It's a real torture to watch this kind of news. Gu Li shakes her head to watch TV. What happened recently has been updated too fast. God seems to have quickened the pace. One by one, you have to digest the last news before the next one has burst out.

With the rapid development of information society, people gradually began to pursue high-efficiency news explosion point.

For the scene he saw this morning, Gu Li could only comment on one thing: good acting.

Like a child, she stuffed half of the steamed bread in the soybean milk bowl, carried her bag, and slipped out quietly while the housekeeper went to the kitchen to get things.

The trees outside had been waiting for a long time. When Gu Li came out, he rushed to the car.

In front of the forest with a tacit understanding of the accelerator, the vehicle directly flew out: "Sister Li, why do you come out every time after breakfast like a thief?"

I'm not fit to be a thief. I'm just a thief.

She looked back, but the housekeeper didn't come out. She didn't seem to find out yet: "who told you not to go out and rescue me? You don't know that your sister Li is popular. You can't get out after you go in."

The tree pursed his mouth and said in embarrassment“ In fact, I also want to go in and rescue you, but last time I went in for a while, and then the man named Tunan asked me to go out and compare. "

Gu Li didn't know about it, so he sighed and asked, "and then what?"

"No, I've been taught a terrible lesson. I dare not go in after that."

Looking at the grievance and cautious expression of the trees, Gu Li seemed to see the past and suddenly laughed and said, "don't be afraid of him. In fact, he used to be my driver, but now he's following ou yechen."

The other side's eyes suddenly turned into star eyes: "Wow, Sister Li's drivers are so powerful, then I'll work hard in the future!"

"Well, I'm optimistic about you. You'll be even worse than Tu Nan in the future."

When they chatted, they arrived at Fuyun street in the western suburb. The street was repaired some time ago, and their names were sealed by themselves.

At the dusk when the project was completed, Gu Li watched the street winding forward, and the clouds seemed to float on the street, so he paid attention to the name casually.

Zongting set up a road sign without saying a word.

About an hour's walk along Fuyun street is a cliff. There is water flowing down the cliff, but it's just a stream.

She was received by a chubby engineer. The people next to her were all called He Gong. They had a lot of witty words and a Beijing accent, which made everyone laugh all the time.

Gu Li is one of them. It's fun to talk with him. He's always bickering in the middle.

Guo Guangyu, who was in charge of reception beside him, couldn't see it any more and began to remind him“ Sister Li, you'll have to go to Xinyue building later. Let's settle the matter here as soon as possible. "

Xinyuelou is also a coordinate building in the western suburbs. The idea came from Daji's Jiexing building. Originally, he wanted to use it directly. Xu Hongtu thought that the name was not good and it was easy to make a fuss, so he changed it to xinyuelou.

The whole building went to the folk craftsmen.

The whole building is nine stories high. The first floor is five meters high, and each floor is three meters high. The decoration on the top floor of the whole building is thirty meters in total. The thirty meter tower is made of wood and glass without any reinforcement or cement.

Listen to those teachers father said, don't look at the building without a steel bar, to deal with the typhoon below six is enough.

Gu Li also wanted to see the legendary miracle, so he nodded: "yes, yes, I have to go to xinyuelou. Today, there is only one day's journey. I need to finish all the journeys that should be finished."

So he gathered up his mood and quickly followed Guo Guangyu and he Gong to the waterfall.

He Gong, as the chief planner of the whole project, talked about the whole process. She didn't understand a word about the terrain, sedimentary rock, water velocity, local climate, monsoon and subtropical zone.

I can't understand a few nouns, which also reminds me of high school geography knowledge. In the end, her head ached and she couldn't understand them. She directly interrupted the other party's excited speech: "no, no, you don't have to waste your breath with me. Anyway, I can't understand these words. Just tell me what we should do."

He Gong distant consistent with a large rock up: "see that?"

Gu Li looked along the direction and nodded: "well, I see."

"As long as the stone is knocked off, the gentle slope will disappear, the high ground will form a fall and become a waterfall."

The explanation was easy to understand. Gu Li made a sudden appearance: "as long as you hang that stone bridge, you can form an artificial waterfall?"

"That's the problem at this stage."

She felt her chin and looked at the stone. It was really big. She felt that there were at least 100 cubic meters.

"It should be hard to get rid of."

Who knows this was rejected by the other party cleanly: "no, it's very easy. It only takes a week to completely deal with it. By the way, the whole gap can be beautified for you."

She continued nodding and said, "well, this is going to cost a lot of money, isn't it?"

He Gong once again refused: "no, there are fixed machines to deal with this kind of big rock. Now the roads are open, and the money we spend on renting machines for a week is not worth mentioning."

Gu Li nodded again, realizing a question: "then what do you want me to do? Since this rock is so easy to solve, why has it become a problem left over from history? "

Guo Guangyu finally appeared and could speak. His finger followed a parabola like finger: "team leader, do you see the eight o'clock direction?"

She narrowed her eyes and looked along her fingers. She really saw several houses in the forest. When she saw them, she was stunned. She couldn't believe that she said, "there are people here?"

"There are 28 households in total, which can't be listed as villages, so we didn't investigate these people at all during the investigation. Those days, we were mining in the mountains, and only when we met people who went up to hunt in the mountains did we know that there were 28 families living here."

At the technical level, he Gong was handed over to him again. The latter cleared his throat and said, "we are very careful when we break the huge stones, so we don't have to deal with the situation that the stones hit people. However, there will be an alluvial lake below. The village will have to move away if it is flooded sooner or later."