China Resources Design Institute.

After the last abdication, Gu Li had time to come back only one month later. In fact, Xu Qiyan had no problem with this document, but she wanted to meet people here, so she made a detour.

When she handed her things to Alan, she looked at her up and down: "this is the venue of the exhibition. The venue is in NJ building in Xin'an district. I have already talked about it. The first to fourth floor is the exhibition, and the fifth floor is the hall. You can use it. There are restaurants and guest rooms on the Internet. It's completely appropriate to have one set down."

When Alan took over, he flipped a few times: "NJ is a first-class location and building. It takes us nearly a month to contract. Besides, the cost of catering and accommodation is sky high."

"It doesn't matter. I've gone a little. The amount is calculated according to half of the market price. If you rent for one month, then the number of days is calculated according to ten days, and the remaining twenty days are free."

She grinned and said, "it's money making. It's a business at a loss. NJ is a commercial building. It doesn't need to be hyped or attracted any attention. Your relationship is too strong to threaten others."

Gu Li shook his head, stretched out three fingers and swore: "absolutely not. They are very willing to do this business. The telephone number of the person in charge is in it. You can trade directly. If the price is unreasonable, you can tell me again. Don't worry. All the procedures are legal."

NJ building is developed by Yuqiu Lake scenic area. After the plan was passed, Gu couldn't do it all by himself. They didn't have the energy to deal with some small details. It happened that Yuqiu Lake scenic area came to us at that time.

In Zongting's plan, this company was originally one of the candidates. Yuqiu lake has been engaged in the development of scenic spots and the construction of tourist sites for many years, and has rich experience. When Gu Li selected them, he extorted the right to use NJ building, and the opposite party was also very willing.

We all know that the profit of Gu's big cake can't be estimated compared with holding a fashion show for a month. When Gu Li promised them to make a decision, the person in charge of Yuqiu lake was so excited that he almost didn't give them the right to use it for free.

This matter was politely refused by Gu Li. Money still needs to be given. No matter how much money is given, this form still needs to go.

"Well, I'll go back and deal with it. Sure enough, you'll get twice the result with half the effort."

"I'd love you to leave everything to me, my lady."

She looked at each other and finally laughed. She came forward to observe carefully: "I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to be fat."

Hearing this, Alan pinched his face: "my young lady, this is edema. Can't you see it?"

"Er..." Gu Li asked again“ Didn't you sleep well? "

"It's too hard to plan the design exhibition these days. I can't have a normal rest for several days, and now the design institute is facing enrollment expansion, so I have a lot of things to do."

"It's really hard. Where's Lian Qi?" I haven't seen him since I just entered the door.

"Lu Xiao, Zhuang Yishan and the one called ling'er are here. He has no responsibility to receive them. He hasn't come back since he went out last night. I don't know what to talk about."

"I guess I'm going to drink. I..." Gu Ligang wanted to say that he was going to see them too. Suddenly he stopped, or he didn't want to go. If he was drunk, he would delay a lot of things.

Alan made a please sign, inviting her into the room for a cup of coffee.

Gu Li sat on the chair and looked at the rising heat. The room was full of the aroma of coffee beans: "from gone with the wind to last month, I've remembered the taste buds of your coffee. I'm afraid I can't drink it in the future. My heart seems to break when I think about it."

She put the cup in front of her and said, "it's OK to have a cup of coffee. How are you doing?"

"I've had a really good time recently. I don't need to climb up when I enter Gu's family. All the roads have been paved in front of me, but if I don't step up, people will push me forward."

"Isn't that good?" Asked the woman.

This kind of feeling is not good and very anxious. Gu Li didn't know how to answer for a moment, and reluctantly described: "a turkey is trying to find food every day. Suddenly one day, a plate full of delicious food is put in front of him, and he can eat it with one mouth. What do you think happened?"

The other shrugged: "it may be Thanksgiving."

"Yes, humans are always different from turkeys. I have to find the crossroads before Thanksgiving arrives."

"Xiao Li, do you think people are too bad?"

"It always feels strange when it comes out of your mouth." Alan has really changed. As a killer, he can say such things.

This funny idea also let Alan himself a Leng, followed by a laugh: "perhaps in recent years too smooth."

"Maybe even if there is a good heart to help me secretly, I have to find out why, but there is a truth in the world, that is, there will be no pie in the sky."

"It's a fact. I hope it's an earthshaking reason for happiness."

When the cup touched, Gu Li drank the coffee and said, "I'd like to borrow your lucky words."

We have been running in the honey jar for a long time, but everything is suffering.

"I have to go. There are still many things for Gu group. I wish you a smooth exhibition."

"Of course." From Alan's point of view, there is no disorderly anger that can hinder her, and Gu Li, who is the most hateful, has drawn a clear line with them now. Alan shrugs his shoulders, and seems to think of something in his mind. He clenches his teeth and says: "we must succeed."

Gu Li didn't speak any more and left China Resources Design Institute. She turned her head and looked at the design that she chose to decorate.

She is desperate to get rid of the relationship with the Design Institute, in order not to let the fight of Gu's group and her revenge affect everyone.

From now on, we should be people of two worlds.

Extremely reluctant to pull back his eyes, Gu Li put on sunglasses and got into the car.

The imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is not like this, many things you beg for hope, but get disappointment.

Fang Yuning told her that if you want to succeed, you must be cruel, including innocent people. Because you are injured, you should not influence yourself and be a very iron hearted person.