Chapter 493

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
"After the dictatorship team's accident, the captain was first signed by Yanbo house." Yu Mi asked.


"That's because the captain has command ability."


"If I expose my command ability, there are two possibilities. The first is that the captain may return to dictatorship after his contract expires," Yu Mi looked at the young team opposite and bowed his head. "The other possibility is that the club will resell me."

"Well." Han Shuiping is unable to refute.

Normally, that should be the truth.

But for yanbofu, there is still a little difference

However, he did not say a word, or listen to Yumi finish.

"Captain, although we've only known each other for a few months, I've admired you for a long time." Yu Mi played with him for half of the A-League match, and had no chance to say it. Today, since he accidentally exposed it, he simply said, "in any team, you may not be the sharp knife, but you are the star of the team. The sharp knife can be changed and worn But the star can't move... "


"So maybe I'll go, but I really Well I don't want to leave the captain Yu Mi hung his bare head. "In fact, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't suddenly understand something and have a breakthrough in command You mean a lot to me. "

“……” Han Shuiping laughed.

He really didn't expect that a teammate who has only known him for a few months should have such a sense of him.

Although the authoritarian team had a good performance in the past, Han Shuiping was only the fourth player in the team after all. In terms of personal popularity, he was absolutely inferior to Yu MI.

Yumi is a talented player who has been playing professionally since he was 15 years old. Even after Han Shuiping came, most fans of yanbofu are still Yumi's personal fans, and few fans turn to Han Shuiping.

High popularity, high strength and high face value

A senior professional player, only 19 years old, now he has command ability

If Han Shuiping is the manager of which team, it is estimated that he has already focused on Yu Mi!

Because the comprehensive value of all aspects of this player is really too high.

It's normal for Yumi to worry about this.

Exposed command. He's dangerous!

If he wants to leave yanbofu, he will get better treatment, but the problem is that he doesn't want to leave.

This is the trouble for the registered professional players in CES League. They can't decide where they are going before their contract expires. If yanbofu makes a deal with other teams, Yumi has to go even if he doesn't want to go.

He's really desperate today.

If his strength is a little higher, for example, he can touch the realm of wolf king, then he may not expose his command ability.

There are so many people watching today's show.

He couldn't hide it from me.

But when he looked up, he found Han Shuiping, Dai Yi and Xu Hanyi laughing.

"Do you know?" Han Shuiping said to him, "your command ability has solved an eternal problem since the establishment of yanbofu team!"

"Eh?" Yu Mi blinked.

What's going on?

It seems that things are a little different from what he imagined.

"Core combat effectiveness!" Dai Yi said, touching his chin.

Yanbofu team has always been a very special team in the A-League. Among the seven teams outside the relegation circle of the A-League, yanbofu is the only team without the main God.

Without the main God, they will be more inclined to group battle and play more united, because there is little difference in the strength of the team and the cooperation is more smooth.

However, they can only guarantee that they will not fall into the relegation circle.

Yanbofu team up to now, there is no chance to enter the championship!

No matter how hard they try, they can stop at the position of fifth and sixth at most. Most of the time, they still hand in a narrowly qualified answer paper and keep the seventh place.


Because they have no core combat power.

The main god is the person who can stand up and pierce the ceiling when the whole team has reached the ceiling and lead the team to victory.

The shadow team is recognized by the professional circle as the team that practices least and plays least attentively. However, as long as they are in adversity, they will have an "automatic turnover" situation, and their performance will be no worse.

This is the willfulness of a team of double masters.

On the other hand, yanbofu team has worked very hard on the field for countless times, but once they encounter such a situation, most of them will not win in the end.

Any team wants the LORD God.

But the LORD God is not so easy to produce, heaven and earth and people, indispensable.

The yanbofu team has been cultivating Yumi as the seed of the main God, but it is still a long and uncontrollable process when the seeds germinate, grow, blossom and bear fruit.Which team doesn't have many God seeds?

But I haven't seen any breakthrough in all these years.

However, most of the players who are regarded as the seeds of the God die prematurely due to various problems on the way.

The pause was not long, so Han Shuiping had to make a long story short: "yes, in fact, the essence of the LORD God is the core combat effectiveness, not the LORD God himself..."

"Yes, yes." Yu Mifei nodded quickly.

"In the past, when I was in an authoritarian team, tactical analysts and I made many models that could replace the main God as the core combat effectiveness. Finally, after taking Qin Yizhu as an opponent, we came to a conclusion..." Han Shuiping continued.

"Double command can kill gods." Xu Hanyi snapped his fingers. Of course, they knew the research results at that time.

Yumi was stunned.

What, what

He couldn't believe what he heard.

Their team has no main God, so Han Shuiping wants to use the dual command system to replace the main God as the core combat effectiveness of the team?

Han Shuiping looked at the opposite side with a smile: "so, I really appreciate this performance competition I'm so glad I came with you

"Well..." Yumi was still a little confused. "You can't go? I'm not going to be resold, either? "

"Of course not! A new era is coming in yanbofu. " "So, as a thank you Give them a five kill

Yu Mi looked at his screen, counting down the second hand, constantly falling back to zero.

All of a sudden, he felt relaxed and unprecedentedly cheerful, which made him want to sing aloud: "five kills? How can five kills be enough! "

Drop, drop, drop.

End of pause

The battle between the two sides starts again!