A cold wind blew past.

The thin kidnapper's face suddenly changed, as if he thought of some terrible past events, and the expression on his face immediately became extremely ferocious.

"What the fuck are you talking about!" the thin man scolded angrily.

Gu Chu shrank in the corner.

Only those eyes are clear and bright, reflecting strange light.

Gu Chu's voice was sweet and crisp in the silent night: "I'm not talking nonsense. Just now there was a little sister outside. She was very beautiful."

"Her face is covered with blood."

"She said she was lost."

"Want to go home..."

The wooden house echoed with Gu Chu's ethereal voice.

The thin kidnapper was shaking and scolded, "shut up!" he was shaking like chaff. I don't know if it was his illusion. The temperature around seemed lower and colder.

"Boss, what's the matter?" the tall man who was watching at the door put his head in and asked curiously.

The thin man took a deep breath: "it's all right, keep your night!"

The tall man scratched his head, looked at the poor little girl with her eyes shrinking in the corner, and shook her head silently. I can't bear to kill you, but I want that ten million

The thin man suppressed his fear and glared at Gu Chu.

The little girl must be talking nonsense!

What a woman with a horsetail and a bloody face is Gu Chu's nonsense!

Thin people are in a mess.

His life is full of blood. He has long been afraid of murder and arson, let alone revenge. However, the most cold-blooded person also has memories that he is afraid to touch. The memory he dare not recall is last year

Last year he ran away and ran to a remote town to escape the wind. I went out to find food in the middle of the night and met a beautiful female student with a double horsetail on the road.

The girl was ignorant of the world and lost her way. She came to ask him the way. It's like an innocent lamb walking towards a poor hungry wolf. The thin man dragged the poor girl into the grass

The girl's face was full of blood. She struggled hard and cursed sharply that she would not let him go if she was a ghost. She cursed the thin man with her life.

Since then, the thin man often had nightmares in which the girl screamed bitterly.

"Oh, by the way -" Gu Chu smiled with deep meaning. "The little sister also said that she said she would not let you go."

The thin man's feet froze.

Want to run away.

He remembered that the girl cursed "I will not let you go if I am a ghost" before she died.

Outside the sky, the same pale moonlight, the same thick and cold woods and shrubs. Gu Chu stood up with a sneer on her face that a five-year-old girl could not exist. Her laughter seemed to penetrate the Moonlight:

"Little sister, she's right outside."

The thin man's blood was stagnant. He heard the squeaking of the window, like sharp nails climbing on the Internet, and the rustling movement.

The thin man turned his head in a very slow motion.

He saw a black head and slowly rubbed it against the window. The white moonlight enveloped the inside and outside of the house, and the air was filled with cold air.

Gu Chu asked sweetly, "little sister, are you looking for him?"

The black head arched into the house, and strands of black hair came in.

With a plop, the thin man fainted.

Foaming at the mouth, dizzy and twitching.

The sound of falling was so loud that the tall man outside the door rushed in and saw the thin man in a coma and a pile of weeds next to the thin man.

Gu Chu stunned the thin man with a pile of weeds.

Big Gao was stunned: "what's going on?"

Gu Chu shook his head fiercely, looked at the tall man with tears, and said in fear: "Chu Chu doesn't know, Chu Chu doesn't dare to say, otherwise sister Bai will kill me..."