Chapter 1057

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
In fact, the imperial team's firepower is still very fierce, but in this terrain without Qiao Xueyi's cold blood, it is basically impossible to continue to fight with the dictatorial team.

And most importantly

The fourth position Mu Mu with thunder bag was first dropped by Xiaob, who didn't laugh. As a result, even if the imperial team wanted to retreat, they were very passive.

LeiBao is under the guard of the dictatorial team.

They don't even have the chance to steal the bag.

"It's very important for the two teams to split up the Empire on both sides." Said the trainee commentator, numbly.

"That's right. Just now, before the spark attack, the imperial team knew that there was a spark, so they arranged babyblue to hold the back, so that the bloody soldiers fighting on the front container could kill the opponent's second position without worries."

"In fact, the imperial team is not reckless. Their frontal combat is different from that of the authoritarian team before!"

"Well, during the frontal battle of the imperial team, there must be No. 4 or No. 5 standing on the side or behind, so they can fight so hard Because those who fight head-on only need to pay attention to the battle in front of them! "

"However, the two guns of spark are divided into two directions..."

There were question mark faces all over the room.

It's not a very routine operation to split two guns.

If Starfire kills babyblue first, with the strong linkage of almost the whole imperial team, bloody cold will react immediately.

It is very likely that xueyihan will jump back to kill nothing, and then turn to kill spark in the air.

Yang Yuchen, as a perennial commentator of the imperial team competition, can almost imagine such a picture.

However, such a picture, which is not even rare for him, has not been typed.

"Chen Yao's strength progress is really terrible..." Yang Yuchen stares at the spark and says, "I've been explaining professional E-sports all my life, but I haven't seen it..."

It's been two weeks since the last game.

Even in the same match, from the first map to the end of the third map, Chen Yao was already two different people.

I don't know what he will become after fighting against the Empire.

"OK, time is up, time is up..." The trainee commentator, with the boos of the whole audience, reported the result with a smile, "congratulations to the dictatorship team for the first time

"Well, I believe we didn't think of this beginning. In fact, I didn't think of it," Yang Yuchen said. "However, the dictatorial team's No. 2 leader pretends to play head-on, racing rhythm, and the No. 1 leader doubles around the back If the imperial team suffered a loss for the first time, it should not have suffered a loss for the second time. "

"Yes, they should have a new understanding of the strength of the dictatorial team leader."

At that time, the five players in the imperial team did not have the concept that "as long as Chen Yao found a good angle, he was fully capable of playing double against babyblue and xueyihan at the same time".

Therefore, all of them judged that the head-on battle led by the dictatorial team No. 2 was the key.

Look at Xie Qingming's state and temper

How can he just pull a gun line?

"It's time for the imperial team to refresh their understanding of the dictatorial team." Yang added, "after all, it's useless. It's not flying insects."

If the flying insects fight the fire 50 meters away, they will only fight with bloody cold.

But all the actions that are useless are under the command of Chen Yao!

"Well, I think the current imperial Corps may be full of question marks," said the trainee commentator, "but look at how they fight below."


Chen Yao's double gun division not only stunned the imperial team, but also stunned Ye Hongying.

When they saw that there was no use but a little blood, and they were about to be taken away by the cold blood, they suddenly gave a double kill hint. Their psychological preparation was not much more than that of the other side.

Although they know that Chen Yao has been closed for ten days to solve several defects in Chen Yao's operation habits pointed out by Jiang Zhi in the last game

However, Chen Yao just solved a little "small problem". How could his strength have changed so much?

Chen Yao's two hours of regimental training every day is not obvious, but when he comes to the professional arena, what he brings to them is shock.

The second game will start soon.

When the imperial team's firepower was backward, rush went out and immediately sought the next bag as soon as he arrived at the bag point. He had long defended Xiaob and Xiaoye, who were useless and didn't smile. A smoke bomb combined with the useless firepower coverage directly killed fangwaixianyuan, the third position on the other side, three to five.

However, the other four people tried their best to kill him, but it was useless. Xueyihan picked up the M4 and killed Xiaoye in less than half a second. Then, he covered his teammates and buried the bag successfully.Today's fight is faster than any competition they have met before. When spark and Erhai tide come from another package point and kill the successful burying wood with Xiaob, xueyihan has already thrown a three kill to them.

"In this wave of bloody cold, 13 bullets were fired, 10 of them hit the target, and three of them burst the head I'll go Yang Yuchen already did not know what to say, "the dictatorial team this game has a little no solution."

"How did she type it out..." The trainee commentator's eyes were stiff.

Yang Yuchen laughed.

How did the Lord fight it out?

He asked who was going!

For the dictatorial team, this is just a second of heaven, a second of hell. In the first second, their formation perfectly killed kimu. Give them another second, bloody cold will definitely fall.

There is no shelter around bloody cold, the dictatorial team of this kind of clip shooting is very smooth.

Unfortunately, there is no need for shelter.

She killed all the people who wanted to kill her, which is the best shelter!

"There is only 24 blood left in xueyihan. I think it's a bit too much for the dictatorial team to fight this wave well," Yang Yuchen said. "The thunder bag hasn't exploded so fast. They only need five seconds to adjust, and the effect will be different. As long as xueyihan doesn't kill three times here, even if it's a double kill, the dictatorial team still has a chance..."

"The dictatorial team is still young and vigorous..."

"Well, now after the two games, the score of the two sides is 1-1. Well, it's not as crushing as the God in our imagination or as predicted by the previous forum."

"The empire is still the empire that is soft and invincible, but the dictatorship is not the dictatorship that only knows how to run rampant!"