Chapter 596

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
It's funny to let Lei Daoyuan see who wins in a c-league match?

Even if he tried to win the title and was photographed by Fang Jingtang before, it was just a failure at the level of the main God. Lei Daoyuan himself, no matter his status or strength, is far from what the C-level league can look up to. No matter how he falls under the altar, he is still a captain of the first-line team, a nine stage professional God.

Just let him see the game itself. He's not interested in watching it for so long.

What attracted him to this match is just a question - what happened to Jiang Zhi?

"You just said that the dictatorial team sent Jiang Zhi an invitation to join the team before the game. Is that accurate?" Lei Daoyuan didn't answer Ji Xiaoru's question, but asked her instead.

"Accurate, it's not a secret. They told it as a joke..." Ji Xiaoru said, "someone casually asked the dictatorial team for help, and the dictatorial team also said that they were invited."


"The thunder team doesn't think that Jiang Zhi's strange state is because of this invitation?" Ji Xiaoru said with a smile.

Jiang Zhi's mind, they have already seen in the campus competition.

He knows how to compromise things, but he doesn't want to do them. Even if Lei Daoyuan calls in person to put pressure on them, he can do what he should do.

Even if the elimination system, lose a game will be doomed pressure, all the way pressure on his head, he can leisurely walk out of the clouds, embrace the final victory of the sun.

Other people just think that Jiang Zhi is under pressure to win after he refuses to join the team, but Ji Xiaoru and Lei Daoyuan know that Jiang Zhi has offered them an exchange under such pressure.

If he makes it to the c-league, his previous contract with the shadow team will be cancelled.

If he fails to enter the c-league, the shadow team can make any arrangements for him, even if he is arranged to play PVE, he must renew his contract.

In the end, Jiang Zhi won.

"Don't say it's an invitation from an authoritarian team. Even if all the first-line teams are invited to join the team, they are all placed in front of him for him to choose. He won't blink." Ji Xiaoren is the best.

"Well, that's what I thought at the beginning." Lei Daoyuan replied with a smile.


"At first, I thought it was his health."

"Isn't it?"

"No. His body is a little uncomfortable, but it's not enough to affect his state


"He can withstand the external pressure, the degree of physical discomfort is not enough to affect his state, then, there is only one last possibility left," Lei Daoyuan ruled out one by one, and then concluded, "his own mood."

"He's in a bad mood?"

Lei Daoyuan is still shaking his head: "good mood performance, will be in a good state, bad mood performance, will be in a low state, but his performance today is between the two."

"That is, mood Tangled Ji Xiaoru thought for a few seconds before she came up with the word "tangle".

"Yes Lei Daoyuan snapped his fingers.

He saw the last game of the first half of the first map. After Jiang Zhi and Chen Yao fought for such a wave of continuous sniping, he immediately felt that he couldn't hold the retching camera because the camera only flashed and immediately moved away. He didn't see it very clearly.

However, the situation in the glass room of the Qinghe team was constantly updated by reporters.

After reading it, Lei Daoyuan had a general direction judgment in his mind

"If you don't get tangled early or late, you have to wait for the game with the dictatorial team to get tangled." after all, Ji Xiaoru has been playing with Lei Daoyuan for so many years, and gradually keeps up with his ideas, "coming back!"

"Yes, it's coming back." Lei Daoyuan snapped his fingers and nodded.

"So, let him mood is not good or bad, just tangled, or authoritarian team that invitation to join the team?"

"Yes Lei Daoyuan said the third right.

"However, it doesn't make any sense," Ji Xiaoru was a little dizzy. "No matter how strong the dictatorial team is, now it's a third tier team, and its strength is no better than Qinghe team Want to know Shao Dongliu takes out in front of him, but the future long Yin team leader position! This kind of condition can't attract him. What can the dictatorial team attract him

Lei Daoyuan looks at the screen with a smile. After the end of the seventh game in the second half, the dictatorial team has reached the score of 14-8. It seems that he is repeating Ji Xiaoru's question: "yes What can the dictatorship do to attract him? "

Ji Xiaoru's thinking is broken here: "Captain?"

"I thought about it just now," Lei Daoyuan's voice slowed down. "I thought about all the hardware and software conditions of the dictatorial team, but I didn't find anything comparable to the future leader position of Longyin team..."


"Therefore, what confronts Jiang Zhi must not be the" dictatorial "team itself.""It's not the dictatorial team itself, it means..." Ji Xiaoru glanced at the screen and suddenly cried, "people!"

"Right again!" Lei Daoyuan clapped gently.

Off the field is like this, a little bit to observe, step by step to exclude, until close to the essence.

Since the team itself has no place to attract him, the problem must be "people".

"Push down again." Lei Daoyuan didn't stop. "The man in the dictatorial team, the coach of unknown origin, didn't know him at all. Xie Qingming, Shen Zhaolou and Han Xiao all had enemies with him. Now, they are not enemies or friends at most."

"Well, Chen Yao, the leader of the dictatorial team, is not familiar with Jiang Zhi, and they cherish each other..." Ji Xiaoru says, oneself denied, "but this kind of relation is weaker. Jiang Zhi and his team-mates carry a huge pressure to fight out of the campus competition. There is no way to compare the relationship between the two. It's not enough to make him tangled. "

As for the No. 5 substitute of the dictatorial team, none of them mentioned it.

On the one hand, they don't remember ye Hongying's name. On the other hand, they don't think Jiang Zhi has anything to do with him.

"Lu Er!" Ji Xiaoru doesn't need Lei Daoyuan to say any more, but she has come to the final answer.

Lu Er, who was trained as a substitute for the future God, was put into the then team C, the erudite school team. Lu Er and Jiang Zhi were teammates. Moreover, during their time as teammates, no one knows what Jiang Zhi thought and did.

But what is the maximum probability that a boy of his age will have for a beautiful, mischievous and powerful girl who is transferred to the team?

"I get it, too." Ji Xiaoru directly used affirmative sentences, "Jiang Zhi likes Lu Er!"