16 Blood Moon Pack Territory

A day before the full moon, Travis group left White Claw Pack to meet Blood Moon Pack members on their territory.

They used one of the pack's pickup truck as they headed to the hideout's location of Blood Moon Pack.

After six hours of a long drive, they reached their destination.

Normal people especially hunters would never suspect the place as one of the hideouts of werewolves.

It was for the reason that it looked like an ordinary vacation villa with werewolves hiding their true nature, pretending and living as ordinary human beings.

As soon as they arrived at the front gate, Travis group caught the attention of the members of Blood Moon Pack who were just roaming around the area.

They knew from just one look that Travis's group were also werewolves so they let them in.

As they entered the villa they could see beautiful man-made landscapes. It was beautiful. There were lots of flowers garden and a mini forest inside.

In the heart of the villa, stood a large three-story mansion, having a combination of modern and Mediterranian design.

In front of the house, there was a large pool with 18 meters long and 6 meters wide.

There were also several small bungalow houses scattered inside that vacation villa. The villa had also a parking space for the vehicle wherein Travis parked their pickup.

As soon as they alighted from the truck, a man in his mid 20's welcomed them.

"Welcome to our villa. What can we do for you? Why are you here? The master of this house did not expect your arrival." he asked them.

"I would like to apologize for our intrusion and unannounced visit today. I hope we did not offend your master." Travis was careful with his words.

"As you can see, we are of the same kind. I am Travis Eros, an alpha coming from the White Claw Pack of the West forest.

The man was startled after hearing that. He heard about the White Claw Pack.

They are the pack of werewolves who decided to live in a secluded area peacefully, hiding from the eyes of the hunters.

Seconds later, a realization came to the man. "Eros? What is your relationship with Tristan Eros, the mighty leader of the White Claw Pack?"

"I am his elder son," Travis replied to him. The man did not expect to meet one of the members of Eros's family.

He immediately bowed down to greet him politely and said: "It is my pleasure to meet you Alpha Travis, the son of Tristan Eros, the leader of White Claw Pack."

"May I know what brought you here?" he asked him.

"I want to talk with your Alpha, the leader of Blood Moon Pack." he directly said to him.

"I am sorry but I am afraid you will have to wait for you to meet our alpha. He left this morning together with his right-hand man and they will be back by evening."

Travis turned to look at his members. As they agreed with each other after their wolves communicate with each other, Tristan spoke to the man once again.

"We can wait for his arrival."

The man just nodded at him and he signaled them to follow him. They entered the mansion. Just like what they had expected, the mansion inside was very big and spacious.

There were several rooms upstairs and the living room was large enough to hold some gathering and party which could accommodate 50-80 guests.

"Is it okay for us to roam around the villa while waiting for your Alpha?" Travis asked permission to him.

The man just nodded at him.

"By the way, may I know your name?" he added.

"I am just an omega. Are you still interested to know my name?"

"Of course, why not? We are of the same kind even though we have different rank but it doesn't mean that I don't need to know your name."

"Besides you are very kind enough to accommodate us here." Travis gave him a faint smile.

"If you insist then, I am Nikolai."

"Thank you, Nikolai. It's nice meeting you." Travis extended his hand for a handshake.

Nikolai looked at Travis for a few seconds before he accepted it. He did not expect that the alpha of White Claw Pack was so friendly and approachable.

He was the opposite of their alpha. Alpha Jason was a cold-blooded werewolf, ruthless and vicious.

Anyone would be intimidated and be scared with just one look from him.

"This is Diego my beta, Alexa, she is a delta." Travis also introduced his members to Nikolai.

"This is Ashton, Kevin, and Rolly.... they are my... bodyguards. Hahaha." He laughed after saying the last sentence.

Of course, he could not introduce them as one of the strongest werewolf fighters of their pack.

Nikolai might misinterpret that they came here to fight and not to talk. So he just told him that they were his bodyguards.

The three men just gave their alpha a weird look and the same thoughts in their minds.

'Is that funny? So lame.'

Travis's laughter was infectious so in the end, Nikolai and others joined him. Peals of laughter echoed in the living room.

Nikolai also prepared food for them. He knew that they traveled from far away and they must be hungry.

Travis and his group thanked Nikolai for his thoughtfulness. After serving the food, Nikolai bade them a farewell.

Travis and others decided to roam around the villa. They did the buddy-buddy system.

They were still cautious since they were not in their territory. This was Blood Moon Pack Territory after all, so they needed to be careful with their movements.

They agreed to meet in the living room inside the mansion by 6:00 p.m in the evening.

After they finished roaming around the villa, they returned to the agreed meeting place.

Diego and Ashton were the ones who arrived last.

"Where have you been?" Alexa asked them. Travis frowned as soon as he saw their expressions.

"What's wrong?" He asked them. They turned around to see whether there were members of Blood Moon Pack near them.

After confirming that the surrounding was clear. Diego decided to talk with Travis through the mind link.

[ Travis you need to know this. While Ashton and I were roaming around the villa, we accidentally found a secret dungeon near the mini forest. ]

[ What did you see there? Why you look so uneasy? ]

[ We saw an injured man. He looks like a hunter. His body is covered by werewolf claw marks. He was barely breathing but he is still alive. ]

Travis was shocked by that discovery. He was not yet recovered from that news when Diego spoke again.

[ We also overheard the conversation of other members of Blood Moon Pack. The reason why Alpha Jason and his fighters are not here is that they are preparing the traps against the hunters in the Riverdale forest. ]

[ They will kill that hunter in the dungeon together with the other hunters who will try to rescue him this coming full moon. ]

[ D@mn! We need to stop this. We need to convince them to stop killing humans. ]

[ What will you do if they refuse to listen to us? ]

[ Then we need to save that hunter and convince Dylan to go back with us. ]