Chapter 514

Name:Top new darling Author:舞妆
Xia Weiran's friend motioned to her not to cry so loudly. It would be bad to disturb the security guard outside. Xia Weiran had to cry low, she felt sad to die. She didn't even know what to do with her life. Mu Yifan has always been the center of his life, as if the earth revolves around the sun. But the sun suddenly disappeared, how the earth should work is the right direction. She felt like a lost child who had forgotten the way home.

"Yifan, you are about to wake up. We have our own children again. I came to see you with my baby today. You wake up and let me do anything. What can I do without you? You can't sleep on your own so selfishly. "

Xia Weiran is too forgetful to cry, and her friends only comfort her, so they don't find anyone near the door. When the man pushed the door, they stood up and pretended to change the dressing for mu Yifan.

It was Mu Yijing who came in. He just went to Xia Weiran's ward and couldn't find anyone else. He thought that he must have come here, so he came after him in a hurry. I didn't expect to hear two bodyguards say at the door that two nurses were changing the dressing for mu Yifan. He didn't expect that it would be Xia Weiran.

Mu Yijing came in and said, "have you changed the medicine? Did the doctor say what happened to my brother? "

Xia Weiran knows that when he opens his mouth, Mu Yijing will definitely hear his voice. If he shouts to let the bodyguard outside know, I'm afraid it's impossible to get in again. She pushes her friends around. The friend realized that she wanted to answer Mu Yijing's words.

"Mr. Mu's condition is much more stable now. It is estimated that he will wake up in the next two days."

Mu Yijing heard that Mu Yifan could wake up in the past two days, and his heart suddenly turned cloudy and clear. Mu Yifan has been in a coma for half a month. He doesn't know what to do. He can finally wake up. If Xia Weiran gets better before he leaves Mu's home, maybe he can stop the tragedy, so Yue Leshan's intrigue will not succeed.

"Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome. That's what we should do."

After Xia Weiran's friend finished talking, they wanted to leave with medical equipment. Before leaving, Xia Weiran looked back at Mu Yifan reluctantly. She wanted to stay with him forever until the end of time.

It is this deep feeling that makes Mu Yijing recognize Xia Weiran. No wonder he always felt that one of the nurses was strange, because there were crystal tears hanging around her eyes, as if she had just cried. Now he can be sure that this person is Xia Weiran. He just wanted to call his sister-in-law. Xia Weiran motioned him not to speak.

Mu Yijing followed the two men to the outside.

Three people to the downstairs, Xia Weiran found a quiet place, this will mask down.

"Sister-in-law, I really didn't recognize the wrong person. It's really you."

Xia Weiran said with a smile: "I just want to see your brother. Who knows that the two bodyguards want me to show my identity. You know, it's just mom's move. If I show my identity, I'm afraid I can't get in all my life. It's the worst thing to do. "

Mu Yijing thumbs up and praises Xia Weiran for doing it right. This is the only way to do it. Since he knew that Wang Yanran sent bodyguards to guard at the door, he thought about how to let Xia Weiran mix in. After that, he can take Xia Weiran to see Mu Yifan and help them watch the wind.

"Yijing, I heard from friends that your brother might wake up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You must pay more attention."

"You don't have to worry about this," he said. When are you going to go home? My precious niece is calling for mom and dad every day. I think you'd better go back to see the baby these two days. Maybe when mom sees the child's face, there is still room for things to turn around. "

"Yijing, do you think mom will really change her decision? I don't want to leave Mu family. I want to be with your brother. I just want to be with him until he is old. Can you understand my feelings? "

Of course, Mu Yijing understands Xia Weiran's mood. Who would want to leave his husband and leave home? Besides, their relationship is so good. He also doesn't know how to help Xia Weiran. Now all the things in the family are dominated by Wang Yanran. What he says doesn't work.

Xia Weiran decided to listen to Mu Yijing's advice, some things to come, no one can stop. She can only hold a glimmer of hope that Wang Yanran can see in the baby granddaughter's sake, but give her a little time to clarify this matter.

"Yijing, there's one thing I always find strange."

"What's the matter? You said, "sister-in-law."

Xia Weiran said slowly: "Yijing, don't you think these things are too coincidental? The ship that never had an accident would sink this time, and this business is very important to our Mu family. How could your brother see the scene when Lin Yue and I hugged each other, and how could he have a car accident. All this seems to have been premeditated, which is aimed at our Mu family. "

Mu Yijing thought about these things for a long time, but he had no clue. The cause of the shipwreck has been revealed. It is said that the ship was in disrepair for a long time and knocked down a reef in the sea, so the accident happened. The police are making a full investigation into the matter. As for mu Yifan's car accident, the driver has surrendered himself. Because of fatigue driving, I ran into Mu Yifan's car. All this seems to be natural and unexpected, but mu Yijing always feels that something is wrong.

"Sister in law, when you say that, I think of it. It seems that someone is targeting our Mu family. Who would be who? "

Xia Weiran has been with Lin Yue, so he knows something about his character and means. He is a very vindictive person, and will never let himself live a stable and happy life so easily. He is so thoughtful that he can do everything without leaking. The way of doing these things is very similar to Lin Yue's style. Although she doesn't want to believe that Lin Yue is responsible for all this, her intuition can't deceive her.

"I think this person is very similar to someone I met, but I'm not sure if he did it. There is no evidence between us. We can only take a step at a time. But you should be more careful in the future. Don't fall into this man's trap. "

Mu Yijing blurted out: "do you mean this person is Yue Leshan?"

He said, "Yijing, I don't think Yue Leshan planned all this. Maybe she is also a victim. She just wanted to drive me away from Mu's family, but do you think she would hurt your brother? No one can deny her sincerity to your brother. "