Chapter 722

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
With the tide of Erhai Lake, it's not surprising that the Regiment Battle is so successful.

But Tan Dan, they don't understand. Why can the tide of Erhai Lake make the crime war like a puppet, and let them repeat the cooperation of the 10th inning?

Lin Xiaoxian grabs her head again. She can't talk any more. It's a day and a night to talk about the past and present life of Lu Er and shadow.

The 11th inning was a bit too fast for the audience.

It's another game that I won for no reason. It's very similar to the eighth game. I can't see where I played well, but the result is amazing.

During the seventeen seconds when the dictatorial team was at the No.15 supply station, three people cooperated to kill Ning yinjingyi, Holmes and herbal medicine not lonely. How did they fight?

They don't seem to understand.

The commentators will tell you in time what the audience doesn't understand, but the two commentators don't seem to understand either.

Because the two commentators said several times in a row that the crime fight was beautiful, but the crime fight was defeated.

Lin should have understood it, but he didn't say a word, and he didn't say a word again. His meaning didn't get a complete expression.

So, what happened in the 11th inning, what happened in the battle at the 15th supply station, and how the dictatorship won, can only wait for detailed reports after the end of the game.

The playback time of the eleventh inning is more than 20 seconds.

By the end of the replay, Tan Dan had finished watching the ammunition points panel: "from the 12th to the 15th innings, the last four innings in the first half, we are finally going to have a fair fire game."

"Well, in the eleventh inning, the dictatorial team adjusted the ground combat power to full allocation, and their ground combat numbers, armor, and guns were better than those of the crime fighting players, which helped them win the ground combat smoothly and quickly, thus pulling down the air power of the crime fighting. I don't know whether they are going to continue the tactics of the previous game or not Are you ready to fight against crime? " Yang Yuchen said and looked at Lin Dixian.

"In fact, the eighth and eleventh innings are the same routine. They first achieve the enemy's unexpected important results, and then force the other party's command mistakes. Therefore, the tactics of these two innings can't be repeated. The reason why the dictatorial team wants to win the 11th inning is for the heavy equipment to come out, "Lin Dixian gave a clear and unambiguous answer," so they will fight in the air in the next inning. "

"OK, let's watch the twelfth inning Ah, the dictatorial team, if it doesn't make a big difference, it will make a big difference! " In the middle of Yang Yuchen's speech, the two sides entered the picture. As soon as the dictatorial configuration came out, the whole audience screamed together

Originally, all the fans were worried that the air combat equipment of the dictatorial team might lag behind and it would be very difficult to fight.

But when a brand-new Manas halberd stopped at supply station 21, no matter how calm the audience was.

"Dictatorship! I'll win

"Dictatorship! I'll win

The halberd of Manas is a typical best equipment which only needs operation, and has low demand for ammunition points and strong combat effectiveness.

It is not too much to say that it is a first-line configuration!

But the dictatorship team is such an armed helicopter.

It looks bigger than the bamboo dragonfly helicopter in the crime war!

On the first map, when the 11 innings were played, the dictatorial team was so difficult that it could be said that they fought hard to win two small innings.

Now the score is 9-2, and the dictatorial team is still far behind.

So when they saw the appearance of Manas halberd, their depression had a vent point, and the cry of autocratic victory resounded through Xingguang square.

In the glass room of the dictatorial team, Chen Yao, wearing earphones, could also hear the faint "must win" coming into his ears.

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time that" must win "is heard in the star square today?" Lu Er lowered her head and chuckled.

"Because now they really expect us to win." Ye Hongying said helplessly.

At the beginning of the game, the fans of the dictatorial team didn't expect them to win.

Therefore, they only call "come on", not "win".

It was not until the quick victory in the 11th inning and the appearance of Manas halberd in the 12th inning that they saw a little bit of hope for victory.

"Captain, this game must be won." Lu Er said to Chen Yao, who had already boarded Han Xiao's plane.

"Yes." Chen Yao answered faintly.


Chen Yao's platoon is useless. Chaosheng and xiaoyezi fight on the ground first. After the air fight with leader Xiao, he changes to useless or xiaoyezi to continue the air to ground fight.

Xiaogang leader has operated the helicopter to take off. They left supply station 21 and turned East.

There are two routes out from the 22nd supply station, one is to the East and the other is to the southwest. There are 90% supply stations on these two routes.

"Ground battlefield to supply station 1." Chen Yao side operation spark quickly set up the bracket, said."Got it." The whole team responded.

At the beginning of the large-scale map competition, it was relatively peaceful. However, more than ten seconds after the start, a missile blew down directly and flattened supply station 21, which was not good news for the crime war.

None of them are at supply station 21.

The dictators don't care if they're at depot 21.

In the first half, the dictatorial team was the police. Now it seems that the police are more fierce than the bandits - isn't the 21st supply station the burying point? OK, let's talk about it first!

"The dictatorship team is holding the fire! As soon as I come up, I'll hit the bag! If there is still a need for burying bags in criminal warfare, it's better to stop them immediately, "Yang Yuchen cried." the dictatorial team has already got the first hand in fighting. "

"Well, it also depends on how far the crime war is from the next target of dictatorship..." Tan Dan said.

"Oh, it's not far away. It seems that the crime war is over station 11, waiting for the helicopter of the dictatorial team." "They predicted the route of their opponents," Yang said

"In this way, maybe the dictatorial team's ground fighting route is also exposed?" Tan Dan's hand held tightly, "as expected! Sure enough! The command post of crime war has been read out! Therefore, the gathering of the dictatorship team has not been completed, but the ground interception of the crime war has been carried out in a directional way! "

"What is dictatorship thinking? They are exposed at the same time... " Yang Yuchen felt that this should not be a command post that can beat the weak to win the strong twice. He said, "now we are afraid that the thunder bag will be carried by the missile, and we dare not easily put the bag at any bag point. This is the rhythm of all combat power being released to attack!"

Chen Yao took a blank look at the spark lens and the airborne radar.

Then, he told Han Xiao, "speed up, the faster the better."