"Say, who sent you? I don't believe Lin if I kill you with a broom today!"

"Shit, I won't let go even if I die!"

Wang Qiang couldn't stand up because of the pain. He was beaten by Lin Xiaozhou like a cockroach crackling. Wang Qiang screamed and screamed like Xia Yuhe who was pricked by mammy Rong.

Zhao Yan could not bear to see the gangster with bruised nose and swollen face and bloody corners of his mouth. "Don't fight first, the police will come soon."

The angry Lin Xiaozhou doesn't care so much. Continue to fight!

Ah, how dare you hurt my brother!

I'll kill you!

Angry Comrade Kobayashi put down his rotten broom half a minute before the police arrived, hurried into the room and found the dusty medicine box.

But he couldn't stop bleeding with a bandage. It was only with the help of a kind policewoman that he wrapped Zhao Yan's arm.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhao actually doesn't need a bandage on his arm," said the policewoman tactfully.

It may be that Zhao Yan is still stained with Wang Qiang's blood, which looks a little shocking. But in fact, Zhao Yan only scratched a small hole in his arm. Just cover it with a band aid.

Poor Wang Qiang, a criminal, was hurt worse than the victim.

Lin Xiaozhou stretched his small face and checked Zhao Yan's arm again and again, which relieved him.

On the way to the police station to take notes, the corners of Zhao Yan's mouth were slightly raised.


Wang Qiang has been secretly squatting outside Lin Xiaozhou's house these days. He doesn't know that the public opinion outside has reversed. His goddess is the real green tea.

Wang Qiang deliberately hurts people, but he can't escape legal sanctions.

It was late at night when he came home from the police station. Lin Xiaozhou wanted Zhao Yan to make do with sleeping here. Pull on the light and have a closer look. The rental house is in tatters.

Man made destruction.

The windows were broken with stones and the ground was covered with glittering glass debris.

The exterior wall of the rental house is covered with graffiti, full of remarks such as "kid scum" and "garbage anchor die".

It seems that in the days before the truth came out, there have been "just people" to express their "respect" for Lin Xiaozhou in their way.

"Gee, it seems that we can't live here tonight." Lin Xiaozhou walked around the house and shrugged his shoulders mockingly.

Zhao Yanwei coughed and said, "it's not safe to live here. You live on my side first."

Yu Guang fell on Lin Xiaozhou, with hidden expectation in his eyes.

Lin Xiaozhou scratched his head: "yes, I'll pack up. I'll trouble you in the next few days! Hey hey." then Lin Xiaozhou went into the house to pack up.

Zhao Yan was very happy.

Lin Xiaozhou didn't have much luggage. He simply took a few sets of clothes and left.

They stopped a taxi and went to Zhao Yan's apartment. Gu Manxi was worried when he heard the news that Zhao Yanlin's boat had been attacked.

Gu Manxi was relieved to see the two people returning safely. However, Gu Manxi was still worried and called the family doctor in advance.

Zhao Yan's family doctor is Fang Zheng, in his early thirties, gentle and beautiful. He used to serve in the same army with Zhao Yan. After retirement, Fang is working in a private hospital in Kyoto. He also serves as Zhao Yan's family doctor.

"Sit down and let me see your arm." Fang Zheng pushed his glasses.

Lin Xiaozhou pressed Zhao Yan on the sofa, and a string of words burst out: "Lao Zhao, he was scratched on his arm with a knife today, and he shed a lot of blood! The blood stopped temporarily, but I really don't trust you. Look at him carefully. By the way, Lao Zhao's feet kicked the bastard several times today. I'm afraid his feet are broken. You can have a look!"