Gu Li is very happy to call each other: "do you want to eat a winter date?"

My little brother's eyes finally turned to Zhang Xingling, but he didn't speak.

The other side didn't take care of Dongzao and Gu Li. He went straight to the little brother and took out a round jade pendant from his pocket and gave it to him.

He reached for the jade pendant, looked at the two words carved on it, and said, "Zicheng."

"Zhang Zicheng, this is your name." Zhang Xingling drew back his hand and said, "you can choose not to believe it. It's OK to think I'm a madman and talk to myself."

After the voice fell, I didn't stop him. On the contrary, I lost the jade pendant.

With a satisfied smile, Zhang Xingling continued to say: "son is a generation. Our generation is a generation. Cheng is your name. Your mother died in childbirth. Your father died three years ago. At the same time, you also lost news. In fact, we have been looking for you all these years."

"And who are you?" He asked.

"You are my brother. We are related by blood, but we are not close. We are the same clan."

After hearing this explanation, the other party kept silent and continued to look at the sky outside.

As an outsider, Gu Li asked weakly, "since you are of the same generation, why is there no generation in your name?"

"Because I've changed my name, it's almost. It's Zicheng who almost changed my name."

"Ha?" What the hell is this? Why change the name?

For the first time, Zhang Xingling's emotion fluctuated in Gujing wubo's eyes, which seemed to be the feeling of recalling the past: "someone had to change his name when he was 18 years old. This is the tradition of our place."

I've only heard of the tradition of eating dumplings during the Spring Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival. What kind of tradition is this!

"Zicheng, I know it's very difficult for you to believe everything now. Do you want me to go back? Seeing the past and the growing environment may be beneficial to the recovery of memory."

He still persevered in persuading, without the embarrassment of hot face and cold buttock: "it's always no harm to go back to my hometown with me, and you can understand who I am?"

Brother, don't listen to his nonsense. I have lost my previous memory. Now I almost live in the place where I grew up when I was a child, but I still don't know anything about my childhood. It's useless. It doesn't exist.

It is estimated that he will be beaten if he says this now, so Gu Li chooses to be silent.

Little brother's eyes moved, you can see that he wants to understand his past very much, but finally his eyes turned to Gu Li: "I still need to protect her."

Gu Li raised her hand excitedly and answered the questions like a kindergarten“ I have time, Mr. Zhang. As long as I follow you, I will follow you naturally. "

"Are you afraid I'll go back?"

"If you don't go back, why don't you take me."

Zhang Xingling holds her chin to think about the pros and cons. Gu Li is tense all over. She is really afraid of the other party's repentance. After all, this little brother is the chip used to threaten him. She is not controlled at all.

After a long time, he nodded: "OK, we'll leave on Friday night. It'll take about two days. I'll ask for a day off. We should be back on Monday afternoon."

"Wow, it takes so long?"

"Well, my hometown is in the south, where there are more water and mosquitoes. Just bring more moisture-proof things."

The mystery that I've been reading for so long has been solved. Gu Li nodded excitedly: "no problem. I'll start on Friday."

As for going out for a long journey, it's easy to explain to the people around you. According to Zhang Xingling, the place they are going to is called Zhoushan.

I went out of my way to ask Hong Yan about it. She checked her relationship. If there is no mistake, Zhoushan is the only small county in the nature reserve.

What kind of operation is the city in the nature reserve?

"The location of that place is remote. It's a matter of recent years to go over mountains and mountains and get electricity and water. Although the local government looks at the beautiful scenery of this place and wants to engage in tourism, it doesn't get it up. It's basically in the borderline of no care."

I didn't expect that assistant Zhang was still a child deep in the mountains.

Gu Li suddenly worried about his accommodation: "well, is that the kind of place where birds don't poop?"

"No, it's the kind of bird that poops everywhere. It's more terrible."

Hong Yan continued to browse all kinds of news, reciting to her the information displayed on the computer: "there are 34000 people in the whole city, which is a small city. It should be regarded as a county. It implements the policy of rural self-government Committee, huh? Why do you do this? Is the local mayor Zhang Xingling? "

All of a sudden, Gu Li was startled by her loud voice. She couldn't help coming forward to have a look.

It's really Zhang Xingling written in white on a black background, but it's a pity that there are no photos.

"Is this Zhang Xingling our assistant Zhang?"

"It's impossible. It's at least an official level. No matter how few people are in charge, it's also a mayor. How can you go all the way to the imperial capital to become an assistant? It's probably a double name."

But Gu Li's heart has already confirmed that the mayor is Zhang Xingling.

Seeing that there was no more useful news, Gu Li patted her, stood up and said, "I'll leave it to you. I can't come back to the group on Monday. I go to work on Tuesday, and we have the normal meeting on Tuesday."

"What are you going to do in Zhoushan?"

"Travel." She went out without returning.

Things are ready very quickly. Gu Li specially finds an SLR camera. If his head can't remember, his pen is more reliable. All the people around him have explained clearly.

Lying on the hospital bed, Yunhai almost jumped out of bed when she learned that she was going to go away without anyone.

"With my little brother, what are you worried about?"

He admitted that his skills did not belong to the category that human beings could deal with, but he was still worried: "after all, my brother is not one of us. What should I do if half the way is bad for you?"

"Don't talk about them. I'll take you there. If you want to be bad for us on the way, can you deal with it?"

"..." this can not be refuted.

Gu Li patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, I can trust both of them. Even if I go out for a walk, there's nothing special. After all, the protagonist is not me. I'll be back soon."

She did not know why she was so relieved, but she felt that Zhang Xingling would not harm herself at all.

Everything has been arranged properly, but there is still one that hasn't been explained. What about ou yechen?!