The awarding ceremony officially began. A series of small awards were announced in front of the ceremony. Both the film king and the film queen were the last part.

First, the movie queen was announced. It's a middle-aged actress with some big grades. With a film about the war of resistance against Japan, she won the post movie title.

Finally, it's time for the award presentation of the film king. The award awarder is the winner of the last film king. This time there was no nomination.

"I'm very happy to be back on the stage of Magnolia. Last time I came to get the award, this time I came to give the award. I feel very honored. We can see that the candidates nominated this time are all very young, with an average age of less than 30, which shows that our younger generation is becoming more and more capable. I see a bright future for the entertainment industry. I hope all of you here will continue to work hard. "

Next to another actress should be with, two people hot field for a while. Finally, it's time for the announcement.

In fact, he didn't know whether loze had won the prize or not. His whole heart was raised, and he could even hear a strong heartbeat.

If you win this award. So loze will become the youngest Grand Slam winner ever, which is a miracle in the history of entertainment industry.

"Next, let me announce. The winner of the golden Magnolia emperor is... "

The awarding guests deliberately slowed down the speaking speed, giving everyone a strong sense of suspense.

And the big screen also quickly released live pictures of several candidates, to see their facial expression changes. Obviously a lot of people are very nervous. I'm looking forward to winning.

"The winner is loze. Congratulations to him

After the announcement of the awarding guests, there was an uproar, and everyone was surprised.

Hearing loze's name, a smile slowly appeared on yesnow's face. As she expected, loze won the film king with her own strength.

Although the faces of the candidates were a little disappointed. But they turned their heads and didn't know who would take the place of loze.

"It's like loze didn't come today, right? I didn't see him. Loze, who I have worked with several times, is very smart and able to bear hardships. He is a good young man. He deserves the prize

"Thank you for your praise!" I didn't expect that as soon as the voice of the awarding guests fell, loze's voice rang out from the stereo.

All of them were in an uproar, looking for loze's figure one after another.

Soon loze came out from behind the stage with a microphone and stood in the middle of the stage, bowing to the audience and the awarding guests.

There was a burst of applause, and everyone was very surprised by loze's appearance.

The awarder patted loze on the shoulder and said a few words in his ear. Then he handed the trophy to loze.

Loze took the trophy, went to the middle of the stage, looked down at the crowd and laughed.

"It's a great honor to be here today. On the one hand, I want to thank the director and producer. I believe I can play this film well and give me this opportunity. On the other hand, I would like to thank Mr. Ye for his encouragement and support. "

Ye sinao's expression of surprise, did not expect loze would thank himself, this is the first time an artist on the stage to thank his boss.