Chapter 859


looking at Xiaochen's disappearing figure, he Xinying blames herself. In her opinion, it's all her fault for Xiaochen. Now she begins to regret that she let Xiaochen drop out of kindergarten.

It must be that they are too busy to accompany the children well, so they are a little lonely in their heart. That's why they are so depressed.

Because Xiaochen is not happy, he Xinying has always been depressed. Shen Junquan comes back from the company. He has no idea about the company's current difficulties, but he doesn't want to bring his emotions home. When he comes back home, he is extremely relaxed.

But as soon as she came back, he Xinying looked gloomy.

He Xinying realizes that Shen Junquan is tired, and she feels distressed when she looks at him. Of course, she knows how difficult things are in the company. Seeing his forced smile, she doesn't want to add trouble to him, so she doesn't want to tell him about Xiaochen, for fear that he will continue to worry about this.

"What's the matter with you? What happened to the hospital again? " Even if he Xinying deliberately conceals, how can he hide Shen Junquan's eyes.

"Nothing, just a little tired." He Xinying pretended to be relaxed, but her eyes were full of sadness.

"Xinying, we said that we can't hide things from each other, no matter it's small or big."

The most taboo thing between husband and wife is to hide. It's really good to think more about each other, but some things still need to be discussed between husband and wife.

Under the gaze of Shen Junquan, he Xinying sighs and tells the current situation of Xiaochen.

"Brother Junquan, it's not a big deal, but I feel sorry for Xiaochen."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Junquan knew what he Xinying meant.

"Is there something wrong with Xiaochen's mood recently?"

He Xinying didn't hide any more, so she told her what happened when she came back to see Xiaochen. After hearing this, Shen Junquan also reproached herself with a look of remorse.

, "we really ignored Xiaochen during this period of time. Xiaochen is only less than three years old, but she has grown up and knows how to share for us."

"It's not the way to do it all the time. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that I'll make him sick." He Xinying looks worried. If Xiaochen, like other children, exposes his emotions in front of them, she will rest assured. But now Xiaochen is so sensible that she is even more worried.

"You mean, send them to kindergarten?" Of course, Shen Junquan also understands he Xinying's meaning. Xiaochen is still a child. He needs the company of his companions. It's really cruel for him to leave him at home alone every day.

"To tell you the truth, I don't worry about going to kindergarten." He Xinying shakes her head. Although she has made it clear these days that it is necessary for Xiaochen to go to kindergarten, this time, she can't choose a kindergarten casually.

"What are you going to do?"

He Xinying looks at the tired Shen Junquan. She is silent. At the same time, she blames herself. At this time, she shouldn't bother Shen Junquan with these little things.

"We have a lot of things to do these days. Besides, something has happened to the company.

let's let go of the kindergarten. Tomorrow is the weekend. It's better not to let the neighbor's children accompany him." When he Xinying said this, she couldn't tell what it was like. She just added, "I'd rather he would never grow up."

There was nothing to say for a night. The next day, Shen Junquan really brought his neighbor's children to accompany Xiaochen.

He Xinying is very satisfied with his speed. Xiaochen accepts it with a smile on his face. However, it is not clear who he Xinying and Shen Junquan are at this time about what he thinks in his heart, because Xiaochen has learned to hide his emotions in his heart.

He Xinying and Shen Junquan leave the house uneasily, and there are only

Xia Xiaochen and a child who is a little older than him. Xiaochen takes a look at him, then comes to the window again, and doesn't say much.

The neighbor's child is older than Xiaochen. Watching Shen Junquan and he Xinying leave the Shen family, he immediately doesn't have the clever appearance just now. He walks towards Xiaochen and looks at the little shadow very domineering. "You get up, I want to sit here."

"The sofa is much more comfortable than here. If you want to sit, go to the sofa and sit. Don't rob me of it." Xiaochen didn't start. He just glanced at him. His voice was so cold that he looked like Shen Junquan. In his words, there was a kind of maturity that didn't match his age.

This kind of Xiaochen makes the children on one side feel embarrassed. He thought this little boy would be easy to bully, but he didn't expect to hit a wall here. Seeing his sophisticated appearance, he was really afraid and didn't dare to make trouble for him.

He came to the sofa disheartened, did not continue to communicate with Xiaochen, Xiaochen also looked out of the window as usual, eyes without God, do not know what he was thinking.

For children, loneliness is the most comfortable, but they feel uncomfortable, sitting on the sofa for a short time, the youth lost their inner feelingsPatience, he some boring but curious mouth asked, "what are you looking at?"

Finish saying, want to get close to Xiaochen, Xiaochen just cold mouth interrupted his next action, "you don't come, if you feel bored, turn on the TV to watch TV, if you dare to come, I can't guarantee not to hit you."

Xiao Chen's cold words made the child who was trying to get close to him instantly dispel his inner thoughts. He shriveled his mouth, and his heart was full of fragrance. It was Shen Junquan who asked him to come, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such an encounter in the Shen family. "I won't turn on your TV, can you help me turn it on?"

Xiaochen impatiently turned on the TV for him, then took out a lot of snacks from the refrigerator, put them on the table, and returned to the window again, and returned to the state of absence.

The children sitting on the sofa watching TV soon ignore the existence of Xiaochen, laughing and eating snacks, but Xiaochen turns a deaf ear to all this.

For things that can attract children, Xiaochen has no attraction at all. He is like a little dwarf,

revealing maturity that does not meet his age.

As the evening approached, Xiaochen came to the side of the sofa and watched TV with the boy. He asked coldly, "what's your name?"

Although he didn't know why he came suddenly, he answered excitedly when he saw him open his mouth. "My name is Li Ze. You can call me Xiao Ze. You can come to me often in the future."

He said so, Xiaochen still did not have much reaction, but still cold mouth, "my name is Xiaochen, later if my mother asked you how we get along, remember to say very good."

Although Ozawa didn't understand, he nodded. After that, he saw an incredible picture, because he saw Xiaochen laughing. Today, he has been here all day, and he has never seen his smile.

Although he didn't understand, Ozawa didn't go to his heart. He just thought that he was in a bad mood. They chatted with each other.

After a short time, Shen Junquan and he Xinying went home and were very happy to see the two children's harmonious contact.

Originally, he Xinying was going to leave Ozawa for dinner, but the adult who led the family had to go back, so she had to give up. When she sent him, it was a word she had no intention of saying, but it made her heart twitch violently.

"Ozawa, how are you getting along with Xiaochen today?" He Xinying asked unintentionally, just as an interaction with children.

"Xiaochen is a very strange child." Ozawa's careless words let he Xinying fall into vigilance.

"Why do you say that?" He Xinying had a bad feeling in her heart. She squatted down slowly and listened to his explanation patiently.

Ozawa tells he Xinying exactly what happened today. She feels very surprised. She doesn't expect that Ozawa still hasn't let go of playing with him, and she has such deep intention. This is something she can't imagine.

"You mean he came to talk to you just before we came back, and you gave each other your names?" He Xinying asked uncertainly.

After getting Ozawa's confirmation, he Xinying suddenly knows that these are what Xiaochen did for her and Junquan. As for the reason, she still doesn't know. She must ask later.