When Jin Huiyun receives a strange call, she is still a little strange. She has only returned to Los Angeles for a few days. There is no reason for anyone to look for her at this time.

She answered the phone strangely. The voice of a strange man soon came from the other end of the phone“ Miss King, right

Jin Huiyun agreed warily, "yes. I am

"Hello, I'm the director of Human Resources Department of Huanyu Group. According to the instructions of the superior, I want to hire you to be the beauty consultant of our company. Do you have time today? Can you come to the company? "

When Jin Huiyun heard about Huanyu Group, he understood that it must be ye sinao's order. She didn't think of what happened yesterday. Ye sinao even wants to help her find a job. It's hard to avoid suspecting that there is something wrong with it.

"Did yesno ask you to let me know?"

The man opposite pondered for a moment, "so to speak. The company is really short of people now. If Miss Jin is free today, please come to the company as soon as possible. If you have a simple interview, you may be able to work today. "

Jin Huiyun was silent for a moment. I feel a little confused about ye sinao's intention, but I can't give up the opportunity. She agreed, "OK, I'll get to the company as soon as possible."

When we hang up. Jin Huiyun rubbed her chin. Walking around the room. Thinking about why yesnow did it.

However, she still didn't understand. One of the simplest reasons is that yesnow forgot what happened before, and by the way, her IQ decreased, so she didn't guard against her at all.

Or the company is really short of people. Yesnow remembers it, so he says it casually.

I haven't thought about it for a long time. Jin Huiyun was also extremely upset. At last, she shook her head and didn't think about it.

She is very confident in herself. She thinks that yesnow is not her opponent at all. No matter what she does, she has a way to solve it. Besides, to have fun is her goal. Only when she's around elsinor can she make her lose face.

Thinking of this, Jin Huiyun is ready to dress up and go to Huanyu Group.

By the time she was ready to go out, it was an hour later.

Thinking of the supervisor urging her just now, Jin Huiyun was anxious to take a taxi to Huanyu Group. She had worked here for a period of time before and knew about the group. She went directly to the human resources department to find the supervisor who called her.

Soon he saw the man who called her. The man nodded to her, "Miss Kim, right?"

Jin Huiyun nodded, "did you inform me to come for an interview?"

"Yes, it's me. But the interview director is in a meeting and you may need to wait for a while. "

Jin Huiyun looked at the time, frowned slightly, "how long will the meeting be over?"

"I'm not very clear about that, but you'd better go to the interview room for a moment. Maybe the meeting will accept it soon."

Since the director said so, Jin Huiyun didn't say much, so he went to the interview room.

It's a visit to an ordinary interview venue. There are three positions in front of it. Obviously, there will be three interviewers later.

But Jin Huiyun waited for a long time, no one came, she gradually began to have no patience.

From the beginning, she asked every half an hour until she asked every ten minutes. Jin Huiyun kept walking back and forth.