Chapter 396

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
In the training the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday, Xie Qingming was not willing to use the black spider.

It's probably a famous Dao like this. He doesn't want to get the blood of a nameless person.

As a result, today, when he took out the black spider and prepared to fight in a formal professional competition, the other side Unexpectedly Don't fight with him!

Xie Qingming is so angry!

After the whole game, he couldn't kill a man with this dagger.

Every time others watch him take out a dagger, they would rather run away than fight with him!

"Ha ha ha," Shen Zhaolou knew the truth and immediately laughed so much that he couldn't stand still. "It's so pitiful. I'll try my best to sympathize with you for a second."

"Go away." Xie Qingming is in a bad mood.

It seems that Xie Qingming is useless. In the competition with ALC school team, many teams were deeply impressed by the performance of blood strike.

After that game, the positioning of the useless "melee fighting type player" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So that their opponents today have been avoiding meeting Xie Qingming's useless dagger!

However, poor Xie Qingming beloved black spider, can only be hungry.

"Well, well, don't be angry," Zhang Ning said with a smile, and comforted him insincerely. "You see, the first head of your black spider must be commemorative, right? Today's game, there is nothing worthy of you to feed black spider players

"Yes." Xie Qingming finally accepted Zhang Ning's logic, and his face became a little better.

However, he turned to Chen Yao immediately, and the war spirit in his eyes was self-evident.

As soon as Zhang Ning saw Xie Qingming's meaning, he immediately regretted that he had nothing to do. If he asked Xie Qingming whose head he wanted to feed black spider, he would not hesitate to answer that it was spark!

"Yes. In the afternoon, I will practice with you. " Chen Yao did not refuse.

Zhang Ning put four fingers in his mouth and bit them.

Xie Qingming put forward this battle. I hope Chen Yao doesn't hate him!

Just as he thought so, Chen Yao's calm eyes swept towards him.

When he wanted to say something, he heard Chen Yao say: "shake hands."

"Ah? Ah! Yes, yes, shake hands! Shake hands They are the winning side, and they want to go to each other's glass room to shake hands.

The opponent in Optics Valley 7 is in a low mood.

The players who have not experienced the battle of the loser group will not realize how cruel the battlefield is. Many teams are crowded in the abyss of despair, fighting one after another seemingly endless battle, just to fight for the only precious name coming back from the abyss.

Jincheng No.1 middle school is the devil who killed from the abyss. However, when they saw the light, they were exhausted because of the previous battle, and there was no way to move forward.

"I'm sorry! This game should not have been like this. I misunderstood you for deliberately putting a knife fight. "When beard shook hands with them, he sincerely apologized to them." your personal strength is very strong. Add a command post. You can do it tomorrow! "

"Thank you." Jincheng shook hands with them one by one to thank them.


In the second game in the morning, the Xiangye five league school team showed great strength. Two maps won the Meihua women's middle school team and became the second team to enter the semi-finals after the seventh middle school of Optics Valley!

In the first game in the afternoon, there was no accident. From the opening battle to the tomorrow academy, the same two maps beat the 719 children's school.

Finally, the focus of the war fell on the Qinghe middle school and heishuita middle school.

If from the state of the last game, Qinghe middle school is far worse than the other side. The whole Heishui tower in the last game is a bulldozer. In every small game, it's a victory to completely destroy the opponent. Even if it loses, it's the last person to fight. If it doesn't protect the gun, it's a momentum. However, Qinghe middle school's attack is soft and weak, and its defense is full of flaws. In the end, it can only be counted It was a close victory.

Therefore, in the last eight strong battle this afternoon, almost no one is optimistic about Qinghe middle school.

Under the condition that the team has always been unstable and under great pressure, they can struggle to reach the top eight, which has already made Chen Yao admire them very much. In fact, they lost today's game, at least in Chen Yao's eyes, it is not Jiang Zhi's problem.

But they don't know what other people think.

Just like Zhang Ning and Chen Yao said before, Jiang Zhi and they can't lose. If they lose, it means that they are wrong to refuse a stronger team plan.

Winning doesn't necessarily prove you are right, but losing must be wrong.

If they are not players, they can't know like Shen Zhaolou that Jiang Zhi can stand on this stage with so much pressure. It's not easy.Today, Jiang Zhi's performance, compared with the last game, has a certain adjustment. However, in the face of the strong attack of heishuita middle school bulldozer, they still lost the first map.

In the second picture, it seems that heishuita middle school won easily because of the first map. It played a little bit and was bitten by Jiang Zhi's beautiful performance in several consecutive games. Finally, it lost the picture 13-16.

In the last picture, heishuita middle school has no more mistakes, but Jiang Zhi and his team are also fighting against each other. They can't help but win. Instead, they are inspired to be in a state of silence before and let their opponents die 16-9!

Until the end of the game, no matter Qinghe middle school itself, or their opponents, or the commentators on the scene, the waiting reporters, did not realize that it was Qinghe middle school that won.

There were several innings in the middle. They almost couldn't play any more. They just wanted to give up the game and leave the stage

However, in the end, it was them who entered the semi-finals!

Chen Yao and their live broadcast shows that Jiang Zhi, sitting in the glass room, have not accepted the fact that they have won for a long time.

They are professional players themselves, and they know what they are like.

It's probably a miracle for them to win this game?

"Cheer up, everyone!" Zhang Ning saw the close-up of several members of Qinghe middle school team on the screen and said, "Qinghe middle school after this competition will be very strong, so strong that you flowers in the greenhouse can't imagine!"

"Is it that terrible?" Shen Zhaolou turned his mouth.

"Hum, is it terrible? When you meet them again, you will know!" Zhang Ning knew that now said, they will not believe, "anyway, now there are only four teams left, we have a great chance to meet them in the semi-final!"