Chapter 168


He Xinying just wants to knock on the door when she comes to the lounge door. The people inside feel it and open the door directly. He Xinying had been close to the door, so she lost her weight and fell forward.

Shen Junquan reacts quickly. As soon as his long arm reaches out, he Xinying almost exclaims and pushes Shen Junquan with both hands, but Shen Junquan hugs her waist and doesn't mean to let go.

"You're hiding in there to scare me?"

"It's clear that you didn't stand firmly in my arms. I just caught you."

He Xinying rolled her eyes. It's really shameless. It's easy to say that.

Since the last quarrel, they haven't even had a meal together.

now Shen Junquan hugs her so intimately, and his Obsidian eyes still revolve around him. I don't know what he's thinking.

He Xinying coughs awkwardly, and then reaches out her hand to push her back. But her strength is nothing compared with Shen Junquan's. looking up at him, she still has that expression, which is reasonable. He Xinying rolled her eyes. That's all.

"Well, your father asked me to see you."

"My dad? When do you think we look like father and son? "

He Xinying curled her lips, slightly aggrieved,

"I said I would go home to have a look, but your father refused me, so I had to let me see you before I could go home."

When she got married, he Xinying had already agreed with Shen Junquan. No matter what, he couldn't interfere with the time and frequency of her going home. Shen Junquan also agreed.

Shen He, however, has a strong desire for control, and his financial support to the he family has been increasing in recent years. He has never regarded he Xinying as his daughter-in-law, which is more like renting her. Therefore, he has always felt that he Xinying should take their words for granted.

Shen Junquan flattened his mouth,

"so, you want to tell me that you came to see me so that you can go home to see your parents?"

In order to please him, Ji Longman changed his ways every day. Sometimes he even cooked by himself. But Shen Junquan never even looked at it. Instead, he left it to his assistant and secretary.

He Xinying also looked at him coldly,

"this is one of the tasks your father gave me, and I can't help it."

However, he Xinying didn't mean to say that the sweet scented osmanthus cake was bought by someone else, which was her intention. After thinking about it, she still didn't tell Shen Junquan, otherwise

it was not in line with her character.

When Shen Junquan heard these words, he let go of he Xinying directly. When he saw he Xinying just now, he looked very happy. He didn't know when he began to become cold and light again. His face was expressionless.

Shen Junquan slowly put down his shirt sleeves, glanced at the delicately packed snacks on the table, and turned to sit on the comfortable and luxurious leather sofa of the office.

"Since you have finished the exam, and you have finished Shen He's task, I can handle it myself. Go back."

He Xinying has a bad feeling in her heart. This person is really baffled. She was very happy when she saw her. Why can't she say two words and start to tease her face again? Who can stand it? I don't know when he can change his strange temper. Hsin Hsin took a deep breath and pressed down his mind to make complaints about it.

, "I'll go first. I will not go home, go straight to my parents."

"By the way, take the box of snacks on the table. I don't like those sweet things."

He Xinying clearly remembers that he once mentioned that he liked sweet scented osmanthus cakes in the western suburbs, but he was so far away that he didn't have a chance to eat them. What does that mean.

Just now, she wanted to tell Shen Junquan that he was too tired these days. However, when she saw his strange and gloomy attitude, she felt very uncomfortable. It directly reflected in her words and was also full of impatience.

"I worked hard to buy it for you. I'll bring it up and take it down like what it looks like."

Today, Shen He asked her to come. The book is just a show to let everyone know the real third daughter-in-law, so as to save the face of the company. If she takes the things back intact now, what will it look like? It will not only have no effect, but will also be described more and more by people with intention.

Shen Junquan sneered,

"he Xinying, when did you care so much about other people's opinions?"

He Xinying suddenly felt aggrieved. She had come to solve the problem for him, but now he asked herself this question. It's really puzzling. She took a few deep breaths. It's really not suitable to quarrel with him today. She waved and didn't bother to explain to him,

"whatever you think, I won't take it back. You can eat it if you like or throw it away if you don't like. I'll go first."

He Xinying grabs the bag on her desk and goes away without looking back. The sound of high heels stepping on the marble floor becomes very irritable in Shen Junquan's ears. Knowing that the door of the office was locked because he Xinying left, Shen Junquan reacted.

He pursed his lips and looked up at the door. There was no beauty. Shen Junquan sighed. He wanted to have a good word with her every time, but he didn't know why he would end up in a bad mood. He didn't like this feeling, but his temper was always like this.Shen Junquan walks to his desk and picks up the delicately packaged cake on the desk. It's a famous osmanthus cake from the western suburbs. It's hard to find the location. He vaguely remembers that he mentioned it once in front of he Xinying. Does this woman really take his words to heart?

He took it up and put it on his nose to smell it. The attractive aroma rushed to his nostrils.

Shen Junquan sighed. Is she really kind. Although he is a little narcissistic and thinks that he Xinying has remembered what he said, so he specially went to the western suburbs to buy his favorite food, there is another voice in his heart shouting, how can it be? You don't know how much she hates you. Shen Junquan in the heart of two villains tangled fight.

Finally, he took up the box of cakes and went to the rest room.

just pushed the door open, and a rich perfume that didn't belong to him came to his head. Shen Junquan frowned and waved weary. Finally, he closed the door and walked back to his desk.

He sat on the chair, opened the pastry box, took out a piece of sweet scented osmanthus cake and bit it gently. The familiar fragrance was refreshing, just like he Xinying. It was fresh but soft. Although he occasionally took a hard shell in front of him, it was still very fascinating.

Shen Junquan sighs. He Xinying, he Xinying, what should I do with you?