Zhou Dao smiles and nods to her. Ye sinao doesn't contact with these producers and directors. The company also has special people to do this work. So she doesn't have to worry at all.

But this time loze's case is special. Ye sinao worried that the director would have an opinion on loze, so he rushed up to say hello.

"Zhou Dao. I'm really sorry about this time. It's also because of the internal management problems of our company, so this is the case. But you can rest assured that we will handle it completely, and it will never affect the release of the film. "

Looking at ye sinao's explanation, Zhou Dao began to laugh. Patted her on the shoulder, "Mr. Ye, you don't have to be so nervous. What's lozer like. After this period of time together, I still know very well, I also believe that he will not do such things. And we are all insiders. Naturally, I also know what kind of clothes this star wears to walk on the red carpet. It's usually not up to me. "

Yesnow laughed. Slightly relieved, "thanks for Zhou Dao's understanding."

Zhou Dao nodded faintly, "young man, relax. I'm not such a mean person. "

Ye Si Nuo quickly laughed. Nod your thanks.

The first half of the roadshow was quite smooth. Loze is really brilliant in this play. If we make good publicity, it's not impossible to get the next movie king.

And the theme of this film is also very good, and it is very promising to hit the Oscar. If there is no such thing as this, the company will definitely choose to publicize it at this time. Loze was promoted to a higher position, but now they can only do things in a low profile.

But when the second half of the reporters and the audience asked questions, as they guessed, many reporters mentioned the last award party.

"Mr. loze, first of all, congratulations on your winning the Shidi trophy last time and becoming the most famous male star among the younger generation so far. But surprisingly, after the award ceremony, it's not the hot search on this issue, but the clothes you wear tend to be incorrect. Do you have any explanation for this

Loze sighed, "first of all, I'd like to make my stand clear. I'm a good young man of Miao Hong!"

A lot of people began to laugh.

Loze continued: "in fact, there is really no explanation for this matter, because all the causes and consequences, including the punishment decision, the company has issued a statement. In fact, it's the stylist's problem. He chose this niche brand and didn't investigate its background. That's why he made such a misunderstanding. "

The reporter nodded and sat down.

However, there are still a few reporters standing up and attacking loze from various angles. Loze seems very insipid, because yesnow has already given him a preventive injection.

From his debut to now, loze has not had a lot of black materials. In addition, he has a great reputation. This time, whether these reporters are entrusted or not, they will certainly hold on to this matter.

So loze seems very calm, and answers every question in a friendly manner.

Seeing that the reporter was finally going to disappear, loze was slightly relieved.

But suddenly, in the front corner of the projection hall, a man stood up, threw a bottle of mineral water at loze, and then yelled at him.