Chapter 522

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
Lu Er smiles and stares at her mobile phone for more than a minute.

It's meaningless to argue with Lei Daoyuan. It's better to think about how to solve this problem when we have time.

Fortunately, from Lei Daoyuan's reply, it seems that this incident should be that he easily added some unpleasant behavior to the dictatorial team when he met a certain opportunity, not a well planned thing.

However, some people are used to doing bad things, and they don't need any preparation to entrap people.

For example, after she came to this team, she heard Zhang Ning talk about some big devil in his painful past.

Lu Er didn't feel much.

When soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth.

Just like Lei Daoyuan said, it's lively.

"Thank you, I learned." Lu Er thought for a moment and sent five words back to Lei Daoyuan.

Because of the disturbance on the forum, the dictatorship team is very busy.

It seems that the two-day break before the feast is also a rhythm that can not be achieved.

as like as two peas, the three great activities on the feast, God said, "the stone is gold, the light of the great God is able to perform wonders every year. Why is this news just ahead of time?" After calling April, Zhang Ning turns around in the training room.

"Maybe who flattered the horse's hoof for King's audience rating?" Shen Zhaolou said, looking at Ye Hongying's post, his eyes widened, "you Is that ok? "

"Hey, why not Mao?" Ye Hongying wiped her nose.

In this short time, ye Hongying has used more than a dozen different accounts to write more than a dozen different posts, most of which are titled "Qin Yizhu, the former leader of the dictatorship team, will attend the divine feast with the black silk maid", "this year's divine feast will release Qin Yizhu's prison work", "the whole team of the dictatorship team will jump the little apple on the divine feast"

He brushed out so many rumors all at once, which made the fans of the dictatorial team a little confused.

Soon, the momentum on the forum was reduced.

Because no one knows whether it is true that last year's dictatorial team training video will be broadcast at the Shenshuo feast, and whether it is true that this incident was asked to be removed by the relevant leaders for the reason of "bad influence".

Maybe it's all fake?

The wind direction was slowly taken by Ye Hong and became less intense.

Those who call on everyone to sit down or something post, also quickly sink down.

"Well, isn't that a little bad?" After calling Jinping vinegar, Han Xiao looked back at Ye Hongying's genius of "breaking a rumor with a rumor", which calmed down the fans' emotion in the shortest time. He was still shocked and admired, "but It seems that the authoritarian fans are quite disappointed... "

Can we not lose?

Although their authoritarian team, in the return performance by the gods sent a way.

However, Qin Yizhu and Huo Xiaoyi are the two people that they most want to see off the new dictatorship.

One is the former dictatorial team leader, the other is the former dictatorial team's main No.1 position.

Even if it's just a few words

"I asked April, the VCR was ready last year, and it really happened," Zhang Ning said. "Originally, it was to provide another wave of gathering for authoritarian fans, but the thing that leaders asked to withdraw was not a rumor..."

In other words, it's really unclear whether this VCR can be released in the end.

The whole team looked at each other.

I don't know why

In last year's training video, none of them were there.

But they just don't want to disappoint authoritarian fans.

I don't want to!


On the side of CES alliance, the planning and Directing Department of this year's Shenshuo feast is facing a big enemy.

In previous years, some preparations for the feast will also be announced in advance to warm up. After all, this is the most important activity in the life and death sniping professional circle at the end of each year, and it is impossible to go on without a word.

But what year's event will leak out the details?

Most of all, it's to put some backstage information, the situation of the staff, the arrival time of the great gods and so on

But this year, the specific content of the process of painting the earth as a prison!

Of course, it's meaningless to check this now. With King's tight pressure on ratings, it's hard to guarantee that some newcomers will have problems. If it leaks out, it will leak out

It's just that the dictatorship team is really troublesome.

April and this year's God said that when they arrived at King's, they were ready to stand there for more than three hours and listen to King's thoughts.

Who knows, as soon as they went, king didn't let them say a word. He asked them directly: "the dictatorship team called?"

"Well..." April was very helpless, "the leaders of the park have also come. It's really unreasonable. After all, Qin Yizhu is still in prison. It's not good to take him out as an idol...""Oh." King doesn't seem to care about it. "Is the dictatorship team in trouble?"

"Big trouble, if we really withdraw the dictatorial VCR, what about other teams? Will you let it go? The fans of the dictatorship team will come up with something... " April also knows, "moreover, without the authoritarian video, the audience rating will definitely drop a lot."

"Oh." King is still not very concerned about the appearance, only three words let his eyelids slightly raised, "ratings..."

"Forget it, I'll deal with it." April saw that king was not too angry, and secretly made a sign to the chief planner, so they were ready to withdraw.

"Wait a minute." King is still a slow voice, "are you going to deal with it? What are you going to deal with? Now that the dictatorship team has investors, let him take care of it directly. "

“……” April almost forgot about it.

"Is there anything else I'm missing?"

"No, no!" April immediately took the chief planner and ran away. Joking, he asked king to go on. They are really going to stand here for three hours.

Well, it's better to flash while he has nothing to add.

Say, the investor of dictatorial team, let him be idle anyway, let him handle it.


It must be easier for him to solve than for her.

"Well, sister April, what do you do now?" After leaving king, God said that the master plan of the feast was a little guilty, "what are we going to do?"

"It's OK. You go back to your work and think nothing happened. This year's feast It's the key

"Where is the dictatorship?" He's still a little worried.

April smiles and shakes his head: "with Mr. Wang here, what can happen?"