Chapter 995

Catching up with

two men were very angry for a moment. An old man over 50 years old and their two young men just couldn't catch up with him. If it was spread out, it would make people laugh, not to mention it. There were so many people in the airport, they were all watching it and laughing, which made them blush.

If their boss knows that they can't do it, it will definitely break their way.

Think of here, two men all Mao full strength to run.

He Youbing is also running with his strength. He can confirm that the people behind are the people of the usury organization. If they catch him and don't unload his arm and leg, it's God's blessing.

Therefore, he did not dare to stop at all. Although he could not run for a long time, when he thought of stopping, he would have fewer parts. Even if he was tired to death, he could not let them catch him.

But things are always very unlucky. Just when he Youbing thinks that he is about to get rid of it, two people suddenly appear in front of him and block his way. When he turns back, he sees that the road behind him is also blocked.

The man behind finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "old man, keep running. I think you are just very flexible."

He Youbing didn't respond to them. He looked around and finally saw a glimmer of life. It was the escape ladder. Although it was far away from him, he still bit his teeth and ran.

The man who just yelled seemed to see his intention, and immediately cried out: "catch him quickly, don't let him jump to the escape ladder over there, otherwise..." He yelled and ran, but he was still a little late.

He Youbing jumps up in the air. He falls heavily on the escape ladder four meters away. Under the middle of the gap is a three story square. These men dare not jump. They have to bite their teeth and rush to the exit of the escape ladder as fast as possible.

Although he Youbing jumped over, he fell a lot. He groaned with pain, but he didn't have time to rest. Seeing that the group of men had run away, he quickly stood up and ran with his teeth.

Maybe he fell too badly. When he got to the entrance of the escape ladder, there were a lot of people there. They pressed him down, and he finally gave up his resistance. He was breathing heavily.

At this time, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he was a little complacent. When he saw several men in police uniform come over, he immediately yelled: "police comrades, they want to kidnap me."

The police came over in doubt, and then looked at a group of people with poor complexion around them and asked in a questioning voice, "what are you doing? Let go and follow me back to investigate. "

This group of people out of a very smart young man, he came to the police whispered: "police comrades, this man is our psychiatric hospital patients, his brain is not very good, this is my doctor's card."

Then he handed a doctor's card to the police. The police repeatedly checked it and confirmed that it was not forged. However, they still had doubts in their hearts, because he didn't look like he was mentally ill. Besides, the matter was full of doubts. He couldn't listen to unilateral words, so he still didn't believe the man in front of him.

Perhaps seeing the vigilance in the eyes of the police, the man took out a resume again and said with a smile, "this is the analysis of the old guy's illness. He left the country a few days ago and came back today. It's not the first time for him."

The police took it over and looked at it several times, finally confirmed it, and then said with a smile: "in this case, you can take him back. Remember to watch the patient more closely next time. You can't let him run out and affect other people. It's too dangerous." The man nodded, "what you said is that after we go back, we will take strict care of him, and will not give him any opportunity."

The man dismissed the police, then came back and looked at he Youbing with playful eyes, raised his hand and gave him a slap, and then said indignantly, "the old guy can run, now keep running."

He Youbing looked at the police who had gone far away, but he was not willing to cry out: "police comrades, help me, they want to kidnap me, they are usury organizations, help me."

But the police did not look back, but laughed with colleagues and said: "this patient is really interesting. He knows everything."

The policeman standing next to him also nodded with a smile, and then looked back. But it was this look that made him confused, because at this time, he was seeing he Youbing beaten, and no doctor beat the patient, so he felt a little abnormal.

But he didn't go to his heart. He thought that maybe the doctor in the mental hospital had a bad temper. What's more, the patient still made such a joke, and it was light to hit him, so he just took it as a strange thing.

He Youbing looked at the police who had gone away, sighed helplessly in his heart, then looked at the people around him with hatred eyes, and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "I have no money. If you want to kill me, you can do it."At this time, the doctor of the neurology hospital chuckled and looked at him like an idiot. "Do you think that we have spent so much effort to catch you, which will make you die easily? We will treat you well


Yes, he is indeed a psychiatrist, which is still Li Huanyu's stratagem. At that time, the usury boss also asked Li Huanyu what to do if he forcibly arrested someone at the airport.

And Li Huanyu gave them this stratagem, and also helped he Youbing forge a mental patient's examination report.

Not to mention, this method really works. Now he Youbing is easily taken away by them. Although it's difficult to catch him, they are happy to think that a large amount of money will be recorded.

He Youbing said: "you are all fools, I have no money, you are still so happy."

A man is also a talkative master. He said with a smile, "you don't have money, but your life is worth money. When the time comes, we'll send you up. Naturally, someone will help you pay back the money you owe."

He Youbing is stunned and thinks that there is such a good thing to do. He is thinking about who will treat him so well. Shen Junquan, it's impossible. From the way they treat him, they are definitely not friends. They are probably enemies.

Then there is only Li Huanyu left, he thought of here, originally look a little restless, but now suddenly calm down, he also knows, Li Huanyu will not easily kill him.