Each team a is a brave warrior. Ye sichen's team is good at group warfare, and the cooperation between the two sides is perfect.

"Report, there are about ten unidentified objects found in the villa in front. Are you attacking?"

Ye sichen shook his head: "No."

The battle report suggested that there was an extremely luxurious villa on the island. Cheng Kaiyuan is not the person in the villa. Don't pay attention. But if the people in the villa join Cheng Kaiyuan's team and shoot them directly, there is no mercy.

The pursuit in the dark continues

In front of the French window of the villa, Cheng Qi clasped the red wine glass with his fingertips and watched the hot and noisy night. He only wanted to hope that there would be no accident at the beginning of the year

In the underground base, the alarm went off one after another.

Cheng Kaiyuan holds the beautiful model in his arms and raises his mouth. He is confident that the team sent by Cheng Qi will never win the battle.

These killers kept by Cheng Kaiyuan are hired from the most dangerous war-torn areas with rich combat experience.

"People are so scared ~" the model in her arms is charming.

Cheng Kaiyuan put his arm around her waist: "what are you afraid of? It's just a fireworks show for the new year."

The model smiled and put her finger on Cheng Kaiyuan's chin: "then when the performance is over, you should accompany me well."

"Hahaha, I will accompany you well."

However, before Cheng Kaiyuan was satisfied for a few minutes, the bloody killer rushed down: "no! They're coming in! Our people can't resist!"

Cheng Kaiyuan's face suddenly changed. He threw the model in his arms and grabbed the killer's clothes: "shit, we have 100 killers! Can't resist the bodyguard that Cheng Qi keeps?"

The killer shook his head and looked very sure: "sir! I'm sure it's not a simple bodyguard, but a very experienced opponent. Although they are not as many as us, they are very familiar with the terrain of the island. In my experience, they should be opponents such as special forces."

Those people are so fierce!

Well trained, gun killed.

Cheng Kaiyuan's expression was instantly ferocious!

The smile on his face disappeared and gnashed his teeth: "special? Shit! This boy cooperates with the official to engage in Laozi!"

Cheng Kaiyuan finally understood why Cheng Qi only brought a dozen little bodyguards. It turned out that this guy was making a diversion! We have long united with the official forces to launch a sea Siege!


Fucking Cheng Qi, what a seed!

Cheng Kaiyuan never thought that Cheng Qi would force him to death! Is this really his own son?

"Sir, I suspect that the terrain deconstruction and base structure of the whole island have been known by the other party." the killer said, "we can resist for ten minutes at most. Sir, you go first."

Cheng Kaiyuan kicked the corner of the table fiercely: "take Cheng Qi's woman!"


The gunfire was getting closer and closer. Gu Chu, who was "unconscious", was taken with him and fled with Cheng Kaiyuan. But Cheng Kaiyuan didn't know that his escape route had long been monitored by ships at sea. Gu Chu had already put GPS precise positioning on him and himself.

On the sea, Pangpang raised his voice and shouted, "southwest corner! Send someone to block the southwest corner immediately! The target has kidnapped a hostage and plans to escape! Try not to cause casualties!"

Teammate stretched: "what are you afraid of? Look who he is holding. We should worry about Cheng Kaiyuan."

Pangpang scratched his head and responded: "what he said is... Lying in the trough! The captain should be reminded not to cause death as much as possible! Catch alive!"