Chapter 441

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
It has been more than five years since the production of wugucheng, but the popularity has not decreased. The serious PVE team pays more attention to the output, so it makes little progress.

But leisure players are not interested in the boss in the map at all. They have a lot of fun baking, hunting birds, burning a forest and catching a rabbit in this map.

Boneless City: Five Star PVE map.

In this map, except for Chen Yao, a pure PVP player, almost every player has gone in.

However, there is little core information about the boss.

A map that has been released for five years has not been released yet. Of course, some professional high-end PVE teams may have such strategies. One of them may be their future revenue source. They can't disclose any details.

As for the non high-end PVE team, it simply does not enter this picture.

Because not meeting a boss is a pure leisure map. It can be regarded as a death hunting ground in the sniper of life and death, and there is nothing to be achieved.

"When I first entered this picture, I was still on the second grade of junior high school..." Pei pengtian is full of nostalgia.

"I was also the second year of junior high school. At that time, I was poor at shooting. I was chased by a wild dog for most of the map. Damn it." Han Xiao said.

"You're not much better at shooting now." Pei pengtian said straightforwardly.

"You're still fine with a shot." Han Xiao looks at him askew - with the superiority of a professional beginner.

Sure enough, his superior eyes immediately exchanged Pei pengtian's white eyes and Shen Zhaolou's fierce chestnut.

It is said that they want to find a boss to blow up one or two m249s. However, they all know that this evening is the last night to accompany Pei pengtian. They don't care much whether this M249 is produced or not.

Of course, it's best to be able to explode. If not, it doesn't matter.

Just after the campus competition, their tense mood also needs to be relaxed.

"I don't need to say more about this map. We should all know that there is no information about the professional PVE team, and the player information can be ignored. Anyway, let's go in this way." I didn't decorate my beard. I started the machine, opened the room and loaded the map

Boneless city map, in fact, there is no city.

When the zombie tide broke out, the whole city had migrated, and even the soil, buildings, all kinds of animals and insects in the city were taken away.

They are all made into a mobile ecosystem to complete the long-distance migration, because the destination of the city is not a refuge, but a new star known as "playground" - if human beings can't stop the zombie tide, then maybe they can save some kindling.

No spaceship can carry such a long journey.

Only by packaging the whole city and not changing the cycle of the whole ecosystem can we reach the distant "playground".

When the most critical wave of zombie tide comes, there is more than one city packed and sent away, and all such cities have a unified name, which is called boneless city.

This is a dead city without bones, even cemeteries are packed away.

However, with the tenacious struggle of mankind left behind, the dawn of exploration and discovery once again shines on this suffering planet, and these places packed away from the city are also rejuvenated

Although in a blank City, the so-called renewed vitality is nothing more than a lot of tar colored vegetation and a variety of infected mutated organisms, it is still much more lively than when there is nothing.

Because countless cities have been packed and sent to the "playground", the boneless City loaded each time is different. I don't know where I came from. Once I go in, only a few people in the small map stand on the bright spot, and the rest is dark.

On the PVE map of boneless City, it's very early to encounter a boss. As soon as they enter the map, they can hear the voices of several bosses. However, if they can find out where they are and see their faces later, it's up to them.

Chen Yao, it's the same as soon as they go in

"Come here, humble soul!"

"Your eyes can see the sunshine because you haven't seen me yet."

"Oh, my little darling, when you feel pain, you'd better be careful..."

There are several male and female boss voices coming from the earphone.

Then there was a noise.

The voice in the earphone changed: "Hey, I say you, in broad daylight, is it a bit inappropriate for a group of boss to do this to the lines?"

"What does daylight mean to lines? Well, the two over there are still practicing their tricks. "

"Hey, you two, take it easy and leave something for the players to destroy.""Why don't you practice with them?"

"Damn it, my big move is called 'make sure to shoot'", and I have to shout it out loud as I enlarge it! Lao Tzu's eight foot man is the first Archer of the end of the world. Let me shout this skill... "

"Well, what a shame."

"It's boring..."

"In other words, when will our days of waiting for people to kill come to an end?"

Chen Yao, their earphones are noisy again.

Then, the voices of the bosses in the room were slowly lost, and finally they were completely covered by the noise of the current

About a minute later, there was no current noise in their headphones, and they were completely dead.

The boss is waiting for them to kill!

"I always think, how can this map be used as a leisure map by them? If you enter this map, you have the obligation to kill those bosses. Otherwise, I'm sorry for their daily efforts. " The beard spread out.

"But it's not easy to find them..." Chen Yao looks around.

He had been hunting for ten years, but he had never seen such a dark mountain forest. No, he didn't even know whether it was.

The sky was overcast, as if the air had been taken away, the sun, rain and clouds had been taken away.

It's not the gloom of rain, it's the gloom of nothing.

Each of them had a main weapon, a pistol and a cold weapon, and nothing else.

When Chen Yao looked at the starting position of this map, they should not be able to find ammunition supply in a short time.

So, how to survive in this open and unobstructed area is the primary problem.

"In this case, we usually go to the tent first." After all, mustache was still a PVE commander, so he immediately took out the corresponding countermeasures, "find a tent to supplement a wave of materials, and then explore in the distance All night long. "