Gu Chu put one hand in his trouser pocket and took out a box of medicine.

He slapped it on the table in front of Cheng Qi.

"This is v18 special medicine." Gu Chu said coldly, "I don't think you need to take it either."

Cheng Qi covered his heart: "Chu Chu..."

Gu Chu was expressionless and grinned secretly.

I came all the way to America to find medicine for you. It's good for you. You have no problem at all. You pretend to be poor and stupid in front of me every day. Gu Chu really wants to knock Cheng Qi's head open and see what brand of bean dregs are in it!

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Cheng Qi hurried over to Gu Chu and grabbed her hand. "If I don't, you won't pay attention to me at all."

Gu Chu narrowed his eyes and wanted to throw him over the shoulder with his backhand. Worried that Cheng Qi's internal injury had not healed, he broke his internal organs. Gu Chu gritted his teeth, broke away Cheng Qi's hand, pressed the man onto the big sofa next to him, and stretched out his hand to tear Cheng Qi's clothes.

Cheng Qi:!!!

Cheng Qixin (dark) surprised (middle) bravely (stealing) and fought (happy): "Chu Chu, what are you doing?"

Gu Chu didn't say anything. He tore Cheng Qi's coat and his white suit shirt.

Cheng Qi controlled the rising corners of his mouth and vaguely remembered the days when they slept together in their previous lives. They often fought up and down.

But it is often Cheng Qi who takes the initiative to pretend to be weak and spreads out his limbs. The scenes of his previous life coincide with this scene.

Cheng Qi is in a high mood.

When his clothes fell to the ground, Gu Chu turned Cheng Qi over.

Frowning at his back, the wound under the butterfly bone on his back has scabbed and seems to be recovering well. Gu Chu held Cheng Qi's wrist and felt his pulse. His pulse was stable and normal, but Qi's heart beat fast.

Gu Chu made a simple inspection. Seeing that Cheng Qi's body was all right, he was slightly relieved.

She pressed Cheng Qi: "next time you dare to lie to me, I'll waste you."

Cheng Qi's lip angle Rose: "OK."

Gu Chu looked down at Cheng Qi's back, with wide shoulders and narrow waist and clear texture. It seems that this guy has a long-term habit of exercising. His figure is no worse than that in his previous life. Cheng Qi was pressed below, innocent on his face, and his handsome eyes blinked: "Chu Chu, do you still want to see other places?"

Gu Chu: "

The study door clanged open.

Assistant brother Wang rushed in: "President Cheng, I forgot my mobile phone -"

Brother Wang was stunned. He saw the soft and weak Miss Gu Chu pressing his tall and handsome president Cheng on the sofa. President Cheng's face is thin red, and his clothes have been torn into pieces.

Brother Wang quickly lowered his head and took the mobile phone on the table. His eyes ran around guilty: "cough, I didn't see anything. You two continue."

After that, brother Wang ran away like a loach.

When I left, I didn't forget to close the door for you.

Brother Wang covered his mouth carefully and filled with emotion: unexpectedly, Miss Gu Chu is so fierce... Our president Cheng looks like a delicate flower to be picked.

In the study, Gu Chu turned his mouth down.

He took off his knitted coat and put it on Cheng Qi: "I still have a task to deal with."

After that, Gu Chu rubbed his neck and calmly prepared to leave.

Cheng Qi slowly sat up from the sofa and said gently, "ChuChu, I welcome you to sleep with me at any time."

He used "you".

You are in my heart.

Facing Cheng Qi's kind invitation, Gu Chu took a swipe at the corners of his mouth and didn't look back. His back looked like a scum man who didn't recognize people in his pants.


A digression

Finally back to Chengdu ~ start work tomorrow