Chapter 1182

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
Police and bandits change sides.

Chen Yao was born on the 13th floor of the bandit's birthplace. Lei Bao was born on Erhai Chaosheng at random.

As one side of the attack, in fact, there is not much time to waste on this map, and there is no need for the pistol bureau to set up a sniper gun outside the window. Spark and flying insects put out the fire to press the elevator, which is useless. The three of them went straight up the stairs to the top floor.

They're sort of a more conventional start to the Empire State building.

Of course, in addition to the "ephemeral style" in which some of the main deities jump down from the 13th floor at the beginning, there are only a few of the normal opening styles of the bandits in the Empire State Building, and there won't be much change.

"Pay attention to the amount of bullets." Chen Yao watched the elevator go up little by little and quietly reminded Qin Yizhu.

They're on their way to the top floor.

If they can stop one more person on the 13th floor, they will be one more person. If they can spend one more wave of time on each other, they will be one more wave of time.

Bang bang bang.

The number of 13 just flashed on the elevator panel, and the double holding 92 model in Spark's hand has thrown five bullets towards the same point in a row.

"Spark is already very fast, but Longyin is faster! They will never make mistakes in such detailed operations! " Yang Yuchen saw that the elevator door opened slightly, but he immediately went up.

Spark's five bullets in a row are to go through the outer panel of the elevator to destroy the circuit inside the elevator and stop it from rising.

But everyone in Longyin team began to train these details from the first day of entering the echelon.

When the elevator arrives at each floor, how to ensure that it stops the elevator from opening the door and makes it continue to rise, which is a few seconds faster than the other side, and makes the other side's interception fail?

How to deal with the situation of single person, how to deal with the situation of double person

Longyin team is quite skilled and accurate.

Now the dictatorial team is playing double interception. When spark is destroying the elevator circuit board, a grenade has exploded the door.

"This elevator looks too dangerous for me..."

"Flying insects put out the fire and jumped up! It looks so easy! "

"Do you want to fall? Ah, he was just so close to being stuck in the floor by the elevator that had already ascended, but he didn't He broke into the elevator

Longyin team's meticulous operation and accurate time judgment made spark unable to leave the elevator on the 13th floor for a few seconds.

If they succeed, the system will automatically repair the circuit board for at least ten seconds.

Ten seconds! In this kind of game, is the existence of the adverse.

For them, ten seconds more, the next battle will be very different.

However, the detail ability of Longyin team is really great.

This kind of interception can't work at all.

To say that the elevator was dragged by spark, it was only half a second when the door was opened and pressed immediately, plus the deceleration time of the elevator, it was not more than a second and a half.

"There are five people in the elevator, five people! Although the flying insects have gone up to fight the fire, this is... "

"Is he in the corner? Ah, they didn't stick corners. They just started fighting? "

The elevator, whose inner door was destroyed by the explosion, was shaking wildly. The wind from the elevator shaft was whistling, and the elevator was dark. Only the narrator could see from the perspective of God that the flying insects were standing on the edge of the shaking elevator. They didn't find their position at all, and they raised their guns to fight.

At the same time, there is no direct shot in a word of nonsense, that is zero.

Other people are a round of tactical action to stabilize before they begin to attack the flying insects to put out the fire.

Bang Bang

Bang Bang

The shaking elevator, the flickering fire in the dark space, the flickering figures and the sound of bullets hitting the elevator wall are all creepy.

"The blind battle was fought like this by them!" Yang Yuchen watched as the flying insects were always on the edge of falling. He could fall into the elevator shaft at any time, but he didn't expect that the first person's head came from him.

Flying insects put out the fire and killed firstdown!

The killing shows that in the darkness, his target is selective.

With his current strength, it is impossible to take zero out of five!

Qin Yizhu doesn't have the number B on his face, but he has the number ABCD in his heart

He is sure to die. Chen Yao asked him to take one person away when he hurt as much as possible in a narrow space.

Otherwise, this game will not be played.

As long as the effective combat effectiveness of the Longyin team is not enough, what can they do with more bullets?

"The blood line of flying insects fighting the fire has been drawn to the end!"

"Any shot Who will take it? "

"Ah..." Tan Dan stood up directly, "the last bullet was empty, the last drop of blood Look up and jump! Elevator shaft... "Qin Yizhu's flying insects put out the fire. Just now, they were standing in a very dangerous position. It was like stepping on a steel wire to fight against the Longyin team. Yang Yuchen was very surprised. Why couldn't he find a better position?

But now they understand!

Flying insects put out the fire, the head is not ready for them.

The whole Qingchuan Pavilion stood up with Tan Dan and applauded for their former team leader!

"Damn it, you want me to empty the magazine, take at least one person, and not lose my head." When Qin Yizhu took off his earphone, he was full of swearing, "Yao Zai, you're such a conductor, who's on who..."

Of course, he turned off Mai just to say that he didn't have the ability to fight his teammates on the team channel during the game. Turning off Mai Pei and Chen Yao was just to vent his anger, but he couldn't go on in the middle of his words.

Because, the whole room is calling his name!

How can we say that a position of No. 5, a position of No. 2, takes one out of five, and does not give up his head?

Just clap

"Ha." Qin Yi grabbed his head and Chen Yao make complaints about Java. He turned to Zhang Ning and asked, "coach, I was handsome just now."

"Shuai is crazy..." Zhang Ning's mouth hasn't closed yet.

On the scene, the Dragon chant team and the dictatorial team each lost one person. The dictatorial team lost the fifth position, while the Dragon chant is the key third position. The dictatorial team has a slight advantage, but it is not particularly big.

The most important thing is to see how the wave of group warfare at the embedding point can be fought.

If you look at this, it's not very good for the dictatorial team.

Because the first wave of fighting is useless, the three of them are facing the four guns of the Longyin team, and the spark will lag them for at least 10 seconds to get to the battlefield.


The elevator rings.

There's no need to open the door. It's blown up anyway.

The sound of pistols from both sides rings, and the battle on the top floor starts directly!