Chapter 1013

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
After a bunch of smiley emoticons on the big screen, the page of ban / pick turns is quickly displayed.

Jinggong team won the battle of Dao Bureau, they have the first hand.

Chen Yao is still staring at the screen

Don't know is to feel what, Huo Xiaoyi slant to head, looking at Chen Yao to say: "you don't nervous."

"Oh." Chen Yao gave a smile, took a deep breath, took a cup of water and sipped it gently.

Unless you have the idea of losing, how can you not be nervous.

What's the fantasy configuration on the other side?

Li Yin, the first commander of life and death sniper, and Zhou Yusi, who made a breakthrough in the whole professional circle in the A-League last year

In addition, the shock bow team won the fight.

How to ban / pick with them?

However, Huo Xiaoyi's next sentence really made Chen Yao not nervous at all.

"Because it's all the same."


"After all, Jinggong..."


What kind of team is the Jinggong team?

Maybe they were able to fight a certain map last month, and they would be invincible in the world. Next month they would fight the same map, and they would be in a mess

Of course, the opposite is true.

As for which game they play and which map they can play well, it is a century's problem for the commanding position of the Jinggong team.

When the commanding position of the shock bow team is ban / pick, they seldom consider their opponents.

Basically, they are fighting hard with their teammates.

It's really very difficult for the Jinggong team to choose a map.

Their first-hand B / P fell into thinking for a long time

Half way through the second reading, they eliminated a piece of desert II, and then near the end of the second reading, they selected the first map for today's competition - hope harbor.

Seeing the picture of the Jinggong team, Tan Dan immediately said: "can the dictatorial team curse now? Ah? Is there anyone who chooses such a picture? "

"Well What a poor quality. " Qiao Yongming also couldn't help laughing, "the Jinggong team chooses a map with the highest winning rate of the dictatorial team. On the one hand, it suppresses the winning rate data of this map, on the other hand If the map with the highest winning rate loses, how do you play the next two maps? "

"Yes, I have to report it!" Tan Dan's voice was soon drowned in the cry of the valley air arena.

Fans of Jinggong team have already raised the slogan of "one map decides the outcome".

To win a game, you have to win at least two maps.

What is a ghost map?

"This year's Jinggong is not a little crazy." Tan Dan's whole feeling is "scared. JPG".

"Well, now it's up to the dictatorship team to make what kind of response?"


Chen Yao had no idea of how to deal with it.

The shock bow team is not a team that can be targeted. They don't know when, where, and who will break a strange weakness

How do people target them?

He didn't think that the map of hope harbor had anything to do with his own team. When the Jinggong team chose this map, more than 70% of them must still consider their own state. As for a series of reasons, such as lowering the winning rate ranking of the dictatorial team on this map, or suppressing them in their hearts, they could add up to about 30%.

Two commanding positions of Jinggong team, judge that Jinggong will play well in the map of hope Harbor

Chen Yao thought about it for a moment and directly eliminated Disneyland.

There's topography, water, and it's complicated - it's close to the chemical composition of hope harbor.

Then he chose a blueprint base.

"It seems that the match of spark was last week..." When Tan Dan saw the picture, he immediately responded, "let Huo Xiaoyi, the only occupation of the dictatorial team, fight with Zhou Yusi, the fourth position of the Jinggong team. No matter win or lose, it's not a big problem to suppress his command."

"Huo Xiaoyi only transferred to the No. 4 position this year. Zhou Yusi's personal strength is slightly inferior to Huo Xiaoyi's. It's hard to say about their vehicle fight..."

Qiao Yongming's words have already shown how beautiful Chen Yao's selected picture is.

In this year's unstoppable state of the Jinggong team, the authoritarian team can create a "really hard to say" balance of power from the map selection stage, which is a very successful map selection.

Then, it's the shock bow team that chooses the third map.

Not surprisingly, the Jinggong team once again fell into a long time of thinking. We can see that in their glass room, Li Yin and Zhou Yu Si are constantly communicating.

However, this time the time of thinking is not as long as the first time.Before the end of the second reading, they pointed out the third map.

"The Blue Chamber?" Tan Dan did not know how to describe today's game with the map, "the third map to just gun ah?"

"If you can get it..." Qiao Yongming stroked his forehead.

All the way, Jinggong team fought Empire, Longyin and shadow. None of the Games was dragged to the third map.

What the third map is may not be very important to them.

"Well, this year's three maps, the first is a medium-sized map of hope harbor, the second is a large-scale map of blueprint base, and the third is a small-scale map of Blue Chamber..." Tan Dan has nothing to say about the result. "Now, the first map of Hong Kong is about to start."

The players of the two teams have been drawn into the map.

In the first half, the dictatorial team was born in the police, the Jinggong team was born in the bandit side, and the two teams were born closer.

"Ha, these two teams are not the masters of nonsense." Tan Dan saw their starting trend, which can be said to be quite consistent.

Go straight to the central camp, with the gun in the front.

If they don't have pistols in their hands, the picture will be more beautiful

"Zhou Yusi's dead pawn It's him again

"The tent can't stop all useless and muxiu Yulin's hatred for him?"

"I rely on him to carry a No. 4 seat and a No. 2 seat. It's not bad. These two are..."

In an instant, the news that Mu Xiu killed a dead pawn appeared on the screen.

If there is no clear command, the shock bow team rarely appears to save people or back cover and other cooperation operations, and Zhou Yusi can't just shout "squat me squat me" at the beginning, right?

“……” Dead pawn, a string of ellipsis.

"No The two word second bullet of spark.

Chen Yao looked down at his double holding posture.

Has Pei pengtian's automatic mocking machine been mass produced and spread to every gun of his?

Bang bang.

As soon as the spark came out from behind the tent, it hit him in the middle of the eyebrow with a shot. He immediately withdrew to the back of the tent and hit him in the thigh with a shot through the tent

Chen Yao immediately click the mouse, will fall to the ground in the spark, forced out of a roll tactical action, but just half a turn, the third shot directly blow the head.

A bloody skull pops up on the screen, showing that Piao killed him.