She doesn't like gummanci.

An unspeakable nuisance.

Zhao Manshi is just an unruly and willful age. She can't accept the airborne of a beautiful and lucky second sister.

I was walking across the road with high heels. Suddenly there was a rapid bell sound on the roadside. Someone shouted: "get out of the way, the rickshaw slipped down!! you don't look at the fucking road!"

Zhao Manshi frowned and a runaway antique rickshaw slid down the slope at an amazing speed. Zhao Manshi suddenly lost her face, and the subconscious tried to suck. But the high-heeled shoes were not enough. Her feet twisted.

Zhao Manshi was so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes.

At the critical moment, a pair of warm and powerful hands wrapped around her waist and quickly pulled her aside.

Time seemed to be infinitely slowed down. Zhao Manshi slowly opened her eyes. She saw a handsome and indifferent man's face.

This young man combed the back of the Republic of China, with cool eyebrows, slender eyes and tail, thin lips, and a good-looking chin radian. He was wearing a middle mountain school uniform of the Republic of China. He was gentle and handsome, could not hide the smell of books, and showed indifference and nobility in his elegant demeanor!

Zhao Manshi was stunned.

She heard her heart beating violently.

She has lived in Kyoto for many years. She has seen countless handsome men of different styles, but it is the first time that she has really moved and bumped around.

Even when she saw Song Chen she wanted to marry, Zhao Manshi was only shy and excited, but she didn't have the same heart as now.

The runaway rickshaw hit a corner, and a man ran to look for a car.

Zhao Manshi stared at the handsome man in front of him. He was not as tall as Song Chen and his figure was not as tall as Song Chen, but... The right appearance and figure, as well as those cold and familiar eyes, made Zhao Manshi indulge in it.

The man took her to the side of the road and frowned, "how did you come here?"

Zhao Manshi was blankly, and her voice was very pleasant. It was clear and cold, which reminded her of the sound of clear spring falling stones at night when she went to the hot spring resort.

Zhao Manshi blushed and bowed her head: "I... I'm looking for someone, hiss -"

The man's air pressure was a little low. He couldn't bear to see Zhao Manshi's sprained foot.

The man came to the staff: "her foot is sprained. Please find her an ice bag."

The staff quickly said, "OK, you go first. I'll take care of it here."

The man obviously didn't want to have too much contact with Zhao Manshi. After two words, he turned and returned to the studio.

Zhao Manshi's mind was confused, and countless pink bubbles appeared in her heart.

After the man left, Zhao Manshi reacted and forgot to ask his name!

"Hello, what's the name of the one just now? Where does he live? Is he an actor here? Does he have a girlfriend?" Zhao Manshi walked into the lounge with the help of the staff. She couldn't restrain her excitement.

The staff scratched their heads and said apologetically: "this... Director Lu has ordered that we can't disclose too much film information before the film is released. I can only tell you that this is an actor in our film, which director Lu attaches great importance to."

Zhao Manshi held her cheeks in her hands and Chun in her eyes: "it's a movie actor."

A shy smile rose from the corners of the lips.


On the other side, the thin man in the Republic of China pushed open the door of the dressing room.

Lu Shanhe was checking the makeup of Jiangcheng. When he saw someone coming, he immediately smiled and said:

"Manxi, you're back at last. Come on, there's another play for you in the afternoon. First change the shape of your body. Your men's costume has been shot."