Looking at Qiao Xi's boastful appearance, Tang Xu suddenly feels that he just shouldn't break her.

"Don't be too proud. The biggest taboo of actors is inflation."

Joyce seized her arm with rapture. He shook it gently: "No. With you by my side, pour cold water on me all day long, how can I expand? "

Tang Xu subconsciously pulled out his arm: "I won't always be by your side."

See the expression that Qiao Xi instantly darkens down. Tang Xu regrets his subconscious actions.

However, before Tang Xu explained, Qiao Xi raised his smile again, as if nothing had just happened.

"I know that when the film is finished, we may not have a chance to cooperate, but I won't inflate it. I'm the one who's going to take the movie! "

"You really have ambition."

Josh is like a little sun. Even if he is hit, he can stand up quickly. Continue to warm everyone around.

Such a person is very rare in the entertainment industry. Tang Xu feels that his emotions are also infected, and raises his lips under the mask. Showing a faint smile, but Qiao Xi can not see such a smile.


"I'm going to hang Weiya later. This is your first act. You need to get used to it slowly, although your assistant asked me before if I could use a double. But I still think if you can do it. It's better to do it in person. "

Tang Xu's words still lingered in my ears last night. Qiao Xi immediately patted his chest: "director Zhao, don't worry, I can come by myself, but if I have something bad to do, I hope you can guide me."

See Qiao Xi so dedicated. Director Zhao also showed a satisfied smile.

However, after being hanged in the air, Qiao Xi immediately threw his ambition behind his ears. It's too high. It's totally different from riding a roller coaster in an amusement park.

"How do you feel, Josh?"

Hearing director Zhao's voice, she regained her mind and made an "OK" gesture to Director Zhao.

She was so suspended in mid air for half an hour, and gradually accepted the state of hanging Weiya. The props group put her down.

"Now that you've experienced it, we're going to start shooting. When you go to the cliff here and are pushed down, someone will hold you. Don't worry."

Qiao Xi nodded, but after seeing the height of the cliff, he was still a little scared.

"There will be no accident, just the big head has said hello to the props group, don't worry."

Tang Xu even comforted people, the tone is light, but Qiao Xi still heard a bit of care from it, she took a deep breath, just said with a smile: "it's OK, I'm not afraid."

Although he has done a good job in psychological construction, after falling off the cliff, Qiao Xi's whole heart is lifted up, and he feels that his internal organs have shifted. Fortunately, the props group is reliable. When she is still three or four meters away from the ground, she pulls Weiya.

She had just landed on the ground, and before she could ask Zhao Daogang how well she was shooting that one, she couldn't control running, and she covered her chest and vomited.

"Are you all right?" big head walked up to Josh with concern and patted her on the back. "Drink some water and gargle!"

Without being polite to big head, Qiao Xi took the mineral water from his hand. After a few mouthwashes, he felt more comfortable.