Chapter 391

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
The game started quickly. Qinghe middle school simply debugged it, but the game was faster. Two teams randomly came to a map of hope harbor. The central camp only fought for less than 10 seconds and ended the fight.

Qinghe middle school, where Jiang Zhi was, was not very good. He was almost beaten for five by the other side.

It's incredible that the two sides can still make this situation even if they don't have to win.

"They're in bad shape!" Zhang Ning's eyes were straight when he looked at the fight.

It's the first time I've seen people in poor condition like this.

It's enough for a team that can enter the third round of the offline competition to fight so hard that no one can be killed and no cooperation can be found.

"Why?" Chen Yao asked.

"For Why? " Zhang Ning didn't quite understand what Chen Yao was asking, "what is it and why?"

"Why are they in such bad shape?" Chen Yao added.

Zhang Ning blinked.

Is Chen Yao coming to see this game?

His playing experience is too limited. He knows what it is like to be in good form, but he has never seen what it is like to be in bad form - he predicted it before he came here. Jiang Zhi and they won't play very well today.

"I think it may be divided into several aspects." As soon as Zhang Ning thought that Chen Yao might have come on purpose to supplement the knowledge of what kind of experience "bad state" is, he immediately gave a correct answer.

"You said Chen Yao said.

"The first aspect is that in the middle of the game, they need to deal with too much off the court. Their energy can't be completely focused on the game. It's like people who don't sleep well at night and work well during the day Zhang Ning decided to answer one by one.

"Off field factors are inevitable," Chen Yao's voice was a little cold, he asked, "how to make the whole team focus on the game?"

"Training!" Zhang Ning thought for a while before answering, "fill their time with training. If you want to disperse your energy, you need to concentrate your body."

"I see. You go on." Chen Yao nodded.

"The second aspect of their bad form is that they don't train well," Zhang Ning said. "Even if they don't train well without those off-site factors, they can't play well."

"Training is not good because off-site factors take up the time, this time instead should be on the amount of training?" Chen Yao continued.


"Well, go on."

"The third and most important aspect - they are under too much pressure!" Zhang Ning looked at Qinghe middle school on the stage. Everyone's sitting close to the monitor and tightly locked brows showed how nervous they are now.

"Well?" Chen Yao motioned him to continue.

"Although their team has been playing here from the online competition of the campus competition, no matter who they are, their strength will be stronger after they join the team. But the team has come to the last step, but Jiang Zhi refuses. If they win the next competition, it's OK, if they lose..."

"He's responsible." Chen Yao said he understood.

However, Zhang Ning laughed: "no, it's not just his responsibility. The situation he is facing now is too complicated. He has signed a contract with the shadow team, and has strengthened the joint efforts of the shadow team to overthrow all the off-site work done by the team. Think about it. With a team that everyone knows is weaker than the joint plan, he forced himself to fight in the campus competition. After losing, what kind of image is he? "

Chen Yao really shook his head. He didn't know that.

"He is the" team bully "and" YiYanTang "team leader, conceited and headstrong as thousands of people refer to him..." What Zhang Ning says casually is the image Jiang Zhi will be created after he loses.

"Well." Chen Yao nodded again.

"So, you don't realize They are now carrying 10000 tons of pressure, playing on the stage Zhang Ning's voice was full of sympathy.

If the pressure really has weight, the five people on the stage can still sit there, it will be very strong.

However, there was no sympathy in Chen Yao's eyes.

He's just thinking seriously about what Zhang Ning said, state, training, pressure

He is like a sponge, at any time possible, to absorb more knowledge, in case of future do not know when the crisis will come.

Chen Yao has no time to sympathize with others.

Because, he is also fighting on this career path.

I don't know when 10000 tons of pressure will fall from the sky.


Qinghe middle school lost its first map.

After watching the competition, neither the commentators nor the audience seemed to be too surprised by the result.

Almost everyone is clapping for the opponent of Qinghe middle school. In the audience, Zhang Ning clapped very hard, but in fact, his clapping was for Qinghe middle school.With 10000 tons of pressure on their back, they can still score 9-16 on the first map, which Zhang Ning admired very much.

Chen Yao's eyes were light all the time.

The second map, Qinghe middle school after adjustment, the first half to seize the fault of the other side to establish a great advantage, the second half normal play, won.

Their opponent was dragged to the third map for the first time in this campus competition.

On the third map, the performance of the two teams is not very good. Qinghe middle school, like the second map, can only be regarded as a normal play. However, their opponents don't know that they haven't played the third map, so they are a little nervous, and the error rate is much higher than that of the first map

In the end, Qinghe middle school won slightly and ended the battle 16-13.

Their game was a little dull, and they couldn't find any wonderful scenes, but for Qinghe middle school, the result was undoubtedly exciting.

Some of their companions lick each other's wounds, just like the seven wolves in the same way.

A group of reporters have jumped on it.

However, their keyboard, how can not write this 10000 tons of pressure.

"I'll take over the training tomorrow. Do you want to find them? If they are still in this state, they can't do anything Zhang Ning said thoughtfully.

"There are other options?" Chen Yao asked.

"Well I don't think so. " Zhang Ning gave a dry smile.

After all, they are not the old strong team in the campus competition, where it is so easy to receive training from the team.

Chen Yao stood up.

He looked at the stage, still dealing with the reporter's Qinghe middle school team, a hand toward him raised to wave.

Jiang Zhi saw them and said hello to them.

Chen Yao raised his hand, waved it back and forth, turned his head and said, "go and choose the gun."