Chapter 1009

Name:Top Capturing System Author:残照
But this thing is the system of bad luck, I met the slag man.

Think of what that scum man did to the system.

Qiulan wants to take revenge.

But how to revenge Qiulan is not clear. After all, he has no contact with that system.

"Why don't you go and see him, the person who is good now, is not the system. Tell him what kind of scum system he is targeting, so that he can see the real face of that scum system."

Who knows a listen to autumn LAN this word system cry more uncomfortable.

"I said what I should have said."

"And then what?" Qiulan frowns, he suddenly has a bad premonition.

He always felt that there was something between the system and the previous system that he didn't know.

But originally, the system is not in love, he does not know what is normal between the system and that system.

Thinking of this, Qiulan can't help sighing.

Why does the system have to hide from itself? If he doesn't hide it from himself, he can help him to give advice and even help him at the critical moment. But now he has done everything, even if he wants to help him at this time, he can't help him.

The system hesitated.

"If you don't say that I can't help you, then you'll feel bad for yourself."

Originally, helping the system is what you want. Since the system doesn't want to, he doesn't want to force it. He can say it if he wants to, and even if he doesn't want to.

Qiulan is preparing to talk to Shen.

The system suddenly opened up..

"I said, I said not yet?"

The system is more collapsed and desperate.

For the first time in his life, he was so sad for a system and cried so much that it collapsed.

"Don't move yourself here. You may think how much you love him, but maybe it's just a joke in his eyes."

This kind of thing is too much, this is the end of licking the dog, so Qiulan does not want the system to be a licking dog.

After all, how to say that sentence, lick the dog, lick the dog, lick to the last nothing.

He estimated that the system is done, licking the dog will become what it is now.

The system listens to the words of autumn haze, wow of a cry come out, particularly tragic.

Because he found that the host was right.

What I said is true. In the relationship between him and his predecessor, what he paid has always been his predecessor's reaction to him, and has always been indecisive.

"Host, it's all my fault. I shouldn't sink so deep."

Qiulan pick eyebrow, no words, continue to listen to him.

"In fact, when we first met, it was not because of feelings, it was because of work, but he was a person who was particularly responsible and enthusiastic. At that time, the host just passed through, and I didn't know how to do many things. It was because he had been secretly teaching me and guiding me that I could do so well."

The autumn LAN hears this words, the look in the eyes is instantly complicated.

Obviously, the system has met a scum man, and this scum man is still a habitual criminal. If you listen to what he does to the system, you can analyze these things. A normal boy won't sit on a boy, he has a purpose.

Poor system is too simple, can't see through, think of this Qiulan look at each other's eyes full of sympathy.

"I really can't forget him, he is really good to me, otherwise I can't sink so deep, I'm not a fool."

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