in the exclusion of students, a good good student just degenerated, with what social people "worship", joined what help, so Xia minghuai also became a brother

Lu Qingwan frowned slightly at the thought of Xia minghuai's deeds and the final result, A poor child whose life was affected by school violence.

Lu Qingwan felt a glance of looking at him. He looked at him reflexively and saw Xia minghuai looking at himself with his cheek. Lu Qingwan quickly lowered his head, according to the host's character should be afraid of Xia minghuai, dare not see Xia minghuai.

Xia minghuai sneered: "what are you hiding? I see your birthmark Lu Qingwan didn't expect that Xia minghuai took the initiative to talk to him.

If the original Lu Qingwan, if the matter of birthmark is pointed out one after another, it will make her feel embarrassed and more self abased. But now Lu Qingwan is different. It's just a harmless little birthmark. Lu Qingwan doesn't care much about it.

Lu Qingwan touched his birthmark and said with a soft smile, "well, I hope I didn't scare you."

Hearing Lu Qingwan's words, Xia minghuai was stunned. At first, he didn't expect that Lu Qingwan would talk to him. Moreover, he didn't feel the usual fear in his tone. Looking at Lu Qingwan like this, Xia minghuai gave a bad smile and said, "unique birthmark, and it's very small. It doesn't affect your good looks."

Lu Qingwan: "am I being teased by a high school student?

"Yes." A1 gave Lu Qingwan a positive answer.

Lu Qingwan opened his mouth. He wanted to go back, but he thought that he wanted to maintain the host's human setup, so he had to give up. He only lowered his head slightly and took out the textbook, deliberately making himself look flustered and shy.

Xia minghuai looks at the "flustered" Lu Qingwan. Why didn't he know his deskmate was so shy before?

If Lu Qingwan knew what Xia minghuai thought, he would ask him. He had never said a few words to Lu Qingwan before. The most common words he said were "get up, I want to go out", "get up, I want to go in", "let him give way" and so on.

After a while, the bell rang. Stepping on the bell came a 30-year-old male teacher. It is said that this male teacher had a good temper. Every time he took the quiz, his class was lower in the middle, but at the end of the final exam, it was higher in the middle. Many people thought that there was a way for him to get real questions, but it was not, He just studied the writing style of each person, and made the Chinese answers in the prescribed format, just like a mathematical formula. As long as he memorized the format, everyone's answers looked like standard answers. His class usually takes 15 minutes to ask questions about the content of the previous class, 20 minutes to talk about the next class, and then recite it for about five minutes to prepare for the next class. And this Chinese teacher, unfortunately, is a teacher who can ask questions about Xia minghuai. The reason is very simple. Those who teach Chinese like things that are not mainstream. Some sad sentences are really beautiful, so he remembers the only non mainstream in Xia minghuai's class.

This is not, just in class, he wrote such a sentence on the blackboard: streamer is easy to throw people away, red cherry, green banana.

Then he said, "analyze this sentence." After a pause, I named Xia minghuai.

Xia minghuai stood up and frowned. Although he was grateful to the only teacher who remembered his name, he really didn't know.

Lu Qingwan followed the memory and thought about it. He knew that the teacher said yesterday. To analyze this kind of sentence with connotation, we should grasp three points: surface meaning, deep meaning and expressed emotion.

Seeing Xia minghuai's hesitation, the teacher changed the way to ask: "how do you analyze this sentence?"Xia minghuai's face didn't know where to start, slightly embarrassed. Lu Qingwan knew that Xia minghuai still had self-esteem. It was good to have self-esteem. With self-esteem, Lu Qingwan felt that through stimulation therapy, Xia minghuai could be saved.

Lu Qingwan wrote the answer in the past. Xia minghuai was stunned. He didn't expect Lu Qingwan to help him at the party, but he still read it according to what Lu Qingwan wrote.

How can the teacher on the platform not see Xia minghuai's eyes sweeping down? But he didn't expose it. After Xia minghuai sat down, he called Lu Qingwan and asked her to analyze the sentence.

Lu Qingwan is a student in the Department of Chinese language and literature. This kind of sentence is just a little meaning. It's just a routine. It's easy to say the answer clearly.

The teacher nodded and asked Lu Qingwan to sit down. So Lu Qingwan sat down in the eyes of curiosity, disdain or indifference. Although Lu Qingwan can't break up renshe, she can't always live a life with inferiority and cowardice.

It's Lu Qingwan's performance that interests Xia minghuai. After all, he is a teenager, but his mind is not hidden.

"Well, thank you just now." Xia minghuai, taking advantage of the teacher's turn to write on the blackboard, said to Lu Qingwan.

Lu Qingwan thought that the original owner would not speak in class. He just wrote a small note. On the top of the note, he wrote: you are welcome.

Xia minghuai glances at the note, smiles, holds his cheek and begins to listen to the class. Even though his eyes are almost closed, he still doesn't dare to lie down. Maybe he doesn't want to disappoint the only teacher who still calls his name.