Chapter 529


the hospital is busy too. He hasn't been here for a long time.

It's reasonable to come for regular review, but Shen Junquan called to tell him everything was fine, so he didn't care.

What surprised him even more was that today's call was actually made by he Xinying herself, and her voice did sound slightly different from before.

It's easier for an expert to see some ways. Even from the state of his voice, he can tell that he Xinying's condition is really getting better.

"Not bad." He Xinying nodded, "I haven't taken any medicine recently."

"It's better not to take that medicine." Dr. Zhao gave her a meaningful look.

Maybe she doesn't know about Huo jingnian, but Shen Junquan and he agree to keep it a secret.

"Well." He Xinying didn't realize that there was something in it. She was only concerned about Shen Junquan's illness. "Dr. Zhao, Junquan's illness..."

"He keeps people around him from you." Since we already know, Dr. Zhao has no need to hide, "Mr. Shen has been suffering from stomach disease for a long time, and he always attacks repeatedly."

"How can it be repeated all the time?" He Xinying asked with concern.

She did not dare to imagine that she had repeated attacks many times. If so, did she also have attacks these days with her? Is it just that he has been patient?

"It's probably the irregular food." According to Dr. Zhao, "it's not new for business tycoons like them to forget to eat all day long. It can also be emotional

He paused for a moment and said, "with all due respect, Mrs. Shen, I'm afraid this emotional thing is influenced by you."

Emotions will always infect each other. Even if Shen Junquan is not as depressed as she is, there will be more patients in the family, so naturally there will be some differences. In addition, Shen Junquan has some remorse for he Xinying. It is impossible to say that he has no burden in his heart.

"I see." He Xinying sighed slowly, "doctor, can you give me a healthier recipe? I want to cook it for him. "

Stomach disease can not be cured in a day or two, and what they usually eat is not necessarily suitable for Shen Junquan.

Since it has been repeated attacks, we should pay more attention to diet.

"Yes." Dr. Zhao readily agreed.

At the same time, he is also happy for Shen Junquan. Although she is a bit gloomy, she is a kind person after all. Obviously, she loves Shen Junquan very much.

"What are you two whispering about?" Seeing doctor Zhao off and returning to her room, he Xinying sees Shen Junquan lying on the bed and asks with some dissatisfaction.

He Xinying knew that he was in a temper again and ignored him.

What happened to Huo jingnian before was that he was jealous. Now it's happening again.

Most of the time, she began to feel that Shen Junquan was just a boy who would be awkward occasionally. Even though he had become more and more mature, sometimes he would be just as awkward as before.

Anyway, I've been used to it for a long time, haven't I?

"Why don't you talk to me?" It seems that his illness gave him a reason to lose his temper. He became more and more unscrupulous and lost the momentum of the president. "You're not afraid of flashing your tongue." He Xinying laughingly said, "the doctor wants you to have a rest."

After a pause, she said, "I'll cook for you every day according to his recipe."

Shen Junquan took a look at the recipe, but frowned.

"No He put the recipe aside. "I want your cake."

"Cake?" He Xinying was confused, "what cake?"

She didn't know. When she lived with Huo jingnian a while ago, Shen Junquan was drunk once, and he was there shouting to eat her cake.

He didn't know what was wrong, but he missed the taste in his illness.

"That's what you made for me at school. And the Bento, the Bento you made. " Shen Junquan's face is full of memories.

"But..." He Xinying doesn't understand, "I remember you didn't say it was not delicious?"

"Are you going to do it or not?" Shen Junquan is not quick.

He is just a rogue child. There is no shadow of President Shen.

He Xinying told herself not to laugh at him. After all, he was a patient.

Speaking of it, the Bento and cake are pure memories.

"I'll do it. Can I do it?" Now he is a patient, two identity transfer, of course, everything to listen to him.

"I just don't know if the cake mould is still there. I'll look for it."

He Xinying then left the room.

Looking around, she went back to the bedroom where she had lived.

Because assistant Chen didn't come here recently, and they were sleeping in separate rooms, Shen Junquan didn't live in this room.

Although he Xinying has lived in this room all the time, she seldom changes her former things.

Where is the mold? Will it be under the bed?She thinks so, plan to go to the bed to look for, but by the bedside what thing Luo for a while.

Some folded newspapers are wrapped in a hard corner book. He Xinying takes the newspaper apart and takes a close look. It turns out that it's the diary she had been looking for but couldn't find.

She looked up at the bookcase at the head of the bed. It seemed that the diary had just fallen from it.

No wonder she didn't find it before. It turned out that she was wrapped up in newspaper and couldn't see the original appearance.

But who wrapped the newspaper? The servant who cleaned the room? Or

Curious and guessing, she opened her diary.

The diary records almost all the stories between her and Shen Junquan, but he Xinying finds that after each diary, there are more different color marks.

"Today, I made another Bento for brother Junquan. He still said it was terrible. I really failed. I couldn't do such a little thing well. But I'll keep up until he says it's delicious. "

At the bottom of this sentence, he Xinying saw Shen Junquan write with different colors of water pen: "he Xinying, you stupid woman, why do you want to get so close to those boys? Bento is delicious, but I don't want to admit it. When I saw you joking with those boys, I didn't know how I would give you a cold face. And every time you say, it doesn't matter. I'll do it again. If I admit it, what will you do next time you don't do it for me? " Shocked, he Xinying continued to turn down.

In the future, almost every page was filled with different colors of pen. Shen Junquan's handwriting could be recognized at a glance. He used these words to fill in his feelings bit by bit.

He Xinying has a complicated mood in her heart. She never thought that Shen Junquan would use this way to ease her missing in the days when she left.