"Do you still play with me?"

The girl said with a sweet smile: "yes, but I want to be with brother Hongtu more."

The boy disdained a smile: "he has what good, all day serious and a little old man like."

"He will protect me."

"I will protect you, too." He added a quick response.

"Well, if only you were as mature and steady as your brother."

"Wentai, you have to learn from your brother in the future. You see how excellent your brother is!"

"The young master of the Xu family is really a talented person. If he has the ability, he won't worry if he has such a successor. However, the second young master of the Xu family is a bit too cynical. It's also because there are so many differences between brothers."

Xu Wentai clenched his teeth and told everyone, "I will be excellent, too."

"Wentai, you are not destined to be your brother. You are not like him at all. I like your brother and I want to marry him."

"If you are half as reliable as your brother, I don't have to worry about it!"

"If these two young masters are the same as the first young master, how long will it take for the Xu family to go out?"

"Brother, you also learn to start..."

"You will never be brother Hongtu. Don't waste your efforts!"

"Look at what you look like now. How can I have a son like you..."

More and more words are crammed into his head. Xu Wentai wants to refute, but he can't say anything. He wants to fight them, but he finds that he can't lift his arm. He will always find out that he is in a nightmare and curse.

Struggling wildly, trying to escape from this terrible hell.

Xu Wentai suddenly turned over and only felt that he fell to the ground heavily!

Struggling to lift the quilt in front of him, the early morning sunshine squeezed in from the thin curtains of the hospital, fell to the ground and smashed. He took a big breath of air, and his eyes adapted to the situation in front of him.

At this time, a head came out of the bed and said, "have you had a nightmare?"

He stood up and chuckled: "no, it's a very beautiful dream."

I don't believe the other person's face.

She grabbed Xu Wentai's quilt and wrapped it on her body: "I want to eat, you go to buy rice."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Pig hoof."

Looking at each other in a daze, Anning repeated: "I don't want to eat it. Last night I dreamt that I would study late in high school and play truant with you. I went to the street to eat charcoal roasted pig's feet. These days I've been eating porridge in the hospital all day. I'm going to fade out. If you can help me buy a maoxuewang, it's the best."

Xu Wentai said that he had no problem. He knew that the girl in front of him was never a gentle lady. He was also right about where she could go when she grew up under her own influence.

"And don't let my brother see it, do you hear me?"

He said with a wry smile that he knew that this side never appeared in front of his brother. He didn't know whether it was his own luck or misfortune.

At the press conference on the second floor of Apple entertainment.

Now that Ou yechen has spoken, the entertainment company really has no difficulty for this prickly young lady, and even makes room for her to hold a press conference. No matter what the result of the press conference is, she can say goodbye with dignity.

Nearly two o'clock in the afternoon and half an hour later, yunqi was making up backstage when she was suddenly informed that someone was looking for her.

The bodyguard outside didn't stop him. As soon as the assistant finished reporting, the man rushed in directly.

Cloud cry looked up and saw that it was Han Huanhuan who had seen one side tightly.

She stood up with her skirt: "are you here to stop me? It's too late. Even Gu Li, your supporter, has agreed to hold a press conference with me and given Su Zhan the chance to choose for himself. "

"The boss has told me. I'm not only here to stop you."

"What are you doing here?" With a gentle smile and the feeling of victory in hand, she didn't have much of the situation, and recovered the good appearance of years: "is it difficult for her to say goodbye to brother Su?"

"I don't mind arranging such a time for you if brother Su wants to."

Han Huanhuan clenched her teeth to calm down: "I want to say a few words to you."

She looked around for a week at assistants, stylists, stylists and so on. "It's just me and you. I don't think you want anyone else to know that."

Seeing that she spoke so seriously, yunqi waved and let everyone go out.

He pulled a chair behind him and sat down, indicating that she could speak.

"Have you ever loved brother Su?"

"Well, you're here to ask me such an idiot question."

Huanhuan stubbornly shook his head: "this is not an idiot at all. Only two people who love each other can go further. I know brother Su has loved you, and he is the kind who loves you deeply. But you don't always take him as a spare tire, a hug that can go back anytime and anywhere."

"What do you know?"

"You are angry. Are you right?"

Cloud tears to stabilize their emotions: "I did not, I like brother su."

"No, you just like the feeling of being spoiled and held in the palm of your hand. Your father forced you to marry Chi Lei. You know that you won't have a superior position when you marry him, or you hate him, so you have temporary regret and choose a person you don't hate."

She squeezed her chin with one hand and shook her head: "no, or you suddenly know that brother Su is going to propose to me before you get married. You're afraid that no one will continue to spoil you after you get married. You're afraid of losing. You're afraid that it's no longer unique in brother Su's heart, so you'll come back, right?"

The girl opposite was obviously impatient: "I'm not here to listen to your nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I just want to tell you that you don't like brother su. You just enjoy this special treatment."

He took a deep breath and suddenly laughed: "so what? Su Zhan likes me. If I want to be with him, he will definitely choose me. You have already lost."

"Who said, brother Su liked you before, doesn't mean he likes you now."

"Why, he's always loved me."

Han Huanhuan, who always makes a fuss and hides when things happen, is so steadfast and steady that she goes on to say, "no, the proof plays you said are all fake. Brother Su proposed to me with that ring not because you like it, but because I designed it. You haven't investigated it. My major is jewelry design.

We plan to travel to Norway not because you want to settle down, but because I want to.

When I was a graduate student, I stayed there for a year, and I wanted to go back and have a look. That's why brother Su agreed.

And that proposal, not that you want to get married, but I said that the biggest surprise is to have a stable family, so it was a birthday gift from brother su. "