9 First Class

With the help of Jeston, Titania became officially a student of Hunters Association Academy.

She was really happy about that. She felt like she was making progress. She also thought that hunters were not that bad.

Ethan Spark was a hunter but he helped her even though he never knew her.

Jeston also helped her process everything in order for her to become a student of this academy without asking for any return.

'My father was right. Humans are not bad. They are just afraid of werewolves because we are different from them.'

"That is the reason I am here. I must correct their misconception about us werewolves."

Titania was also surprised when she learned the benefits of being a student in this academy.

Unlike other schools, here at Hunters Association Academy, she did not need to pay for her tuition or any school fee.

Everything was free, her uniform, her books, her dormitory and she would also receive a monthly allowance. All of these were sponsored by the government and other sectors.

All she needed to do was to perform well. Passed every examination and she would be able to stay here until she graduated as a full-fledged hunter.

She was also glad that she was alone in her room. She was now taking a nap in her room.

"I wonder what my Moron brother is doing right now. Are Mom and Dad mad at me?" she could not help herself but think of her family.

"I missed them already. I regret not saying a proper goodbye to them. But I know they would not allow me to leave if I informed them."

Titania took a deep breath and she shook her head. She must focus on her goal. So she stopped thinking about her family right now.

She began to unpack her things. She only brought one backpack. She was glad that she got accepted into the academy right away.

Because she did not know how long she could sustain her allowance. She only brought a few amounts of money with her.

Jeston also gave her some orientation about the academy rules. There were 10 important rules that she should always remember.

1. Follow Dormitory Rules

2. No violence is allowed in the academy premises

3. Drugs and Alcoholic drinks are prohibited

4. Sexual Misconduct

5. Teacher-Student Relationship is strictly prohibited

6. Be honest at all times

7. Curfew Hours 9:00 pm to 5:00 am

8. No bullying

9. Be Friendly

10. Don't Break Hunters Code

Since she entered the academy because of the special case. She would be put under observation first before she would join the students of the same age.

She had to join first the younger ones with ages range to 10 years old to 13 years old.

She did not have any complaints about that besides she also needed to adopt in this new environment.

"I am excited about my first class tomorrow." She mumbled to herself.


The next morning, the loud angry voice of Ethan Spark could be heard inside an office.

"Are you kidding me?! Why did you give me that assignment?! Are you really wanted me to help and train future hunters?!!"

"Yes...of course... That's why you are... here Mr. Spark." The man stuttered from fear and nervousness.

The man knew well Ethan Spark's attitude and reputation. No one wanted to cross path with an angry Ethan.

It was unlucky for him that he was the one assigned by the management to face Ethan and gave him his assignment in that Academy.

"SO. WHAT. THE. HELL. ARE. YOU. ASSIGNING. ME. HERE?" Ethan was almost losing his control. His grasp on the paper tightened, almost ripping it in the process.

"I am... just following orders Mr. Spark... please understand. It is the management's order." he almost wanted to cry. He was trembling from fear.

"Hey... Calm down, buddy. You are venting your anger on the wrong person." Jeston came in to intervene.

The man heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he saw Jeston. He just came at the right time.

"Bro, remember, your savings accounts and credit cards are on the line here," Jeston whispered to Ethan as he reminded him why he was here.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. Then seconds later he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He knew that the management was intentionally doing this to him. They were punishing him for not following their rules.

He committed a lot of things that broke the Hunters Association Rule.

First, there was a rule stating that a hunter was not allowed to enter enemies hideout without informing the Hunters Association for safety purposes.

He infiltrated a rumor hideout of werewolves pack alone without informing the headquarter.

He was successful and he even saved hunters who were held captive by the werewolves.

But, even though nothing bad happened to him, still he had to be punished for not following the rules.

"Go now, our future hunters are waiting for you," Jeston said to Ethan. He had no choice but to leave that office and go to his assign task for today.


Meanwhile, Titania was already inside the room. At first, it was really awkward for her to see her younger classmates.

There were about 35 children in that class. These children were selected by the Hunter Associations.

These young children were mostly orphans. Some children were sons and daughters of hunters.

When she entered the room, the young ones gave her a strange look. Then seconds later, she could hear them whispering to each other.

"Who is she? She is beautiful? Is she our new teacher?"

"I don't know. But she looks so young. Our previous teachers look old."

"Yeah... And those oldies are very strict. She looks very kind."

Titania had the urge to laughed but she managed to hold it. Her classmates were really cute.

"Hello... are you our teacher for today?" One chubby boy raised his hand as he asked her.

"No, I am not your teacher." She smiled sweetly at him as she answered his question. She saw the disappointment from the faces of young ones inside.

Titania let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, don't be sad. I can be your elder sister. I am here because I am your new classmate."

Everyone was dumbstruck upon hearing that but they smiled as soon as they recovered from the shock.

"Welcome to our class big sister!" they shouted enthusiastically.

"But why are you here? You are supposed to enter the higher class." One young girl, probably she was 12 years old, asked her curiously.

"Because I am still under observation so for the meantime, I will be your classmate. Don't you like me?"

The young children shook their heads sideways. "We like you." They said cheerfully in unison.

There were having this cute conversation when someone entered the classroom.

Titania and Ethan were both astonished the moment they met each other's gazes. They were not expecting to see each other today.

They just looked away from each other when one child asked Ethan a question.

"Mr. Handsome, are you our classmate also?"

Ethan did not know whether he should cry or laugh. These kids had mistaken him as their classmates.

"No, I am not your classmate. I am your teacher for today." Ethan replied to the child.

"Oh... good morning teacher!" They greeted him. Ethan just nodded at them. He was not good at handling children.

That was the reason why he was really mad early this morning when he earned that he was assigned to the class of the younger ones.

'Hmm, so Ethan is one of the teachers here in the academy.' Titania thought to herself.

She smiled and sat down to her seat. Titania noticed that something was off with Ethan today.


'Is he tense or nervous? But why? Hmm, maybe it is just my imagination.'

Ethan cleared his throat before he began his class.

"Okay, class. At what lesson or chapter did you stop last time?"

"About werewolves sir, chapter 2." one child answered. Ethan nodded and he picked up the book and opened it to Chapter 3.

Titania raised her brows.

'Is this how Ethan teaches the children?'

'If someone answered his question, he should acknowledge him or say something like okay, thank you, very good. But Ethan just nods at him. So weird!'

She wanted to correct him but it was improper to do that in front of the children.

Seconds later, Ethan raised the book, completely hiding his face from his students.

'Ethan, don't cover your face if you will read a book in your class. You must have an eye contact with your students!!!'

Titania looked at Ethan helplessly. Does he know what he is doing?

Ethan started to read loudly about what was written in the book.

"Werewolf is depicted as a man who transforms into a wolf and vice versa in a given period of time."

"When they transformed, they grow sharp teeth, more hair covers the body, nails become claws, and facial features including the nose, eyes, and mouth become larger."

"They are monsters, who attack humans. They are blood lustful creatures. They eat human flesh, and a human heart is their favorite food."

The children gasped in fear and anger after hearing that. Aside from them, there was also one person who was now very angry.

Titania had reached her breaking point after hearing that passage. She stood up and slammed her desk, making a loud thud.

"Yes, Ms. Eros... do you have something to say?" Ethan looked at her confusedly

"I beg to disagree, sir!" she exclaimed.

"Do you have proof that werewolves are eating human hearts? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"No." Ethan simply said.

"Then why are you telling us that?" She sounded very aggravated.

He shrugged at her and he answered: "Because it is written in this book."

He gave her an innocent look as he pointed out the book in his hand.