The little fat man is worried about sang.

He gradually found that the days of his rich young master were far away, and his pocket money decreased rapidly every month.

This made him afraid. If he didn't have enough money, how would he marry Chu Chu in the future? Chu Chu is so beautiful that many boys will chase her.

"I'm still young and don't know how to make money." the little fat man was crying.

Gu Chu doesn't know what to say. Just be happy.

After school, Gu Chu saw the little fat man's mother for a long time. He didn't see her for a few days. His originally chubby mother was thin, sad and tired. The luxury car is also replaced by a cheap scooter, and the luxury jewelry is gone.

Obviously, life has dealt a great blow to the woman who had no worries about food and clothing.

The little fat man got into the car. His mother looked reluctantly at the luxurious kindergarten and shook her head helplessly. She can no longer pay her child's tuition and can only transfer her child to another school. Good kindergartens in Kyoto can't afford to go to the suburbs to find schools with poor quality.

Fortunately, the child's father has a little conscience and has found a fully managed boarding [Royal kindergarten] in the suburbs of Beijing.

But the school stipulates that freshmen should enter the school ahead of time in August to adapt to the environment.


Gu Chu happily spent his summer vacation. Gu Manxi was ready to make a film. In the hot summer, Gu Manxi had to stay inside and outside the studio for two months, with little rest time.

Before leaving, Gu Manxi specially called Gu Chu aside and told her to listen to her uncle and Lin Xiaozhou.

Gu Chu nodded obediently: "don't worry, Ma Ma. Chu Chu will take good care of herself. She will call you every day. Mom must work hard."

Gu Chu is very worried. After all, Cao Yuezhi is on the crew. In the original work, Cao Yuezhi is one of the vicious women in the ranking. She is jealous of Gu Manxi's talent and beauty, and has done many things against Gu Manxi.

Now living under the same roof, it is inevitable to move crooked thoughts.

Gu Chu thought that he would find an opportunity to visit Gu Manxi and let her be more careful.

Gu Manxi touched Gu Chu's small head, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Gu Chu.

Gu Chu thought it was a small detail of life. As a result, when he opened the paper, Gu Chu was silly.

What the hell is this!

Summer school!

Ah, you are still not my dear mother!

"Last night, my mother and uncle discussed that education should start with dolls." Gu Manxi smiled softly and innocuously, "Mr. Lu paid me part of the film pay in advance. My mother applied for the cram school for ChuChu. There are three courses that ChuChu is most interested in: music, art, taekwondo, swimming, dance, piano, violin, English and cooking. After that, my uncle will take ChuChu to the cram school."

Gu Chu was speechless.

I also plan to use the summer vacation to transform the robot sent by the dog father into a weapon, beat the dream fairy tour to level 90, practice the hacker technology, wash the guard rhubarb twice, and brush the American drama American horror story again

However, dream break tutorial class.

Gu Chu looked loveless: "I don't want to go to cram school..."

I'm really strong. I'm only five years old. In fact, I'm proficient in everything. I really don't need to waste my good youth in cram school.

Gu Manxi said seriously, "no, this is your teacher's suggestion. Your uncle song and I discussed it privately."

Gu Chu:... Mom, dog dad, you're going to lose my love.