Chapter 3

Name:Top Gun King Author:果味喵
"I'm sorry, freshmen only accept TIANTI diamond group or above."

"Our school team already belongs to the C team of the shadow team. It's not so easy to enter!"

"Yes, our ID can be prefixed with the golden prefix of the shadow team, and we can wear the uniform of the shadow team Well, yes, it's the one on me. Hey, don't squeeze. Look at it one by one... "

Under the booth, the most prominent position is the "community recruitment department" of life and death sniping.

A man and a woman were in charge of the reception.

A man's face is whiter than a woman's. in his polite smile, a few lines of pride leak from time to time.

The woman is very beautiful, with big eyes and good development. Her brown curly hair falls to her waist, and the wind just half covers her navel.

"How to sign up?" Chen Yao is not tall, but he is still well proportioned. It doesn't take much effort to squeeze in.

"Are you a freshman or an old student? Are you a ladder or a professional Asked the pretty girl.

The rank of life and death sniper is divided into two systems, i.e. after work and occupation.

Amateur players mainly look at the ladder score. According to the ladder score, there are six groups: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond and king. This is the ladder rank.

However, the formula calculation of the ladder system is data-based after all, and there is no way to accurately show the role of a professional player in the team, let alone read the tactical ability and command ability of a professional player. Therefore, professional players have special professional positions, and their regular matches are manually participated.

This "artificial" is not ordinary artificial!

In September, the professional sniper team must send three teams to take part in the "CES" event.

It's all a god!

Chen Yao took out the transfer notice and handed it to him.

"High school sophomore?" The girl smiles politely.


"I'm sorry, I'm very demanding. I don't want anyone who didn't get a professional rank this year..."

"Oh." Chen Yao nodded.

He is ready to take part in this year's September 25 of the life and death sniper professional competition, but, after all, now has not obtained the professional rank.

"I'm sorry, this year's requirements are strict, so Why The beautiful girl's eyes followed Chen Yao's transfer notice and looked down. When she saw it at the end, her face suddenly changed, "are you from Optics Valley No.7 Middle School?"

“……” Chen Yao was confused by her sudden scream.

The boy beside her was also startled: "what's the matter?"

The polite smile on the pretty girl's face soon turned into disgust: "Oh, it's from the school next door again!"


Next door school?

Chen Yao subconsciously raised his head and saw that the wind had blown open the banner hanging above the curved door.

The name of this school is not Guanggu No.7 Middle School where Chen Yao transferred.

Just now the banner blocked the six flash gold characters - erudite private high school.

"Why do these bumpkins go to the wrong place every year?"

"Oh, I don't think I went to the wrong place, but I came to our erudite private middle school on purpose."

"Just think about it. Can public high schools have such a community scale? Can there be such a school team The girl was talking when she suddenly felt a light hand

She whispered, "ah," and saw the transfer notice disappear.

Looking up again, he told Chen Yao that the order had been returned.

Chen Yao lowered his head and glanced at it. The address on the transfer notice was No. 1, Boyue Road, Guanggu Avenue.

Are there two special ones?

Chen Yao put away the notice and turned to go out to look for it again.

Although the school team of this school is known as the C team of a famous team, but he can not join, no matter how good, it has nothing to do with him.

Who knows, as soon as he looked up, he saw that he was surrounded by people.

For Chen Yao, the current situation is nothing more than "Oh, wrong way". However, the focus around him seems to be more than just going to the wrong school.

If a hunter in the mountain meets a tiger, he can usually retreat completely. But if he is surrounded by a group of monkeys, it will be more difficult for him to escape. Chen Yao feels like he is surrounded by monkeys.

"Seven middle schools? Last semester, there was a girl who couldn't get off the hood of our basketball team leader's BMW. Was she from their school? "

"When I was a freshman in high school, a boy from No.7 Middle School came over the wall and invited a girl in our class to drink soda Drink Steam Water As a result, when I went back, I was chased over the wall by our grade leader's purebred groanda shepherd dog and broke my leg. "

"Some boys from No.7 Middle school invited some sisters in our dorm to dinner and said they wanted to show us" fire rose ". Unexpectedly, they brought up a basin full of Erguotou in a small restaurant. They couldn't light it for a long time with a lighter. Finally, we all watched the middle of the greasy table, and there were some rotten rose leaves floating in a basin of Erguotou..."The students of erudite private high school are full of fierce resentment towards Guanggu No.7 Middle School, which is just separated by a wall.

However, Chen Yao went into his left ear and out of his right.

His interest in gossip can be compared with that of shopping mom in E-sports.

"Which wall to turn over?" Chen Yao simply and clearly extracted the key points from a lot of "useless information" - he only needs to cross another wall to get to the right school.

Turn Which wall?

Around the erudite middle school students, staring at Chen Yao's face unchanged.

How could it be this reaction!

As a student of Optics Valley No.7 Middle School, shouldn't he be embarrassed and embarrassed now?

However, there was no similar emotion on his face.

His eyes were so calm.

Those murderous villains in the movies, is that the way they look at the corpse?

"Cough..." A boy who stood closest to Chen Yao was seen as hairy by his eyes, "you You still want to? I I tell you, benefits are limited Here, that's the side - it was raised in the summer vacation, and now it can't be turned over! "

The boy pointed to the northeast again.

Chen Yao looked in the direction he pointed.

Not far away, on the seven or eight meter high wall, the blue bricks and stones are brand new and clean, and there is not a single vine.

"Thank you." Chen Yao looked at a large group of people around him, helplessly added two more words, "let's?"

"Eh?" The crowd separated automatically.


"Grass, those young masters and young ladies are playing too much! Speed! A few people, and my sister to save people An anxious voice, low in the corner of the crowd sounded.

The mobile phone in her hand is sweating.

"Sister Lou, what's the matter?" The sound of running footsteps came from the phone.

"Another freshman is going the wrong way!"

"Well, isn't that normal? The door of our school looks like the side door of erudite private middle school. "

"Normal? If they continue to be "normal" like this, people will die! "

"Cough What, sister Lou, calm down. Who's going to die? "

"How do I know who that stupid guy is?" Shen Zhaolou is in chaos.

“……” The one opposite the phone is more chaotic.

Shen Zhaolou is the leader of the life and death sniping school team of No.7 Middle School of Optics Valley.

Sixteen or seventeen year old girl is a little envious of the recruitment of local tyrants in the private school next door. It's also natural for her, but she can't think of it. She just came to "observe and learn" and saw this wonderful thing!

Who's that stupid guy!

Enter other people's school gate, add other people's school team, turn over other people's wall

"Meow, why don't you go to heaven!" Shen Zhaolou scolded in a low voice, but he said it nervously for a hundred times The wall is so high, don't mess around!