"If you were so confident, you wouldn't come to me. Is it interesting? Even if we break up, Tang Xu will never like you. "

The disguise that painstakingly and deliberately makes is torn down by Qiao Xi. His words pierced Yang Lin's heart like a sharp blade.

I don't have much confidence. This is even more guilty. There is also that Tang Xu is absolutely impossible to like her, but also let Yang Lin angry.

Yang Lin bit the tip of his tongue and continued to say to her, "believe it or not. Anyway, I just came to tell you. "

"Thank you for dumping Ashu, otherwise we wouldn't fit in like this."

Josie didn't care about her and left without looking back.

How credible is what a madman says? He told himself that in his heart, but it was inevitable that his heart was still blocked.

In fact, when shooting in the afternoon, it happened to be her opponent with Yang Linlin.

She plays supernormal, but Yang Lin always makes mistakes. That's why their shooting has been stagnant.

When Yang Linlin read the words again. The director couldn't bear to stop the shooting.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop

"I can't even say my lines clearly, but it's a good idea to film? Are you here for a tour? If you don't know the basic skills, go back. Waste is not welcome here. "

The director reprimanded Yang Linlin fiercely, and Yang Linlin didn't dare to give it out.

After noticing Josie's eyes, she stares back fiercely.

Then Qiao Xi was also named by the director.

"Josie. You come with me

Being called to the name, Qiao Xi's heart clapped. Especially when he saw the director's serious eyes, he felt guilty.

It's just two people, the tension will almost push Qiao Xi grinding.

The director's voice is serious: "why do you want to suppress Yang Lin's play?"

"Well?" Josh blinked.

"Isn't it?"

His eyes were clear and sharp. As if to pry into the depths of Qiao Xi's soul. Qiao Xi subconsciously avoided his eyes. It was a little awkward.

She has no way to deny the director's answer.

Because my subconscious did make such a thing. There was an anger in my heart.

Especially when I see Yang's unsophisticated acting skills, I can't help thinking of Tang Xu.

How can Tang Xu like this? His taste is really getting lower and lower. Or are men all visual animals?

When the reaction comes, she has been called here by the director.

Seeing Qiao Xi's silence, the director knew something about it.

"I don't care what personal grudge you have with her. But don't take it out on my work. And you're an actor. Don't forget your part. And don't bring emotions to work. "

The director's righteous words made Qiao Xi feel guilty.

Yang Linlin's words have a deeper influence on her than she imagined, but the director's words also remind her.

You should do a good job if you are blind.

"Sorry, no more."

Qiao Xi honestly apologized, the director nodded, satisfied with his attitude, and then the shooting returned to normal.

However, Qiao Xi noticed that the frequency of Yang Lin's conversations with people on the set is getting higher and higher.

And every time I talk, I laugh so sweetly that I'm afraid others don't know that she's on the phone.

When a staff member asks about it, Yang Linlin is very proud to say that he is his lover.

Once, Qiao Xi passed by and heard Tang Xu's voice coming from the phone.

Qiao Xi also inevitably began to doubt Yang Linlin's words from not believing them at all.