Chapter 696

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
If it's king, it's king.

Because Spark's strength is already very strong, even in the b-league, this year he also has a considerable dominance, but king is so crazy, want to pull out such a team to grab the promotion quota of the top three teams in the b-league

Most of King's actions are mixed.

Including this challenge, he can really achieve the goal of giving a boost to the B-class League. But for Chen Yao, who are promising players, will they feel that they are a little bit encouraged?

No one can tell

The eyes of the three people on the commentary platform are habitually fixed on the upper right corner of the screen.

Because, there may be a kill prompt pop up soon.

With only a few blood left, it's really impossible to compete with a professional six stage player in such a narrow space.

But their eyes stayed in the upper right corner for two and a half seconds, and their expected kill prompt didn't pop up.

Xinghuo's step seems to have gone to hell. It seems to be out of order. It has never been able to get out of danger. The sound of Yo Yo's gunshot follows his step. It's like a cat teasing a mouse.

"Captain, this is..." Shen Zhaolou saw a sign when he walked.

"Well, when dealing with Crete..." Zhang Ning thinks so, too.

In addition to their accidents, it is estimated that no one knows that Chen Yao had a wonderful fight in a narrower space!

Lin Dixian, who was still praising the position of Yo Yo just now, has completely focused on spark.

Yoyo's position is biased towards attack, and she is pursuing the maximum profit for her next shot at every step, while Spark's position is just using her position of pursuing the maximum profit to avoid every shot.

Lin low string see this after, low voice way: "he this is not spell to walk."

Chen Yao seems to be competing with yo yo.

But actually?

He is reading the opponent's fighting tendency, and using the opponent's fighting tendency to adjust his position.

Therefore, Chen Yao's command ability was used to fight for his position!

Read and judge the scene, quickly give correct instructions to yourself

Lin Dixian nodded in his heart as he yawned.

Although one leader, two main gods and three commanders of the shadow team never cooperate with each other at the same time, it does not mean that their command ability does not exist.

Lin's career, the field as a director of the total of less than 10 games, also has a command of the eye.

When Du Shuiyou's strength is obviously superior to Chen Yao's, Chen Yao has found a new way to fill the gap with his command ability.

Moreover, Du Shuiyou is not a command post, so in the one-on-one battle, she did not realize why it was difficult for her to drop the last key shot after she shot the spark into empty blood.

"But he can put it off a bit." Yang Yuchen keenly saw that from the overall situation, it would be very unfavorable for the dictatorial team to delay like this.

Because, on the other side of the screen, the wind is blowing, but a person with a thunder bag has arrived at supply station 11!

There are burying points for bandits in supply stations 1, 11, 21 and 31!

"Well, what he delays by himself is actually the whole team." Tan Dan is very satisfied with Chen Yao's fighting, but he is still worried, "I can see that he has applied his command ability to his personal fighting, which is a very beautiful way to play, but it may affect his overall situation..."

Tan Dan's words are not finished yet

Starfire's M1911 suddenly burst out a string of bullets.

Bang Bang

Bang Bang

Continuous bullets, almost regardless of the cost to hit blockade, attack, hit second kill, has been in a passive state of defense spark suddenly hit the attack, let Du Shuiyou's yo yo produced a very instinctive defense action.

This kind of fierce attack of Yo, so it's not normal for him to fight back when he's about to die.

The spark attack is really meaningless, because it only takes a few seconds, his magazine will be empty.

"His position!" Lin low string suddenly appeared four words.

Four key words!

Starfire is not afraid of empty magazine, because in these seconds, he has landed in the jump cabin of supply point 27!

Bang Bang Bang

When one of his magazines was empty, a white light flashed by, and the spark man had disappeared at supply point 27.There was a silence under the stage.

Then, burst of applause suddenly refreshed in the audience.

"Although the space of Xinghuo is not big, every step is useful!"

"Xinghuo was so patient that yoyo didn't notice it and didn't intercept it effectively..."

"How beautiful! Team Chen is powerful

"But What's next? "

Although Starfire successfully retreated, it was also a defeated retreat.

Yo yo's strength is really strong, even with a pistol, she is still strong.

The key problem is that Starfire has no blood at supply station 27. What's his participation in the next battle?

Bad news keeps coming

When he jumped from No.31 supply station to No.21 supply station to make peace with his teammates, diddidi's alarm had already sounded - on the side of the package point of No.11 supply station, the thunder bag had been buried by the crime team!

The time of the explosion of the thunder bag on this map of blueprint base is 2 minutes 45 seconds.

If the thunder bag cannot be removed within 2 minutes and 45 seconds, the dictatorial team will lose the pistol game directly.

From supply point 21 to supply point 11, they need to skip three supply points midway. As long as they are effectively intercepted at any one supply point, they will not be able to reach supply point 11 and remove the mine bag smoothly.

"Well Pray that you don't meet people. " Shen Zhaolou put his hands together and Zhang Ning crossed his chest.

However, this is not something that they can pray not to encounter.

In the map of blueprint base, the battle time becomes very urgent when the thunder bag is down. After all, this is a large map, and it takes a lot of time on the way to battle.

"Now the situation is very unfavorable to the dictatorial team," Yang Yuchen frowned. "After burying the bag at No. 11, we still need to judge whether the dictatorial team will jump from the direction of No. 7 supply station or from the direction of No. 21 supply station..."

"Well, with the chance encounter of YOYO and spark at the 27th supply station, they can already confirm that the dictatorial team is on the 21st line!" Tan Dan sighed.

In Tan Dan's earphone, some of the discussion noises over there have slipped into the guide room

"Why doesn't spark let the assembled team-mates go first when they are entangled by yo yo?"

"Yes, why do you have to wait for him? This is the first step

"Well, we could have laid a beautiful ambush at the No.11 package point."

"Director, look at the six Dictatorship team glass room, his teammates look not too good-looking. Is this a command error? "