Chapter 66 - I'm Not A Woman!

the doors open and the rude man pushes me in, I stabilize my footsteps so not to fall again, I look up and I meet a pair of scary black eyes, my instinct tells me that he's dangerous alas, he's not stronger than me, I just have to reach my weapon ....wait doesn't that mean that I'm really weak!!! I can only fight using my weapons!!

"an angel?", the man says slightly without any fluctuation, he grasps my chin and like checking merchandise he checks left and right

"and a beauty, it will sell good, is she a virgin?"

"we'll know soon boss"

"did you check her identity "

"no sir,i just found her in the way "

what are you waiting for? go check!!!", the man with the scary eyes was suspicious, just from looking at this woman skin and clothes you can see that she was groomed precious like a flower inside greenery, thinking of this he gives Erha another look

"the hair is white and the eyes are blue, foreign features, where are you from?"

"listing to their conversation I noticed something is not right, why do they need to know if I'm a virgin, and why do they address me as a 'she', as I was confused the man pulls me from my thinking by asking me a question.

I obviously didn't look native so I turn my eyes and added a "daah" in my mind, the other frowned seeing my sarcasm but he still didn't use violence.

"that's not my question, my question is were you here when the apocalypse broke, or did you come from the outside?"

"ahh so that's what you mean!! next time you should be more clear, well ...", since I came from the sea it is considered the outside so I nod my head, "I did come from the outside"

the man's narrow eyes widen from the chock next it widens from anticipation, if what this girl said is right then hope can still be grasped

"How did you get here"

"The sea took me here?"

"...", with a blank face the man thought"I believe in your ghost!!" everyone knows how impossible to put your leg in its water and stay intact, now you're telling me you crossed the sea !!! simply outrageous, he first thought that he can finally find hope to leave this hellish place he wants to struggle with her so badly but until the can be sure that she did not come from the outside, he has to act agreeably

"I'm sorry to make your stay with us but we're not sure if you're a spy yet, I wish you can understand "

with black lines on my forehead, I stopped the urge to pluck his hair and I could only scream internally, "I'll believe in your ghost!!! you were just talking about my virginity issue!!!"

it then came to me, the reason they ask about my virginity, the reason they address me, I look down at my clothes to gasp a batch of air, I forgot to change my clothes!! no wonder I always felt wrong!! because my body's temperature has always been low I didn't notice the air coming under my skirt!!

in Li Xiang's side, the red mist was filling the room almost rendering people's sight, in the middle of the room sits Li! Xiang cross-legged, beads of sweat continually falling from his head and you can see his back is drenched in sweat, he had originally thought that he can complete the whole process at a time only when he reached the part of forging the body did he fall in a bottleneck, so he decided that after he trespasses the bottleneck he can touch the next step of integrating the veins then stop, after all, cultivation needs energy and the little fish is waiting for him, he was really curious about what he's doing and where he is alas, he can't let any thought distribute or he'll lose his concentration and his current process falling once again in a deeper bottleneck.

the mentioned little fish at this moment was not a happy fish, these hooligans actually gave him dark food to eat, seriously what is this!!!,I complain as I look at the greenish-purple green and black mix of colors coming out from this mosh of tentacles.

"I guess I'm gonna spend this night hungry ", I murmur as I hug my legs trying to comfort myself, wait a minute can hug myself? they actually untied me, fools!! I originally attended to buy something from the shop to escape, I guess I don't have to waste my money anymore.

right after I wanted to take an escape talisman out by clicking on the red dot in my arm, I got hit by a sudden storm of tiredness, I instinctively tried to resist it but my entire body felt sluggish, refusing to listen to me.

'Bam', Erha's body fell to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

morning finally came up, a bunch of people was rushing to Erha's room in hurry, they slammed the door open without care about waking up the person inside, unexpectedly even after they made that much of noise the person inside didn't wake up, what's more, weird he didn't sleep on the bed but in the cold floor after they figured that something is not right they immediately took action and went to check the girl's situation.

the first thing they thought of is to yell to wake her up then shake her, seeing that the girl's eyelids didn't even flinch, everyone got nervous, her background is yet to be known and they are not sure if they can handle the powers behind her, not to say that her price is imaginable !!

leaving these reasons aside, they can't handle the boss's wrath!! the person with high status between them immediately orders to bring a doctor asap!!

the doctor who was bought in hurry was bewildered and irritated but couldn't complain, he went to check his patient, then stood shocked when he saw the beautiful figure with wings laying on the floor.

"Hurry !! go check!!", a man urges the doctor by pushing him forward

after he woke up from a trance he immediately cries," what are you doing?! put her in bed!!", he then goes to check Erhas pulse


"what is it ?"

"I can't feel any pulse!!"

"don't tell me she died!!", thinking about such a possibility everyone was scared shitless

"no, no she's not dead, she's still breathing and her heart is still beating, only both are getting weaker and weaker which means she's dying, but that doesn't make sense that I can't feel her pulse, how am I suppose to know what's wrong with her!!!", the doctor speaks the whole sentences at one breath looking nervous and confused.

(announcement: tomorrow is the day the screening process of my novel my end, I don't think I can handle another month of screening so there's only to option, my novel screening finishes tomorrow and I get contracted at last or get many cheers from yall to motivate me and keep me writing, thanks everyone for their understanding )