Gu Chu:

That's true.

In team a, the family information of the team members is very secret and do not understand each other.

Pangpang only knows that Gu Chu is the daughter of a rich family in Kyoto. He doesn't know who her parents are. Before the task of chasing Cheng Kaiyuan, Pangpang's attention is on the island. He doesn't know that song Chen has announced the identity of Gu Chu's successor.

Pangpang danced excitedly: "Captain, after we go upstairs to investigate, can we go to Gu Manxi for signature?"

Gu Chu glanced at the little fan: "yes."

Today, Gu Chu came to the Empire State Building for two things. First, get the list of employees in the building, because one of the fugitives works in the building; The second is to meet Gu Manxi and visit New York with his mother.

Gu Chu and Pangpang enter the building.

The elevator goes all the way up. The elevator is made of glass and can see the scenery of the whole new york city.

In the elevator, Pangpang babbled and recalled his childhood: "when goddess Gu Manxi got married, I was only 10 years old! I saw the news that she got married, and I cried for three days and three nights! My childhood dream is to grow up and marry her as a wife. Alas, it's a pity that I was only 15 years old. I can only play computer and have no ability."

Gu Chu: "

"Goddess Gu Manxi married the boss of the entertainment industry. I heard that they are still very loving." Pangpang sighed, "I'm too busy to watch the news in detail. It seems that the news says that goddess Gu already has a daughter, which was announced recently. My goddess is beautiful, and her daughter must be beautiful!"

Gu Chu put one hand into his trouser pocket.

Yes, I'm beautiful.

"Moreover, goddess Gu Manxi is very gentle and considerate. Her daughter must also be a gentle and beautiful girl -" after a pause, Pangpang looked at Gu Chu and said with a smile, "Captain, you certainly don't know what is [gentle and beautiful]. Haha, Captain, you fight with the men in the base every day, making them cry and more men than men."

Gu Chu's face was expressionless: "how do you know that Gu Manxi's daughter must have a good temper?"

Pangpang shrugged and took it for granted: "it's called heredity! Goddess Gu Manxi is so beautiful and her voice is so soft. She will certainly teach her children to be gentle and considerate Ladies - seriously, I especially like gentle girls. If I can meet the daughter of Goddess Manxi one day, I really want to develop a romantic relationship with her."

Gu Chu: "

Thanks. I don't like your tonnage.

It's almost the same as changing Qi.

The Empire State building has 102 floors. The speed of the elevator is not fast. Pangpang Pang is a talkative person. He opens his mouth and continues to Baba: "speaking of the relationship between lovers, all members of our team are single so far. It's terrible. Captain, you are the only girl in our team. Captain, what kind of man do you like?"

Gu Chu looked out of the glass window. The ground in New York was getting smaller and smaller, and the vehicles were as small as ants.

Gu Chu looked at the glass. Somehow Cheng Qi's handsome face appeared on the glass.

Gu Chu shook his head and threw Cheng Qi out of his mind.

"But Captain, you are so fierce and dressed so neutral. It's estimated that no man dares to ask you, ha ha." Pangpang is still nagging.

Today, Gu Chu is dressed in an ordinary way. He doesn't wear a wig. He has thin black hair, black clothes and black pants. He looks like a neutral image with different personalities - coupled with Gu Chu's small chest, he thought he was a boy at first glance.

A digression

Update monthly ticket monthly ticket

(I read the book of the great God writer on the same website today... The writing style is very good, the kind with full marks in Chinese... I feel inferior to myself)