"Jin Huiyun contacted us through the dark net, and then we added the contact information. She told us the time, the place and the target. We ambushed nearby ahead of time. When the two of them show up, go straight ahead. "

The staff on one side are recording carefully. Luobeichuan's fingers were hitting the table without a single click.

"How do you know the identity of Jin Huiyun? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you not know the identity of the employer? " Luobeichuan asked his questions.

The man nodded, "yes, generally for the sake of safety and to prevent us from exposing the information of our employers, we don't know each other. But it's not the first time that Jin Huiyun has come to us. It's also an unexpected discovery. She came to us many times before, and we just became cooperative. "

Luobeichuan frowned“ It's not the first time I've come to you? "

The man nodded, "yes, I have contacted us several times in foreign countries before. But it's not me, it's someone else. "

Lu sichen frowned. I was more and more surprised. I didn't expect that Jin Huiyun had become like this a long time ago.

Next, Luo Beichuan inquired about Jin Huiyun's situation abroad in detail. He didn't expect that she had a lot of things to do. Of course, there are also big things. But it didn't come to her head in the end.

However, these matters are not under the jurisdiction of luobeichuan. Even if they know that Jin Huiyun has done these things, they can't do anything about Luo Beichuan.

But Lu sichen was more and more shocked. At first, he thought that Jin Huiyun was just confused by jealousy, but later he found out. I didn't know when Jin Huiyun had become a dark person. Everything can be done. There is no moral bottom line at all.

Lu sichen sighed with regret. Maybe she didn't send Jin Huiyun abroad at the beginning and let her receive a good education at home, which might not be the case.

But now it's useless to say that. When he sent Jin Huiyun abroad, he was still young, and he still can't understand why Mr. Shen insisted on sending such a small Jin Huiyun.

After knowing what happened before, Luo Beichuan turned the topic to this time again.

"So does Jin Huiyun want to achieve what kind of result when he hires you this time, such as two people's lives, or just scare them?"

The man scratched his nose and sighed, "Jin Huiyun's original words are to kill two people. At that time, we could have killed two people directly, but the delay was a little long, and there was no time when someone came. Originally thought that everyone stabbed a knife, should be dangerous, but did not expect to be rescued in the end. When Jin Huiyun knew about it, she was very angry. The Commission she had agreed on was reduced by 500000 yuan. "

Luobeichuan nodded faintly, then asked a few questions.

Lu sichen's brow was tightly wrinkled. He did not expect that Jin Huiyun had resented them so much, and even demanded their lives. He felt very cold when he thought about it.

The whole trial lasted about an hour and a half. When luobeichuan came out, Lu sichen was no longer in the monitoring room.