Chapter 921

He Xinying, who is waiting for news at home after an accident, is on pins and needles. She is going crazy when she has a chance. Finally, she dials a phone.

Although she was very courageous when she came out, now she had to bow her head, because Xiaochen was all she had. For Xiaochen, she could give up any self-esteem and pride, and the phone was soon connected.

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I may need your help." He Xinying's voice reveals her hoarseness and vicissitudes, so that people on the other side don't know who this person is.

"Who are you?" It was Zhang Ya who was speaking. At that time, Shen Junquan was sitting beside her. She was in a good mood today. After all, her son sat with her for the first time today. She also wanted to discuss the issue of marriage with her son, but she didn't expect to be interrupted by a phone call. Her unhappiness can be imagined.

Where does he Xinying care about the tone of the person on the other side of the phone? At this time, she is completely relying on the only perseverance to support herself. She immediately said anxiously, "I'm he Xinying, I I want your help. "

These words come out of he Xinying's mouth. She was so smart when she left, but now she has to call her. It's too fast. However, she really can't help it.

"Oh?" Zhang Ya's hand trembled when she got on the phone, and her eyes

unconsciously looked at Shen Junquan, and found that he was still looking down at the laptop in front of him, with a serious look of work. Seeing this, she was relieved, and then got up and left the living room.

But Zhang Ya didn't find that Shen Junquan's hand holding the mouse was shaking slightly. Although there was no change in his face, the clenched teeth still exposed the emotion in his heart.

Indeed, he did hear the familiar and strange voice. He could hardly believe it. After such a long time, he actually heard her voice here again.

However, he never thought that she was still in touch with his mother. His heart beat faster and he didn't know whether he was happy or angry.

He wants to grab Zhang Ya's phone and ask her why she is so cruel and why she doesn't contact him, but he puts up with it.

Because he knew that as long as he did so, it would mean that he once again lost the opportunity to contact he Xinying. Of course, he would not be so stupid, and he would not make mistakes for the sake of impulse.

Zhang Ya left for a long time, she received a phone call from he Xinying, is extremely surprised, did not expect that she is so stubborn a person, would call to beg himself.

She is curious that he Xinying finds out what she is doing. Zhang Ya goes outside, and then she answers with ease.

"What's the matter with you calling me?" Zhang Ya's voice is full of indifference. After all, he Xinying gave her a cold shoulder when she left. Now when she found her, she thought that she couldn't help her so easily.

But when she heard he Xinying's voice with a little choking and helpless, her heart suddenly trembled, because that sentence you help me, Xiaochen disappeared, let Zhang Ya's mood a little depressed.

"I have promised you to leave the Shen family and Junquan. If you really don't want to help, then I have to go to Shen Junquan." Feeling the indifference of the person on the phone, he Xinying's tone became tough.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way." Zhang Ya sighs, and finally agrees without any hesitation. After all, he Xinying can't understand her good intentions as a mother. In her opinion, although she doesn't want Shen Junquan to be with he Xinying, the Shen family still owes him something. She doesn't make any mistakes, but the Shen family just can't accept her. In the final analysis, she can only sigh that it's fate that makes people.

Zhang Ya hangs up he Xinying's phone, spits out a bad breath, and then calls her bodyguard who is arranged beside him Xinying, "how do you do things? Don't go to find someone."

When Zhang Ya returns to the living room after calling, Shen Junquan has disappeared in the living room, leaving only the black screen computer. She can only sigh at last, and then gives up what she wants to say to Shen Junquan today.

Shen Junquan was anxiously waiting in his room at this time. After a short time, the phone rang and he picked it up without hesitation.

"Got it?" There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Yes, it's from Canada." A strange male voice on the other side of the phone.

Hearing this, Shen Junquan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, "immediately check the specific location for me, and then report it to me."

Then he hung up, as expected.

After he Xinying left at the beginning, although he was overwhelmed by the company's affairs, he also knew that he had sent someone to look for him. At the beginning, he just got he Xinying and went to Canada.However, Shen Junquan did not investigate her specific location.

But now that she has contacted Zhang Ya, it proves that something happened to her. This time, he will tie he Xinying to himself anyway.

Just thinking, the phone rang again, he quickly connected, "how, the area has been found?"

He waited, but on the other side of the phone came a man's puzzled voice, "Mr. Shen, what area?"

When Shen Junquan heard this voice, he was obviously disappointed. Obviously, it was his assistant who called.

"It's nothing. Come on, it's nothing." Although Shen Junquan's tone is a little impatient, after all, he doesn't want to miss any phone calls or any news about he Xinying. Although he wants to wait for he Xinying, how can he turn a blind eye to her news now? He is not a saint. He just wants to go to he Xinying's side as soon as possible.

"There's something wrong with Mr. Shen. Several of the company's partners have to refuse the contract and have agreed to discuss the termination of the contract with you tomorrow." With these words, Shen Junquan's happy face turned a little gloomy.

"What's the matter?" He was in a bad mood at this time. He wanted to go to Canada to find he Xinying, but now he suddenly received the news that all his ideas could not match the reality.

"I don't know the specific reason, but the time difference between several partners on the phone is not very big, it is likely to be premeditated."

In order to avoid Shen Junquan's anger, the Secretary quickly explained the situation of the partners before and after the call, and even the words were almost the same.

Shen Junquan also understood what was going on and felt the seriousness of the matter. He got a name with high frequency from several partners, that is Li Huanyu.

Shen Junquan doesn't know what's going on, and he's in a very upset mood. Is this woman cheating on the company? A woman, she really has so much power? Shen Junquan is not sure about all this. At this time, a message appears on his mobile phone.