Chapter 818

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
two o'clock in the afternoon.

Yanbofu team base.

Chen Yao and they had a hasty lunch, and they got into the training room of the first team of yanbofu with Han Shuiping.

In addition to the Longyin team, yanbofu should belong to the most regular first-line team. When it arrives at two o'clock, all the players in the first team have arrived in the training room, and no one is absent.

"Hello, long time no see." Yumi, No. 1 of yanbofu team, saw Chen Yao come in and said hello with a smile.

It's hard for Chen Yao to remember such a person who only met once.

However, this man's bald head is too recognizable to forget.

In the return battle of their dictatorial team, Yu MI, Han Shuiping and Qiao Xueyi took two retired players from the dictatorial team to fight.

That is in that game, Yu MI was forced out of his synchronization rate with Han Shuitou.

Yanbofu team's dual command system, and thus formed, and after the A-League shine.

"Corn boy?" Shen Zhaolou recognized him as well, and when he was not careful, he called out his name. When he realized it, he laughed twice and called his ID, "cough The soul of Aztec. "

"It doesn't matter. Brother corn is me." Yu Mi didn't care about this kind of nickname. He touched his bald head and introduced other teammates to them. "Our No.2 position is Wang Xin, ID: Wang, occupation No.8, No.3 position is Jiao Weiya, ID: little white rabbit of big gray wolf, occupation No.9, No.4 Don't I have to introduce you? "

Their fourth position, that is, the leader of yanbofu, Han Shuiping.

Yu Mi pointed to his back: "our number five seat, Ali, the account number has not yet been determined. We are temporarily using the one left by Qingqing elder sister who retired before. It's sunny after rain Before October, he should change his own number. Today, it's like playing with sister Qingqing's number. "

"Hello." Ai Li looks very young, even smaller than ye Hongying if he only looks at his figure and appearance. He is a little shy and hides behind their captain and No.1 seat, and whispers hello.

"Fifteen year old career seven." Han Shuiping was afraid that the dictatorial team would despise the enemy when they saw Ali. He added with a smile, "if we can have a God in Yanbo house in the future, I guess it will be him."

"Well Where is... " Ellie, I'm sorry.

Yanbofu team's main force has been informed in advance, this afternoon's arrangement, and dictatorship team has a practice match.

But they don't know exactly how to fight.

"Now that we all know each other, what are we waiting for? Let's go. " Yu Mi said to Han Shuitou.

"Well." Han Shuiping assigned the computers to Chen Yao and built the network.

Random out of a map, think about it, asked a, "no special requirements?"

Chen Yao shook his head: "No. Random. "

Even if the authoritarian team has a key map that they want to practice, it won't be released now - yanbofu team is already their opponent in the professional arena, and Chen Yao won't reveal the training direction.

What's more, in fact, there is no such thing. It's because Zhang Ning is still working on his training plan that he will give them the three-day leave.

The turntable stops.

Yanbofu training server, random out of the map is, ice and snow Wonderland.

"Mode?" Chen Yao went in and asked.

"Unlimited blasting, training mode." Han Shuiping returns.

Chen Yao put on the earphone after a sound.

There is no pistol Bureau and no ammunition counting system for unlimited blasting, so you can directly start with a handy weapon at the beginning, but you can't use a sniper gun in the first three rounds, and you don't have heavy equipment.

There are still thunder bags, and the winning and losing conditions are no different from the normal blasting mode.

Unlimited blasting is a very conventional training mode. The front-line teams with their own servers are very familiar with it, so there is no need to explain it.

Soon, both sides brush out in the map.

The dictatorial team was born in the snow and ice Wonderland map, the police point, and the windy and snowy area.

Their opponent, yanbofu team, was born in the map bandit point, which is the muddy area.

"Rush iceberg, copy point B." Chen Yao made up his mind as soon as he started. The whole team should not be separated. They must keep cooperating with each other.

He had already known the dual command system of the yanbofu team in the return war of the dictatorial team Qingchuan Pavilion.

Yanbofu team has two command positions, the more likely way is to open two battlefields at the same time, through the game rhythm of mutual cover, to disrupt the opponent, so as to obtain the advantage, and then turn the advantage into victory.

Of course, this is only Chen Yao's preliminary idea.

Because he doesn't know about yanbofu.

Authoritarian teams usually don't have much time for training. They seldom train for which team.

What's more, when Chen Yao entered the A-League this time, most of his team were in a bit of a hurry. Even if he wanted to target yanbofu, of course, he hasn't started any training yet.In this practice match, he can only play on the spot, watching step by step

However, he did not expect that he had made a mistake in this first step.

Their trajectory is like being seen by yanbofu, the war in the iceberg area is rising!

In the iceberg area, Han Shuiping's Zaishui side and their 15-year-old professional No. 5 in the seventh section are fighting with Chen Yao. Ai Li's role is clear after rain.

However, as soon as Chen Yao's five talents met each other, gunshots rang out behind them.

Xiaoyi, who is arranged by Chen Yao to be at the end of the team, encounters a sudden round of fire by three people!

Huo Xiaoyi's role has not turned back, but he has quickly reported the position of three people in the team channel, but the other three people stare at his back, he only reluctantly fired three shots and was directly taken away.

Then, hearing Huo Xiaoyi's report, Lu Er immediately manipulated the character, turned back to try to block the enemy behind, and asked Chen Yao to end the battle in front of them.

As a result

She just explored a visual angle and saw that a shuttle was swept by a predicted bullet!

The firelight from the muzzle of Yumi's Aztec's soul is already in the middle as soon as he sees it, as if he is sure that someone will help the dictatorial team divide the battlefield in this place.

"Command post Footprints are accurate. " Lu Er was also helpless.

The battle of yanbofu is very clear. It is the dual command system that has crushed the dictatorial team.

Because the dictatorial team was fighting rush, and rush would not stop to count in the ice mound area, so they ran from the hiding place of the three souls of Aztec in Yumi and ran head-on into Han Shuitou's two on the water side.

When they pass by the soul of Aztec, of course, they also see the dictatorship.

But the three members of yanbofu didn't shoot. They just let the dictatorial team go

"One battlefield, two commanders." Chen Yao also saw where his mistake was.

The advantages of the two commanders do not have to be shown on two lines.

On the same battlefield, the two commanders are not in conflict. On the contrary, the result is very good!