This time, Tang Xu will perform three songs. He is not a professional singer. Qiao Xi is worried that he will sing hoarse in rehearsal.

"It's OK. I'm not so vulnerable! "

When Tang Xu went on stage for the second rehearsal. Josh is in the lounge sorting out his things.

"Kowtow, kowtow..."

Qiao Xi frowns slightly. Tang Xu is rehearsing now. Who will knock at this time?

"Who is it?"

There was no answer outside, and there was another knock.

She had no choice but to open the door of the rest room. When she saw Shi Yuman standing outside, Qiao Xi's eyebrows wrinkled deeper.

"What are you doing here?"

Shi Yuman put his hands on his chest, looking at Qiao Xi with arrogance in his eyes.

"I came to tell you. On an occasion like the new year's concert, Tang Xu is the guest of performance, but you can only sit in the audience. That's the gap between you two. Don't you understand? "

There was a disdainful smile on Josh's face: "do you have anything else to say? If not, please go back. "

Shi Yuman blocked the door to be closed with one hand: "Qiao Xi. How can you be so shameless? You don't deserve Tang Xu. You know what? "

"So?" She said triumphantly, "but Tang Xu just likes me. What should I do?"

"You..." Shi Yuman was very angry at her words. But she soon calmed down“ Don't be proud too soon. Sooner or later, Tang Xu will find that you are not suitable to stand beside him. In the new year's concert, I can stand on the same stage with him. We are the best match. "

There is something helpless in Qiao Xi's heart. Shi Yuman is so naive that he can say such a thing.

"The new year's concert of litchi satellite TV. There are not dozens of performers, and there are also more than a dozen. Do these people match Tang Xu? "

"Don't try to be reasonable here!"

"I'm not. This new year's concert is not Cannes Film Festival. What's to show off? And as long as Tang Xu likes me, I'm the only one who can stand beside him. You'd better give up as soon as possible!"

Shi Yuman's eyes are full of anger. If she doesn't have a trace of reason, she will come forward and tear up Qiao Xi's proud face.

"Qiao Xi, I will let you see that only I am the most suitable person to stand beside Tang Xu."

"I'll see!"

After that, Joshi threw the door of the rest room mercilessly.

"The rehearsal is finished. Let's go back." Tang Xu gently hugs Qiao Xi from behind.

Qiao Xi turned around, looked straight into his eyes and said, "Shi Yuman will also participate in the new year's concert of litchi satellite TV. Why don't you tell me about this?"

"The guest list of litchi satellite TV's new year's concert has been posted on the Internet for a long time. I thought you, who surf the Internet all day, would have seen this news for a long time."

"I just found out."

Tang Xu frowned and asked, "did Shi Yuman come to you just now?"

"Well," she thought of what Shi Yuman said just now, and she was still angry. "She said that she would show me that she was the most suitable person to stand beside you."

"Don't listen to her nonsense. I've never had feelings for her."

Josie stares straight into his eyes: "can you promise?"

Tang Xu immediately put up three fingers: "I swear, I didn't like her before, and I won't like her in the future. Are you satisfied?"