police office.

"I've watched these videos more than ten times, and there's nothing suspicious about them."

Of course, when does Joanna do things, she will leave evidence for others, and also deliberately find her own provocation.

Gu Li rubbed his forehead and looked at the policewoman at the computer desk: "please, play it again."

"Xiao Li, I said that the video here is worthless. You haven't had a rest for several days. No..."

By her starlike eyes, Xu Qiyan's anger was gone, and his words were naturally swallowed.

She looked at each other and seriously replied, "I always need to do something. Believe it or not, it's because of them."

"If you want to see it, I'll wait for you at the door." In the middle of his walk, he suddenly remembered something: "Alan has woken up. Lin ling'er is out of danger. Lian Qi is looking for them in the hospital now. As for China Resources Design Institute, Lu Xiao is looking for them now. If he has time, he might as well go to the hospital..."

Slightly indifferent words directly interrupted Xu Qiyan's hypothetical sentence: "before I caught the murderer, I had no face to see them."

Xu Qiyan looked at her with some heartache. Without speaking, he went out and took the door with him.

The policewoman looked at the young lady who was not much bigger than herself curiously, and turned on the video recorded by the camera. There were 20 cameras installed on each floor of NJ mall, and there were nearly dozens of cameras on the top floor and around the building.

In terms of security, the NJ building is already the most advanced technology. But once the power is cut off, the high technology is useless. It's not as good as a pair of eyes: "when the fire broke out, it was around 9:00 p.m., just the time for the design to enter the * *, From about 8:30, the surveillance cameras of the whole building have been paralyzed. "

On the 12th floor, there were several landscape paintings of the late Qing Dynasty. The security personnel on the day were on full alert. Everyone thought of the famous paintings of the late Qing Dynasty. From the 11th floor down, there was almost no one to see the main door.

At that time, Alan and others on the 7th and 8th floors should have received the notice. They only knew that there were robbers robbing antique paintings on the 12th floor. They just paid attention to maintaining the order of the scene. They did not expect that someone would start to work on a design exhibition that had not yet been completed: "and then around 8:50, you can see that the 8th floor is on fire."

The fire started on the eighth floor of the building, that is, the China Resources Design Exhibition. The people at the scene of the Bureau said that there was an explosion at that time, which destroyed all the lighting equipment at the scene. The people were still in a state of being blinded. The fire was rescued. The whole building was made of reinforced concrete. It was really a little confused about the overwhelming food.

Looking at Gu Li's dignified expression, the policewoman said: "we have found traces of fuel oil from now on. Basically, there is fuel oil from the third floor to the 13th floor. After the explosion, the fire ignited these inflammables, and then it burned from the third floor to the 13th floor. The heat insulation panel and solar panel burst during the combustion, causing the whole building to collapse."

"From this detail, we can basically conclude that it is artificial."

"How many people were injured in this disaster?"

"The most seriously injured people are the people in the 8th floor design exhibition. This is the original place of the explosion and the beginning of the fire. People are not prepared for it. The most seriously injured person is designer Lin ling'er. "The disaster resulted in four deaths, all of which were caused by the fall and trample of high-level officials."

Gu Li nodded and motioned to the girl in front of her to play the video again“ How about the famous paintings on the 12th floor

"It's said that all of them were burned down. As for the details, the auctioneer didn't come to the police station for record, so we don't know very well."

"Then you should know who the auction company is."

"This..." policewoman suddenly some embarrassment, knows is knows, but tells you some does not conform to the rule.

In the face of her slightly sad smile: "it doesn't matter, I can understand your suffering, but I want to find out the murderer too much, the injured is my friend, what I lost is all my hard work, I can't eat and sleep these days, as soon as I close my eyes, the fire appeared in front of me that day, I really feel very uncomfortable."

The policewoman looked at her as a walking corpse, and her eyes turned red: "I'm sorry, but I really know about the auction company on the 12th floor, fangpinzhai."

Fang pinzhai? Lin Ping?! Recently, they can be seen in many places. There seems to be something fishy in it!

Gu Li gave a weak smile: "thank you very much. If I can find out, I will visit you."

In the past, this move was aimed at men. It can stimulate each other's heart of pity. I didn't expect that now I can use it for my sister. I'm really good at it.

"You are too polite. This kind of thing should have been the duty of our police. Up to now, we have no clue to investigate and deal with it. According to the truth, I should be guilty."

"Never mind, I believe you." If you can find out so easily, Joanna will not dare to make such a big situation.

After playing the video again and again, the content of these surveillance videos is not NJ building, but the camera facing NJ building on the main road of the city, which is unnecessary. However, the municipal government has to press a circle according to the urban planning. Unexpectedly, it is of great use at this time.

From 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., we can see the suspicious people who didn't enter the NJ building during the time of the accident.

After watching it twice, I didn't find any abnormal person. I'm not a criminal police officer, and I don't have the rich experience of Shi Yunhai and others. Looking at the dense people like ants in the video, she felt that her brain was about to explode when she wiped her forehead.

The suspect was not found, only saw the crazy crowd and the cooperation behind. Through the black-and-white picture, we can almost hear the scream, cry and crowding at the scene. People are so vulnerable in front of death.

Gu Li is not reconciled. There should be a clue. There must be a clue. Apart from the on-site surveillance video, there is no direction to investigate: "again."