Chapter 1151

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
In the fourteenth inning, the shadow team was forced to the edge of the cliff.

The Leiguang Crusader broke out completely. At the beginning, in the interception of two men, it was useless to kill them alone, and they retreated completely. Then they cooperated with Estonian small tanks to take away spark.

It's almost impossible to lose the game at such a start

Of course, they did not lose.

They played quite a lot of wonderful scenes in this game. When the dictatorial team attacked, they fought against the attack. When the dictatorial team retreated, they intercepted and defended, and the attack on the package point never stopped.

The shadow team even has two rare ammo.

They won the game, but only one head was recovered in the end.

They are three heads short of the dictatorship.

There's only one small game left in the game!

"The dictatorship team can completely survive, no longer fight with them?" Sun Yunlong already felt that this competition, the shadow team had no hope at all.

If nothing else, the two members of the dictatorial team boarded the halberd of Manas and took off all the way to avoid fighting. In the high sky, how could the shadow find the two of them?

Even if the shadow team finds out three people on the ground and kills them, and guarantees that none of them will die in the battle, then the game will be a draw.

As for how to judge the outcome after such a draw, whether to play extra time, and how to play extra time, those two explanations really don't know

I'm afraid no one knows.

However, at the beginning of the last game in the second half, we can see that the dictatorial team's mentality is quite stable - they are still playing how to play, and there is no such kind of pit dad playing method as sun Yunlong said.

"The attack of the dictatorial team is very strong," Sun Yunlong knew at a glance. The fact is completely different from what he thought. "The dictatorial team starts directly at LeiBao, No.1 supply station! Charging point Ah, charge. It doesn't matter if you lose blood. It's really a strong charge... "

"Ah, are they crazy? Flying insects put out the fire and directly take a 7n6 to attack the thunder crusader in position 2!

"Yes, his target is the thunder Crusader Our AK47.... "

During their speaking time, the flying insects put out the fire and killed the Leiguang Crusader head-on. They didn't give too much speaking time to the commentators at all. Therefore, their voice has directly become "AK47" in the end, just omitting the time to say that he picked up the AK47

And the two planes are already approaching depot 1!

A set of quick attacks caught the shadow team off guard, while the flying insects put out the fire and hit back with their guns. The clear bullet fell heavily on the Estonian tank at the window

He didn't take away the opponent directly with this shot. A rare ammunition of Estonian small tank has already flew out.

“Oh…… no! Rare ammunition! Rare ammunition: unarmed machine armor Sun Yunlong saw the orange ammunition at a glance. "This is quite valuable ammunition, Manas halberd. Is this the rhythm of disintegration in the air?"

"Manas halberd's missile is coming out. Can you shoot down the shadow team before being hit Ah? air-to-ground? Why air to ground... "

When the two commentators saw the missile ejected from Manas halberd, they were just silly.

The missiles of Manas halberd are not for the fighters of the shadow team opposite

Instead, it's going straight to supply station 1!

"Damn it! It's too fierce... " When the two commentators saw the location of the tide in Erhai Lake, they suddenly realized.

In an instant, the halberd of Manas exploded in the air. The rare ammunition of the sniper gun of the "treasure of the town team" level, the effect is decisive.

Estonian small tank is the No.1 position in the Ninth Section of a class, so it will not drop the chain at such a critical time - the bullet hit is certain!

Therefore, Xiaob who didn't laugh didn't even need to do the operation of ejection and escape, so he died directly without explanation.

But what happened at the same time made the barrage fly directly into space

Supply station one is blown up!

In addition to Erhai tidal sound, all the other members of the dictatorial team, together with all those fighting in the shadow team, were killed!

This kind of destructive firepower does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy!

The character painting in the air, looking at the broken halberd in front of me, the fire rising on the ground, and the air to surface missile that I have three seconds to launch, I am stunned.

Originally, the shadow team was going to destroy supply station 1 in three seconds.

But before he had time to do it, the dictatorial team had already done it ahead of time!

The result of the destruction of the No. 1 supply station ahead of time is that none of the players in the shadow team came out, but the sound of the Erhai tide

In addition to the character painting, the shadow team is destroyed at the No. 1 supply station!

However, when Xiaoyi, who doesn't smile, suddenly drops a missile at his package point, all of them think that the battle will continueThe tide of Erhai Lake!

In such a crucial decisive battle, her ten heavenly eyes didn't even notice Mu Yan.

Because, this is the ten square eye of position three!

It's not looking for opportunities, but taking the initiative to carry the situation and create opportunities.

"No! I didn't expect that The dictatorial team ended the game like this... " Both of them have already jumped up in the commentator's seat. "Their choice is faster, more intense and more colorful than our conjecture."

"Lost! The shadow team lost Sun Yunlong nodded, "now even if the character painting falls down, finds out the tidal sound of Erhai Lake in 31 supply stations, and kills her, the shadow team will only pull back a head gap in this game..."

"Yes, in this small game, the shadow team won. Like the first map, the two teams are hard to separate. The score is 15:15, but the shadow team is two heads short!"

"Well, if the character painting didn't kill the tidal sound of Erhai Lake, it would be three heads short. Of course It doesn't matter any more. It doesn't matter at all... "

Now, the only important thing is to follow the pre game process of shadow team not playing overtime

15: 15. They are two heads behind the dictatorship team, which means that they have lost!

"Ah..." Ye Hongying has jumped up from the sofa watching the battle, and he jumped onto Zhang Ning, "we won? We won! It's impossible We won

"Ah? We won? " When Zhang Ning saw that the game was not over, he was stunned for a moment, but he soon responded, "yes! We won! We won... "

Meng Zhengkun and Yang Lin also jumped up excitedly and hugged Zhang Ning.