"Xiao Li, do you know what is the most important thing for a leader?"

Suddenly asked this question, Gu Li had no psychological preparation at all, so he answered casually in the state of being hoodwinked: "I don't trust my subordinates."

Obviously, the other party didn't expect that the answer was so fresh and refined, so he laughed: "ha ha, of course, this is one, and the most important thing is that he was in a mess."

After a few laughs, Gu Jianhong suddenly became very serious. He stretched out his hand to look Gu Li in the eyes and began to tell him word by word: "I'm here to tell you that what you are facing now is just a small matter. You will encounter more big storms and waves in the future, many things you can't solve, and even many times when you are desperate to commit suicide, But you can't panic, you can't panic. "

"When things happen, everyone is watching your performance. As long as you calm down, the people below will calm down. If you have an accident, the captain of a ship has no idea. It's time for the crew below to commit suicide in the sea."

Now that she calms down, Gu Li also knows that her reaction just now is too abnormal. However, after two months of painstaking efforts and many difficulties, she can finally come to a conclusion. Unexpectedly, she played this game!

Gu Li now wants to cut each other directly, but now, under the authority of his father, he still apologizes honestly. As a leader, his random confusion is really too ungracious: "en, father, I'm sorry."

Looking at the way she bowed her head to admit her mistake, Gu Jianhong explained in a hurry, "I don't mean to blame you. You are still young, and there are many things you don't know. Moreover, I always think my daughter has achieved this level very well."

Father? These words came into Gu Li's ears, and she couldn't believe them.

My father said to me, "well, my daughter is confident now."

Gu Li confidently answered a sentence, then he was embarrassed: "if I really have no way, then I will invite my father to come out again. If I can solve it myself, you don't need to touch it."

After a little thought, Gu Jianhong felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he nodded and agreed: "OK, you must be careful when you do things. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask Xiao Zhang. He has been following me all these years. He has seen more things in the officialdom than you. He should be able to give you some advice."

"Team leader Gu can come and ask me at any time." Zhang assistant very rigorous said a word.

Hum, in front of his father can be really like ah, Gu Li also pretended to support the answer: "that will be a lot of trouble Zhang assistant."

"Mr. Gu is very kind."

She waved to Zhang Xingling and her father and went out in a hurry.

"It's a good seedling. You can help me more. I'm afraid to intervene in this matter if I don't have a good attitude."

Zhang Xingling returned a simple sentence: "understand."

But the implication is very profound. The general manager asked his assistant to pay special attention to a person, which is equivalent to internal decision?