I don't know if it's psychological. Cao Yuezhi always feels that everyone in the crew is targeting and mocking her, and there are whispers mocking her everywhere.

Not bored.

Where you go is not sought after by thousands of people. Why did she become the object of everyone's ridicule when she was in lushanhe's crew?

After thinking about it, it's all Gu Manxi's bitch!

It was her appearance that deceived everyone by pretending to be pitiful! She deliberately crushed herself with her acting skills to embarrass me!

On this thought, the jealousy in Cao Yuezhi's eyes is more intense.

Human beings are always like this. They always deliberately avoid their own failures, try to find reasons to excuse themselves and blame their mistakes on others. It seems that only in this way can they feel at ease.

"Didi -"

Cao Yuezhi's mobile phone wechat rang.

Cao Yuezhi leaned lazily against the chair, threw away the script and opened the mobile wechat.

Not Lisa, but President Wang, who has only a few sides with her.

President Wang, Wang Tiancheng - chairman of Wang's entertainment media company.

This Wang Tiancheng has always favored Cao Yuezhi. She has repeatedly thrown olive branches at her, hoping that she can change jobs to Wang media, and has given quite rich resources.

However, Cao Yuezhi hated Wang Tiancheng's greasy and obscene, and Lu Shanhe hated Wang, so Cao Yuezhi never responded positively to Wang's warm invitation. She is a movie queen and a top star in the entertainment industry. She has great traffic value and won't change jobs easily.

[Wang Tiancheng]: "Yuezhi, as long as you open your mouth, the door of Wang media will be open to you at any time! Do you think more? Don't worry, give me a reply. I'm waiting for you at any time."

[Cao Yuezhi]: "thank you, Mr. Wang. I have no plan to leave song for the time being."

Cao Yuezhi looked cold and turned off his cell phone.

Bend down, pick up the script on the ground, smooth the folds one by one, and continue to recite the lines with patience.


A building in Kyoto.

The middle-aged man in his forties took a smoke. The white smoke slowly curled around him. He had a slightly obese face and his eyes suddenly appeared.

"Go, we must find a way to get Cao Yuezhi to our company and intensify efforts in Hengdian." Wang Tiancheng, a greasy man in his forties, is the boss of a well-known entertainment company in Kyoto.

The Secretary quickly conveyed Wang Tiancheng's meaning.

Wang Tiancheng has been very upset recently. On the one hand, Song Chen, the bastard, robbed him of entertainment resources, and on the other hand, Jiangcheng, the company's cash cow, has no intention of renewing his contract.

Jiangcheng is a great film emperor with both strength and appearance, and the backbone of Wang's entertainment. However, Jiangcheng seems to plan to leave the company and set up its own studio or join Song Chen's company.

Once Jiangcheng leaves, Wang's annual income will be greatly reduced. There must be a star who thinks he has the strength to make money to replace Jiangcheng. Wang Tiancheng aims at Cao Yuezhi. She is beautiful, has acting skills and has many fans - in the entertainment industry, beautiful female stars are easier to make money than powerful male stars.

Wang Tiancheng is resourceful. He knows how to let Cao Yuezhi join the Wang family.

The unattainable movie queen has a high vision and pride. She will never allow her first sister to waver in her position.

As long as more people are arranged in the Hengdian crew to fan the flames, step low and hold high, so that Cao Yuezhi's high self-esteem will be slapped in the face and make her think that her status is seriously threatened by Gu Manxi, she will certainly find another Gaozhi.