After that, Qiao Xi angrily left the hotel and went to the crew.

"Did you quarrel with Tang Xu?" Fu Siqi handed a bottle of twisted mineral water to Qiao Xi.


"Usually at this time. You've got to Tang Xu's side to answer his lines. It's really abnormal today. "

Qiao Xi turns his head and stares at Fu Siqi's eyes: "tell me seriously, do I usually stick to Tang Xu like a dog skin plaster?"

Fu Siqi had no choice but to poke her forehead: "I'm afraid that the whole crew knows your crazy eyes."

Qiao Xi wailed in his heart. When will she be able to change her character.

Before worship loze, now come a Tang Xu, blame her side of the handsome guy is too much.

"My image

Fu Siqi said with a smile: "you don't want to change the topic, tell me quickly, did you two quarrel?"

"No fight," Josie asked in a low voice“ Yesterday, ye Qiaoyi came to the troupe. Do you think there is any improper relationship between us

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Qiao Xi covered his chest: "I have a hunch, what you are going to say next. It might make my heart a little uncomfortable. "

"If I don't know who you are, I think so. After all, there are too many things like this in the entertainment industry." Fu Siqi touched his chin. "But this happened to you. My only feeling is that I'm going to flatter you. "

After listening to Fu Siqi's words, Qiao Xi was moved and uncomfortable.

Even Fu Siqi believed in himself. But how can Tang Xu

"Is it because Tang Xu misunderstood your relationship with ye Qiaoyi. So you had a fight? " Fu Siqi asked tentatively.

There was no way for Josh to pretend that he was reading the script. She casually put the script aside: "you are so smart."

After a while, a clear smile suddenly appeared on Fu Siqi's face.

"Have you ever thought that Tang Xu's concern leads to chaos?"

"Do you mean Tang Xu cares about me?"

Fu Siqi nodded seriously: "in fact, I have been cooperating with Tang Xu before. At that time, the crew also had such things, but Tang Xu never cared about such things. Playing with people as usual is like not knowing about these scandals at all. "

After listening to Fu Siqi. Qiao Xi suddenly laughed, and the whole person was proud.

"It turns out that I can't easily forgive him. I've been running behind his ass all the time. This time, I want him to apologize to me."

Fu Siqi felt as if he saw Joshi hopping back and forth on the edge of death.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course, I'm not a bully."

The night before, Qiao Xi's depression was swept away, and she was in a very happy mood. She even found that Tang Xu sincerely apologized to herself, and promised that she would not doubt her picture in the future.

But after a whole day, Qiao Xi didn't speak to Tang Xu, and Tang Xu didn't say anything.

As usual recite lines, filming, but no longer around a Qiao Xi just.

After returning to the hotel room, Qiao Xi's whole body wilts down again. Maybe if she doesn't get close to Tang Xu, it will only make Tang Xu feel relaxed.